As we publish this report, some of the Northern Resident Killer Whales have made their way down into Johnstone Strait. Being harassed by Pacific White Sided Dolphins is a very good indicator of the Resident or fish eating Orca. The Dolphins tend to hide when the Transient Bigg’s are around as they are meat eaters and frequently take Dolphins, Porpoise, Seals and Sea Lions, as well as other whales, if they can. Some pods of Transient Bigg’s have preferences, such as Seals, and some prefer Dolphins. There are a few more pods of Transient Bigg’s Orca in our inner waters as well as the Southern Resident Orca once again.
Humpback Whale reports are plentiful with KC and Arial still being very active. With a few more Humpbacks around again, many people are saying that it’s about time. Hard to imagine it was only a few years ago that they really started to re-populate our inside waters again.
When we have so many reports of Orca, Humpbacks and Dolphins, our smaller Porpoise reports are few and far between. They are still out there, but most people find it more exciting to report the larger Cetaceans.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society

Big male T051 near Marina Island
Society News & Events
A reminder to all out on the water to be very aware of any Whales, Dolphins or Porpoise. Slow down around them. Better yet, if you find yourself closer to any of these wonderful animals than the guidelines allow, put the boat into neutral and enjoy watching them as you drift. Please pay attention boaters!
Our team of Volunteers continue to do a great job in making sure all your reports are mapped and published each week.
Are you the type of volunteer interested in Cetacea and mapping, who would be willing to spend some time with our growing Society network?
We are also preparing for our first Real Time Monitoring Station and will be posting additional callout for Volunteers in this regard.
Review our current Volunteer Job Postings
Tue Jul 12 2016
16:24 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North about 3 nautical miles off Shelter Point, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
16:06 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North 3 miles North-West of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts by Mitlenatch Island
Tue, 12 Jul 2016 – 3 items
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts by Mitlenatch Island
Tue, 12 Jul 2016 – 3 items
14:25 • 5 Bigg`s Orca South-West of Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
12:23 • Bigg`s Orca at Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait. ▫ Second Hand
Sun Jul 10 2016
19:58 • 2 Bigg`s Orca in Baker Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
18:26 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading North gliding towards Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
17:45 • 3 Bigg`s Orca moving slowly, heading North-West near Gibsons heading towards Roberts Creek, Georgia Strait. I watched the orcas for approx. an hour from shore in front of Bonniebrook Lodge and then Chaster Park. They were quite a ways out and appeared to come from between Gibsons / Keats Island. Travelling parallel to the shore as they went by. One large and two smaller. ▫ Observed from Shore
Karen Holland, Gibsons, BC
15:54 • 2 Bigg`s Orca moving slowly, heading North right off of Miracle Beach Park, Georgia Strait. One big fin and one female.
15:38 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading North 500 metres off shore near Miracle Beach Park. One big male, one female. ▫ Observed from Shore
14:43 • Bigg`s Orca heading North between Kitty Coleman Beach Park and Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait. From a fisherman. ▫ Second Hand
14:38 • Bigg`s Orca heading North at Jones Island heading towards Boundary Bay, President Channel. ?T49As?
Sat Jul 09 2016
11:40 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading South at Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
11:02 • Bigg`s Orca heading toward Smelt Bay, Sutil Channel.
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading towards Smelt Bay
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 2 items
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading towards Smelt Bay
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 2 items
10:20 • Bigg`s Orca heading South along Marina Reef, Sutil Channel.
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
T051s near Marina Island
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 1 items
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
T051s near Marina Island
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 1 items
09:45 • 4-6 Bigg`s Orca at Whaletown, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel. ?T50s?
Fri Jul 08 2016
16:10 • Bigg`s Orca heading North at Chatham Point, Discovery Passage. ?T101s? Another group is trailing just below Chatham Point also Northbound. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
T101s near McMullen Point
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 – 9 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
T101s near McMullen Point
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 – 9 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
13:47 • 16 Bigg`s Orca heading North at McMullen Point, Discovery Passage. ?T101s?
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
12:59 • Bigg`s Orca just North of Browns Bay, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts North of Browns Bay
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 – 4 items
Amber Stroeder, Discovery Marine Safaris
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts North of Browns Bay
Fri, 8 Jul 2016 – 4 items
Amber Stroeder, Discovery Marine Safaris
11:36 • 4 Bigg`s Orca heading North in front of the Discovery Harbour Marina, Campbell River, Discovery Passage. ?T102s? Large pod.
11:29 • 7 Bigg`s Orca heading North moving out to mid-channel between Whiskey Point and the Campbell River Coast Marina, Discovery Passage. Looks like 3 big fins, 1 in the lead and others behind. Breeching and spy hopping. There are a couple females too.
