Whales, dolphins, and porpoises can appear at any time of the day. As magnificent as a sunset by itself can be, how about combining that view with the ocean and Orca surfacing close by? Cetaceans often appear when you least expect it or they appear where you don’t expect them to, whether closer or further away from you. Sometimes, you hear the blows of Cetaceans but you are unsure which direction the sound of their blows came from so it a challenge to locate them. They may appear in the night with their blows as the only evidence of their presence close to you – if a whale rests near you, you may hear the whales’s blows throughout the night. Seeing any Cetacean is very exciting and exhilarating, and what makes it more special is if Cetaceans are active at the surface (e.g breaching) for you to view them extensively.
For those of you who set crab traps and prawn traps, you can decrease the chances of whale entanglements in your gear by avoiding use of rope/lines (such as polyline) that floats. Know the depth of the water where you are setting your traps and ensure your line is weighed down properly without excessive line in the water. ANYONE who sees an entangled whale, dolphin, or porpoise can report it directly to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans at 1-800-465-4336.
Boaters, please use caution on the water. Remember N.E.W.S. when you see a whale, meaning put your boat in NEUTRAL, ENJOY the view, WAIT till the whales are at a fair distance, and then SLOWLY leave the scene.
The Federal Government (DFO) has issued the following statement about watching whales in the wild: “To address disturbance in the presence of whales, a mandatory 400-metre vessel approach distance for all killer whales is in effect starting June 1, 2020 in all southern British Columbia coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet. The Marine Mammal Regulations continue to remain in effect year-round, including maintaining a minimum 200 metre approach distance from all killer whales in Canadian Pacific waters other than described above, and 100 metres for other whales, porpoises and dolphins OR 200 metres when the animal is in resting position or with a calf.”
WOWs works throught the year, so please continue to keep your eyes open, and report your sightings to us.
Society News & Events
COVID-19 Updates:
We've all been hit hard during this pandemic and WOWs greatly appreciates your kind donations helping us maintain our society work. Eco tour and whale watching companies are operating at reduced capacity. As you can see from our reports, they are on the water, providing us with much needed sightings information. You might consider a trip with them during your local 'stay-cation'. Stay safe and healthy. Event schedules will be posted as they become available.
Our yearly Dwight Hall fundraising dinner, instrumental to maintain all of our basic programs and online presence, cancelled for 2020, is scheduled for April 24, 2021. We trust that by then we will be able to hold a successful event. Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated.
Instagram and Twitter:
Instagram at Wildoceanwhalesociety and Twitter at WhalesDolphins accounts. Follow us for regular updates and photos.
Coming Soon:
Our New Archive Dataset Interface is in the works, but we don't want to hold up any ongoing research. To access 23,000+ sightings in our database in a downloadable csv file for use in a spreadsheet, please
Click Here. to fill in your request.
Whales and Dolphins BC Website:
Teaching Resources: Teachers can download information as needed for classes. Have you taken our Orca and Humpback Quizzes yet?
Real Time Monitoring Station Live Update
Our Live streaming Web Camera
YouTube Channel from Powell River changes positions to look towards Texada – Vancouver Island – Savary and up towards Cortez.
Thank You to our Volunteers and Contributors!
Our team of online Volunteers continue to do a great job in making sure all your sightings reports are mapped and published regularly. Would you like to join us?
Sightings Update
Mon Jul 27 2020
09:45 • Biggs Orca heading south off Eagles Cove, Discovery Passage.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca at Eagle Cove
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 1 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca at Eagle Cove
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 1 items
09:45 • Biggs Orca mid channel off Elk Bay, Discovery Passage.
10:50 • Biggs Orca heading south towards Separation Head crossing Discovery Passage.
11:14 • Biggs Orca ◦T002Cs◦ heading south at Separation Head, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
12:08 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s,T090s◦ heading south at Maud Island in Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage.
12:13 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading south mid channel off Duncan Bay north of Campbell River, Discovery Passage.
12:43 • 4 Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading south off April Point, Discovery Passage.
The lead is observed spread out.
