Killer Whales and Sea Lions April 8

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Killer Whales and Sea Lions April 8

April 8 – “After I talked to you on Friday evening, we spotted a pod of whales harassing a sea lion, just off the government dock on Savary. We stayed with them from 7 pm until dark, and they spent the whole time circling, bumping and smacking a single sea lion. The sea lion was still alive when we left. There were four orcas – two appeared to be smaller. I have lots more pictures and a video if they’re of any use to you.”

Sean Percy
Sales Manager/Associate Publisher
Powell River Living Magazine
Three Transient (meat eating) Orca photos below courtesy Sean Percy:


April 8 – A late report of Orca was called in by Sean: There were a total of 6 Orca seen as two groups of 4 and two, by Vivian Island just off of Powell River travelling towards the Vancouver Island side of Savary around 5pm. There was at least one large dorsal and one had an “L” shaped notch on the trailing edge of its dorsal about 5 inches down. Hopefully a photo is to follow to possibly ID the whale.

And Earlier:
April 8 – 4 to 5 Killer Whales (Orca) milling about by Baker Passage between Hernando and Cortez Islands around 1pm.

The report came from a tug boater who passed it on to one of the Campbell River Whale Watching guides who gave me a call on the marine radio – thanks! This passing of information gives a great sense of where these animals go.

The first tour of the season for the Campbell River guides was April 7th. They spotted lots of Steller Sea Lions on Jimmy Judd Island in the Yuculta Rapids area. On their nature trips, they normally look for the first Spring bears and their cubs to show up at this time of year, but the late snowfalls and cold weather have delayed some of the grassy areas from sprouting much in the way of tender shoots near the shore.

I know there are some bears out and about since there have been some reports of bears in the Mowat Bay (Powell Lake) area of Powell River. No reports of any bears on the ocean side yet.

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This site is not funded and I do not get paid to do these updates. It is strictly volunteer work to record, update and share this information. All whale, dolphin and porpoise sightings are logged and reported to the Cetacean Sightings Network at the Vancouver Aquarium for their biologist run central data bank.

Hummingbirds: The Rufous are coming back in droves, and I seldom see an Anna’s at the feeder any more. Time to get more sugar!