Transient Orca, Humpback Whale

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca, Humpback Whale

Transient Orca still around the area, as well as a Humpback Whale report. Although it was raining pretty hard at times, the seas were calm. Still doesn’t feel like summer though.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 16:
11:30 am Report of Transient Orca by Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island. Relayed by Garry, Aboriginal Journeys
July 16:
12:30 pm 6+ Orca report was confirmed mid-strait between Rebecca Spit and Marina Island. They were all females plus one new-ish calf still showing some pinkish tones of white.
Joel, Eagle 30
July 16:
Soon after, an ID report came through that they possibly included T19 and T19B.
July 16:
Nick, Eagle Eye stayed with the Transient Orca until Salt Wash managed to get on scene through Baker Pass towards the Red bell buoy at the end of Cortez Reef. We were fortunate to see around four breaches, some tail lobs, and then they made a definite move towards Baker Pass. We turned to stay with the Orca back through Baker Pass at around 7 knots. Once through the Pass, they split up and we found only three of them continuing on to Kinghorn Island at the entrance to Desolation Sound where Jen, Campbell River Whale Watch and later, Tenacious 3 joined up as the Transient Orca headed into Desolation Sound. We left the 3 Transient Orca around 5:20 pm, Jen soon after and Joel around 6:20 pm.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 16:
4:30 pm a broken radio report of a Humpback Whale sighting at the top of Raza Island.