13:00 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading south at Quathiaski Cove, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
13:23 • Biggs Orca
milling, between Quathiaski Cove and April Point, Discovery Passage. ▫ Second Hand
13:31 • Biggs Orca ◦T018 Esperanza,T019s,T090s◦ at Steep Island, Discovery Passage.
Observed holding in back eddy.
16:27 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s◦
moving slowly, heading south approaching April Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca near Quadra Island.
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 9 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca near Quadra Island.
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 9 items
18:00 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s,T090s◦ heading south, Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
19:36 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s,T090s◦ heading for Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca Enjoying the Water
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 6 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca Enjoying the Water
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 6 items
Tue Jul 28 2020
08:55 • 4 Biggs Orca ◦T018s◦ heading south passing April Point, Discovery Passage.
Two big fins.
08:56 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s◦ heading south at Painters Lodge, Campbell River, Discovery Passage. ▫ Second Hand
08:57 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s◦ passing April Point, Discovery Passage.
10:14 • Biggs Orca heading south-east off Oyster Bay, Georgia Strait.
Angled towards Texada Island. ▫ Leaving the Scene
10:15 • Biggs Orca heading north above Separation Head, Discovery Passage.
11:32 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading south off Orange Point, Discovery Passage.
Travelling at 7 knots.
12:00 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading south by Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island, Discovery Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
13:06 • Biggs Orca heading north off Moriarty Point, Discovery Passage.
13:13 • Biggs Orca heading south close to Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait.
Barry Rice, Powell River, BC
14:51 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s,T102◦ passing Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca, T102, Breaching
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 2 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca, T102, Breaching
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 2 items
14:53 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s,T019B Galiano◦ heading south off Black (Albion) Point, Malaspina Strait.
Nina Falls, Powell River, BC
14:56 • est. 5-6 Biggs Orca near Myrtle Rocks, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca near Myrtle Rocks
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 4 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca near Myrtle Rocks
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 4 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
15:00 • Biggs Orca heading north off Granite Point, Discovery Passage.
15:26 • Biggs Orca ◦T037As◦ heading north off Granite Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca Northbound at Eagle Cove
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 1 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca Northbound at Eagle Cove
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 1 items
15:32 • 4 Biggs Orca ◦T037As◦ heading north at the mouth of Elk Bay, Discovery Passage.
4 small fins. ▫ Leaving the Scene
17:30 • Biggs Orca heading north in Elma Bay, Georgia Strait.
18:22 • Biggs Orca
hunting, heading north from Shelter Point towards Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Orca made a kill. ▫ Leaving the Scene
19:25 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading north off Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Multiple Biggs Orca Pods Out and About
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 6 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Multiple Biggs Orca Pods Out and About
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 6 items
Wed Jul 29 2020
14:00 • est. 1 Biggs Orca
moving quickly, heading north passing Britannia Beach, Howe Sound.
Observed from home patio with binoculars. Only saw one big dorsal fin. ▫ Observed from Shore
Josh Zubot, Britannia Beach, BC
16:34 • est. 8-9 Biggs Orca heading south off George Creek, Loughborough Inlet.
Two large males in the group.
18:10 • 3 Biggs Orca tight to the shore of West Thurlow Island, Mayne Passage.
Small fins.
Tue Jul 28 2020
13:35 • NRKW Orca heading west off Kaikash Creek, Johnstone Strait.
Sun Jul 26 2020
07:28 • 2 Humpback Whales
breaching, off Coho (Kiddie) Point at the NW tip of Texada Island, Malaspina Strait.
Mum and calf both breaching.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
09:17 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north between Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy and Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
09:47 • 2 Humpback Whales heading east off Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
One entangled.
09:55 • 1 Humpback Whales off Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
10:30 • 2 Humpback Whales between Bullock Bluff and Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
10:30 • 2 Humpback Whales off Rebecca Spit, Sutil Channel.
Report from VHF. ▫ Second Hand
10:40 • 2 Humpback Whales off the ferry line to Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
10:40 • 1 Humpback Whales towards Center Islet north-west of Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
11:36 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south, east of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
12:00 • 4 Humpback Whales south of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
12:17 • 2 Humpback Whales near Redonda Bay, West Redonda Island, Deer Passage.