11:26 • 5 Bigg`s Orca moving quickly, heading North at the Campbell River Coast Marina, Discovery Passage. Traveling with the tide.
11:24 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North about 200 feet in front of the Campbell River Fishing Pier, Discovery Passage.
11:21 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North in front of the Campbell River Travelodge, Discovery Passage.
Erin, Campbell River Whale Watching
Thu Jul 07 2016
15:10 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North just North of Eagles Cove, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
12:30 • 5 Bigg`s Orca heading North off Duncan Bay, Discovery Passage.
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading North by Duncan Bay
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 9 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading North by Duncan Bay
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 9 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
12:10 • 4 Bigg`s Orca heading North off April Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
11:52 • 4 Bigg`s Orca moving quickly, heading North In front of Campbell River, Anchor Inn, Discovery Passage.
Wed Jul 06 2016
14:23 • Bigg`s Orca heading North of Patos Island, Georgia Strait. ?T100s?
14:23 • Bigg`s Orca heading North to the West of Galiano Island, Trincomali Channel. ?T100s?
14:21 • Bigg`s Orca heading South past Baker Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
13:06 • Bigg`s Orca heading South at Marina Reef, Sutil Channel. ?T101s, T102s? At 5 knots. Fabien on scene. ▫ Leaving the Scene
12:37 • Bigg`s Orca heading South north of Marina Island, Sutil Channel. ?T101s? ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
11:59 • Bigg`s Orca heading South from Plunger Passage towards Marina Island, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
11:43 • Bigg`s Orca heading South nearing Plunger Passage, Sutil Channel.
09:39 • Bigg`s Orca heading South between Rendezvous Islands and Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
09:31 • 4 Bigg`s Orca heading South, Sutil Channel.
09:02 • Bigg`s Orca heading South off the second island of the Rendezvous Islands, Calm Channel.
08:47 • 3 Bigg`s Orca off North Rendezvous Island, Calm Channel. ▫ Second Hand
Tue Jul 05 2016
20:31 • Bigg`s Orca heading South-West off Point Roberts, Georgia Strait. Travelling towards the Belle Chain.
20:28 • 3 Bigg`s Orca heading West in Barnes Bay, Okisollo Channel. Report from Leif Nordman, Campbell River Whale Watching. ▫ Second Hand
20:28 • Bigg`s Orca in Hoskyn Channel. Lots of Orca in the area.
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Lots of Ts in Hoskyn Channel
Tue, 5 Jul 2016 – 9 items
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Lots of Ts in Hoskyn Channel
Tue, 5 Jul 2016 – 9 items
20:28 • 4-5 Bigg`s Orca heading South in Hjorth Bay, Hoskyn Channel.
20:28 • 2 Bigg`s Orca in Barnes Bay heading into Okisollo Channel. Both males.
16:36 • Bigg`s Orca bucking tide, off Kellsey Point on Stuart Island, Yuculta Rapids. ?T100s? ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:52 • 4 Bigg`s Orca heading North on the East side of Stuart Island, Bute Inlet. Travelling close to shore and moving towards Arran Rapids. ▫ Leaving the Scene
14:58 • 3 Bigg`s Orca bucking tide, off Kellsey Point on the South-West end of Stuart Island, Yuculta Rapids.
14:58 • 3 Bigg`s Orca off Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
14:16 • Bigg`s Orca bucking tide, off Kellsey Point on the South-West end of Stuart Island, Yuculta Rapids. ?T101s?
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
13:37 • 16 Bigg`s Orca in Okisollo Channel.
13:36 • 6 Bigg`s Orca heading North near Britannia Beach going towards Squamish, Howe Sound.
13:36 • Bigg`s Orca heading North in front of Quathiaski Cove, Discovery Passage.
13:36 • 3 Bigg`s Orca playing, in front of Plunger Passage, Sutil Channel. They killed a harbour seal. ▫ Leaving the Scene
09:45 • 12 Bigg`s Orca heading North off Village Bay, Hoskyn Channel. ▫ Second Hand
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Mon Jul 04 2016
13:15 • 3-4 Bigg`s Orca breaching, heading North between Texada Island and Sechelt Peninsula, Malaspina Strait. Just about 200 yards offshore at 11793 Sunshine Coast Highway. Possibly adults or adults with calves. Too distant to be certain. ▫ Observed from Shore
Glen Mullett, Sunshine Coast, BC
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading North off of Duncan Bay
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 6 items
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales
Ts heading North off of Duncan Bay
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 6 items
Tue Jul 12 2016
15:15 • 10 NRKW Orca heading East off South-East Bay South of Eve River, Johnstone Strait. Orca were poss A34s but definitely NRKWs with the Dolphins harassing them. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
14:27 • NRKW Orca heading East off Eve River, Vancouver Island, Johnstone Strait.
