Unique Characteristics

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Harbour Porpoise

Harbour porpoise have an average lifespan of 8-10 years, which is relatively shorter compared to other cetaceans. Hybrids of Harbour and Dall’s porpoise have been observed in our inside waters. These hybrids have the body shape of Harbour porpoise and may have the colouration similar to Dall’s porpoise without the white side patch. In most hybrid cases, the mother is a Dall’s porpoise.

Dall’s Porpoise

Dall’s porpoise have a relatively large heart, giving the species one of the highest heart-to-body weight ratios among all cetaceans. They have been observed travelling with other species, such as Pilot whales and Pacific White-Sided dolphins.

Pacific White-Sided Dolphin

Pacific White-Sided dolphins can leap out of the water and attain heights higher than other similar sized dolphins. Once, a Pacific White-Sided dolphin leapt 3 meters and landed on the deck of a moving research vessel. Pacific White-Sided dolphins can recognize Resident Orca from Transient Biggs Orca, and they have been observed travelling with Resident Orca (as well as other cetaceans).

Pacific White-Sided dolphin can jump up to 4 meters out of the water.

Minke Whale

Minke whales have site fidelity, re-appearing in the same area year after year. When chased by Transient Biggs Orca, Minke whales can sustain high speeds for long periods to outlast and escape the Orca. Minke whales do not vocalize regularly in B.C. waters, to reduce attracting the Orca to them.

The name Minke may have come from a Norwegian whaler named Meincke who mistook a Minke whale as a Blue whale.

Gray Whale (Grey Whale)

Gray whales may have yellow patches on their skin, which are concentrations of whale lice. Gray whale mothers defend their calves aggressively from threats including Transient Biggs Orca. Mothers produce a milk for their calves, that has a higher fat composition compared to the milk of most other cetaceans.

Humpback Whale

Humpback whales are known for their vocalizations or songs. Male Humpback whales sing for periods up to 20 minutes long to attract females and to establish dominance. They have the longest flippers of all the cetaceans, and the flippers aid in the flexibility and agility of the whales.

Orca – Killer Whales

Orca are extremely intelligent and curious.  Orca have the ability to solve problems and they teach their offspring skills (e.g. hunting).

A unique behaviour of Northern Resident Orca is they rub their bodies along stones in specific areas along coastal regions. The purpose of the behaviour has not been determined but it could be a social behaviour.