12:17 • est. 1-2 Humpback Whales towards Raza Island, Deer Passage.
12:20 • 1 Humpback Whales heading north by Hidden Harbour, Campbell River, Discovery Passage.
Humpback tangled in orange fishing float. ▫ Observed from Shore
JR, Campbell River, BC
12:45 • 5 Humpback Whales
foraging, southeast of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Group of 3 and 2, moving 1 knot.
13:59 • 2 Humpback Whales south of Mitlenatch Island.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale Tail Thrashing by Mitlenatch Island
Sun, 26 Jul 2020 – 8 items
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale Tail Thrashing by Mitlenatch Island
Sun, 26 Jul 2020 – 8 items
14:00 • 1 Humpback Whales past Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
Entangled whale – DFO on scene.
15:00 • Humpback Whales south of Elk Bay, Discovery Passage.
Entangled whale being rescued.
15:00 • 1 Humpback Whales
foraging, heading south-east between Martin Islands and West Redonda Island, Desolation Sound.
5 min dives. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
JR, Powell River, BC
15:01 • 3 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Raza◦ heading north by Bartlett Islet, Calm Channel.
Travelling about 3 knots.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales around Calm Channel
Sun, 26 Jul 2020 – 4 items
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales around Calm Channel
Sun, 26 Jul 2020 – 4 items
15:45 • 1 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, heading north-east near Townley Islands north of Lund, Malaspina Strait.
5 min dives. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
JR, Powell River, BC
15:50 • Humpback Whales
breaching, between Copeland Islands and Hernando Island, Malaspina Strait.
Mon Jul 27 2020
10:28 • Humpback Whales between Mitlenatch Island and Vancouver Island, Georgia Strait.
Blows were observed.
10:50 • 1 Humpback Whales at the Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Observed pointing at the Vancouver Island shore.
10:50 • 3 Humpback Whales at tip of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
At 11:02, they were between Penn Islands and the Cortes Island Scallop farm.
10:50 • Humpback Whales mid channel off Mermaid Bay, Dent Rapids.
11:47 • 1 Humpback Whales heading north abeam Squirrel Cove, Cortes Island, Lewis Channel.
11:50 • 2 Humpback Whales
resting, at Powell Islets, Malaspina Strait.
11:50 • 1 Humpback Whales at Sarah Point, Malaspina Strait.
12:30 • 1 Humpback Whales at the bottom of Waddington Channel.
14:03 • 2 Humpback Whales south of Bullock Bluff close to Cortes Island, Calm Channel.
14:20 • 1 Humpback Whales east of the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
14:49 • 2 Humpback Whales close to shore north of Quartz Bay, Sutil Channel.
Dolphins close to Humpbacks.
15:53 • 1 Humpback Whales heading south between the Powell River Viewpoint and Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
Whale just dove.
17:25 • 2 Humpback Whales off Grief Point, Powell River, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Grief Point
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 3 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Grief Point
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 – 3 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Tue Jul 28 2020
11:25 • 2 Humpback Whales off Bullock Bluff, Calm Channel.
11:45 • 1 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, off Coulter Island, Sutil Channel.
Pointed south.
11:50 • Humpback Whales viewed towards Von Donop Inlet from Bullock Bluff, Sutil Channel.
Blows were observed.
12:08 • 1 Humpback Whales
resting, off Raza Island, Calm Channel.
12:13 • 1 Humpback Whales off Raza Point, Calm Channel.
12:35 • 2 Humpback Whales off Bennett Point, Turnour Island, Clio Channel.
13:54 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south approaching Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Marina Island
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 7 items
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Marina Island
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 – 7 items
15:05 • 2 Humpback Whales
breaching, east of Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
15:15 • 1 Humpback Whales heading east just past Sarah Point, Desolation Sound.
15:21 • 1 Humpback Whales on west side of Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
15:40 • 1 Humpback Whales southeast of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
15:40 • 1 Humpback Whales heading north near Hernando Island, Georgia Strait.
16:29 • est. 1-2 Humpback Whales south of Francisco Point off Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
17:04 • 3 Humpback Whales
back and forth, off Myrtle Point, Malaspina Strait.