13:35 • NRKW Orca moving slowly, heading East off Naka Creek, Johnstone Strait.
12:59 • NRKW Orca heading East off Cederstedt Creek West of Adam River, Johnstone Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Tue Jul 12 2016
13:24 • SRKW Orca heading North along the South-West shore of Pender Island, Swanson Channel. ?J2 Granny?
Sun Jul 10 2016
14:39 • SRKW Orca heading West near Iceberg Point south end of Lopez Island, Rosario Strait. ?J-Pod?
Wed Jul 06 2016
14:23 • SRKW Orca at Sand Heads, Georgia Strait. ?J-pod?
Tue Jul 05 2016
17:07 • SRKW Orca heading South off Point Grey, Georgia Strait. ?J-pod?
Tue Jul 12 2016
16:11 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North in front of Tyee Spit, Discovery Passage.
14:25 • 2 Humpback Whales breaching, South-West of Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
13:35 • 1 Humpback Whales heading West just passed Naka Creek, Johnstone Strait.
12:23 • 1 Humpback Whales off the East mouth of Active Pass. ?Cassiopeia?
12:23 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North-West 2.2 nautical miles West of Mitlenatch Island angling towards Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
10:42 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North at Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Mon Jul 11 2016
16:34 • 1 Humpback Whales heading South mid-channel, abeam Steep Island, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
15:37 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North angling towards Duncan Bay, Discovery Passage.
14:52 • 1 Humpback Whales off the Campbell River Cruiseship Dock, Discovery Passage. ?BCX1258 Crescent?
14:43 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North just off the ferry terminal at Campbell River, Discovery Passage. ?BCX1258 Crescent?
14:08 • 1 Humpback Whales moving quickly, heading North mid-channel, in front of Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage. Taking long dives.
09:50 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North about 1 mile off Mitlenatch Island between Salmon Point, Georgia Strait.
Humpback Whales
HB BCX1258 Crescent breaching a bit too close for comfort near Mitlenatch Island
Mon, 11 Jul 2016 – 1 items
Humpback Whales
HB BCX1258 Crescent breaching a bit too close for comfort near Mitlenatch Island
Mon, 11 Jul 2016 – 1 items
09:01 • 1 Humpback Whales at Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Sun Jul 10 2016
18:44 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South at the Cape Mudge Fishing Hump off Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
16:18 • 1 Humpback Whales 1 mile off of Shelter Point, Georgia Strait.
15:37 • 1 Humpback Whales doing circles, between Mitlenatch Island and Black Creek, Georgia Strait. About two miles out from Vancouver Island.
15:15 • 2 Humpback Whales by Browns Bay, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0706 Arial; BCY0291 KC? ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
14:12 • 1 Humpback Whales heading South abeam Whiskey Point mid channel Discovery Passage.
13:56 • 2 Humpback Whales doing circles, off Separation Head on the side of Deepwater Bay, Discovery Passage.
12:24 • 1 Humpback Whales by Race Point, Discovery Passage.
11:52 • 2 Humpback Whales playing, heading North by Quathiaski Cove, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0706 Arial; BCY0291 KC? Performing some breaching, spy hopping and pectoral slapping. ▫ Leaving the Scene
11:13 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North by Quathiaski Cove. ?BCY0706 Arial; BCY0291 KC?
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
10:39 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North in front of Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
10:09 • 2 Humpback Whales off of Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy off Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
09:24 • 2 Humpback Whales 1 mile West of Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy off Wilby Shoals.
08:57 • 1 Humpback Whales heading West angling towards Campbell River, Georgia Strait. Heading towards Vancouver Island.
08:47 • 1 Humpback Whales playing, 1.5 miles from Miracle Beach Park, Georgia Strait. No direction.
Sat Jul 09 2016
15:15 • 1 Humpback Whales doing circles, North of Salmon Point, Georgia Strait. In front of Driftwood Restaurant.
11:14 • 2 Humpback Whales breaching, at North end of Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
Ron Johnston, Savary Island, BC
Fri Jul 08 2016
13:44 • 3 Humpback Whales heading North approaching No Name Creek, Discovery Passage.
13:36 • 3 Humpback Whales heading North at Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
09:57 • 3 Humpback Whales in front of Discovery Harbour Marina, Campbell River, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0291 KC; BCY0767 Arial;?
09:36 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North off Grouse Island, Discovery Passage.
09:15 • 2 Humpback Whales off Whiskey Point, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0291 KC; BCY0767 Arial?
06:18 • 2 Humpback Whales at Race Point, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0291 KC; BCY0767 Arial?