Last reported heading north.
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
18:55 • est. 4-5 Humpback Whales observed further south from Cape Lazo near Comox, Georgia Strait.
19:20 • 1 Humpback Whales
resting, off Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
Wed Jul 29 2020
07:11 • Humpback Whales near Baker Passage.
Blows were seen.
09:05 • Humpback Whales heading north at the south end of Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
09:10 • 1 Humpback Whales mid channel between Marina Island and Francisco Point, Sutil Channel.
10:00 • 1 Humpback Whales
doing circles, between Francisco Point and Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
10:30 • 3 Humpback Whales between Marina Reef and Baker Passage, Georgia Strait.
11:10 • 3 Humpback Whales at Whaletown, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
11:55 • Humpback Whales just below Plunger Passage, Sutil Channel.
13:58 • Humpback Whales at the top of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
14:00 • 1 Humpback Whales
breaching, between Raza Island and South Rendezvous Island, Calm Channel.
14:03 • est. 3-4 Humpback Whales around Centre Islet, Sutil Channel.
14:23 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north between Marina Island and Francisco Point, Sutil Channel.
14:30 • 1 Humpback Whales
breaching at the entrance to Deer Passage.
15:00 • est. 2 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, heading south-east toward Refuge Cove from Teakerne Arm, Lewis Channel. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
Ana Browne, Teakerne Arm, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale in Lewis Channel
Wed, 29 Jul 2020 – 1 items
Ana Browne, Teakerne Arm, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale in Lewis Channel
Wed, 29 Jul 2020 – 1 items
Ana Browne, Teakerne Arm, BC
15:30 • Humpback Whales
pectoral slaps and tail slaps, between Zephine Head and Mink Island, Desolation Sound.
Some big splashes; ‘choppy’ conditions. Seemed ready to head towards West Redonda Island.
16:56 • Humpback Whales just off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Sun Jul 26 2020
06:30 • est. 100+ PWS Dolphins
spread out, between Mayne Point and Blind Channel, Mayne Passage.
09:31 • est. 50+ PWS Dolphins in Teakerne Arm.
12:13 • est. 50 PWS Dolphins
milling, at Denham Bay, Dent Rapids.
14:00 • PWS Dolphins at Horn Bay, Dent Rapids. ▫ Leaving the Scene
15:25 • PWS Dolphins
back and forth, in Tugboat Passage, Dent Rapids.
Mon Jul 27 2020
10:15 • est. 100 PWS Dolphins at Hall Point, Sonora Island, Nodales Channel.
10:30 • PWS Dolphins
spread out, heading south north of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
At 10:47, the dolphins were off Von Donop Inlet.
11:14 • PWS Dolphins off the east side of Penn Islands.
Observed interacting with Humpback whales.
14:49 • PWS Dolphins north of Quartz Bay, Sutil Channel.
Humpback whales with dolphins.
Tue Jul 28 2020
13:38 • PWS Dolphins off Cracroft Point, West Cracroft Island, Johnstone Strait.
14:15 • PWS Dolphins just above Earl Ledge, Johnstone Strait.
Wed Jul 29 2020
11:30 • est. 40 PWS Dolphins heading south off Dent Island at Dent Rapids.
13:00 • PWS Dolphins off Jimmy Judd Island, Yuculta Rapids.
14:30 • PWS Dolphins
foraging, off the bottom of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
15:40 • PWS Dolphins
milling, between the top end of the Penn Islands and Cortes Island, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
16:26 • PWS Dolphins between the Cortes Island Scallop Farm and Bullock Bluff, Sutil Channel.
Active. ▫ Leaving the Scene
19:30 • PWS Dolphins at Denham Bay, Dent Rapids.
Small group.
Mon Jul 27 2020
10:10 • est. 6 Dalls Porpoise
milling, off Thurston Bay mid Nodales Channel.
10:35 • Dalls Porpoise off Horn Point, Dent Rapids.
Wed Jul 29 2020
13:00 • Dalls Porpoise off Arran Point, Stuart Island, Arran Rapids.
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