Thu Jul 07 2016
16:06 • 1 Humpback Whales South of Whiskey Point on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage. Humpback whale working the back eddy. ▫ Leaving the Scene
15:38 • 1 Humpback Whales South of Whiskey Point, Discovery Passage. Very acrobatic.
15:31 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North between No Name Creek and 9 foot bay, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
15:31 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North off Whiskey Point, Discovery Passage.
12:45 • 1 Humpback Whales heading South off Race Point, Discovery Passage. The Humpback is in line with the Orca.
Humpback Whales
HB heading towards Race Point with orcas
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 7 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
HB heading towards Race Point with orcas
Thu, 7 Jul 2016 – 7 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
11:24 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South in Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage.
09:32 • 2 Humpback Whales off Race Point, Discovery Passage.
08:41 • 3 Humpback Whales heading North off Painters Lodge, Campbell River, Discovery Passage.
08:27 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South off April Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
07:57 • 2-3 Humpback Whales heading North In front of Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
Wed Jul 06 2016
20:00 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South at No Name Creek, Discovery Passage.
19:59 • Humpback Whales moving slowly, heading East in Menzies Bay, Discovery Passage.
16:12 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North south of No Name Creek, Discovery Passage. ?BCY0706 Arial; BCY0291 KC? ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:01 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North past Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
14:50 • 1 Humpback Whales in front of Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
13:33 • 1 Humpback Whales off Race Point toward Copper Bluffs, Discovery Passage.
09:49 • 2 Humpback Whales moving slowly, long dives, heading South at Browns Bay, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
09:35 • 2 Humpback Whales doing circles, heading South north of Browns Bay.
08:53 • 2 Humpback Whales in Browns Bay.
Tue Jul 05 2016
17:41 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North off Whiskey Point, Discovery Passage.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:49 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North off Copper Bluffs, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
14:50 • 1 Humpback Whales off Copper Bluffs, Quadra Island.
13:37 • 1 Humpback Whales in front of Tyee Spit in the middle of Discovery Passage.
13:37 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North 400-m in front of Quathiaski Cove, Discovery Passage.
13:36 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South in Browns Bay, Discovery Passage. Close to shore.
08:42 • 2 Humpback Whales moving slowly, heading South North end of Deepwater Bay, Discovery Passage. Travelling at 3 knots close to Quadra Island shore.
Wed Jun 29 2016
07:06 • 2 Humpback Whales breaching, heading West 3-km West of Quatsino Lighthouse, Pacific Ocean. Breached surface 300 yards from fishing boat. ▫ On Scene
Humpback Whales
HB at NW Quatsino Lighthouse BC
Wed, 29 Jun 2016 – 4 items
Tom McCaffery
Humpback Whales
HB at NW Quatsino Lighthouse BC
Wed, 29 Jun 2016 – 4 items
Tom McCaffery
Tom Mccaffrey, Quatsino, BC
Tue Jul 12 2016
13:34 • 10 PWS Dolphins off Naka Creek, Johnstone Strait. Harassing the Northern Resident Orca.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
10:20 • PWS Dolphins across from Sonora Point angling towards East Thurlow Island, Nodales Channel. Small group with a couple of babies.
10:14 • 20-30 PWS Dolphins off Sonora Point, Nodales Channel.
Sat Jul 09 2016
14:50 • PWS Dolphins, Frederick Arm.
14:45 • PWS Dolphins at end of Frederick Arm.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
PWS at the end of Fredricks Arm
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 5 items
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
PWS at the end of Fredricks Arm
Sat, 9 Jul 2016 – 5 items
14:44 • PWS Dolphins in Frederick Arm. ▫ Second Hand
10:12 • 30 PWS Dolphins heading North near Elk Bay, Discovery Passage.
08:36 • 40+ PWS Dolphins in Menzies Bay, Discovery Passage.
08:27 • 6 PWS Dolphins playing, heading West off Race Point, Discovery Passage.
Thu Jul 07 2016
08:58 • PWS Dolphins heading South off Chatham Point, Johnstone Strait. Heading into Discovery Passage. ▫ Radio Report
Wed Jul 06 2016
18:45 • PWS Dolphins, Nodales Channel.
14:29 • 50 PWS Dolphins at Thurston Bay, Nodales Channel.
Tue Jul 05 2016
20:31 • PWS Dolphins off Gomer Island, Nodales Channel.
20:28 • 30-40 PWS Dolphins, Nodales Channel. Just outside of Frederick Arm.
20:28 • PWS Dolphins playing, spread out in Frederick Arm. Some dolphins off Gomer Island as well.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
PWS putting on a show
Wed, 6 Jul 2016 – 3 items
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
PWS putting on a show
Wed, 6 Jul 2016 – 3 items
The Magazine is taking a short Summer break and will return in late July.
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