Humpback whales are large whales, reaching lengths of up to 16-m (55 feet). One can see and realize how large they are when they expose their whole body as they breach. If you are on a boat and a Humpback comes towards you, you can definitely observe their relative size and enormity. Humpbacks are large but their cousins like the blue whale and the fin whale are even larger, which are rarely seen in inland channels and waterways. Adult male Orca can reach lengths of up to 8-m (25 feet) and compared to a human, they can be considered large relatively. The dorsal fin of an adult male Orca can reach a height of 2-m (6 feet) which can be spotted many kilometers away.
The Federal Government (DFO) statement about watching whales in the wild: “To address disturbance in the presence of whales, a mandatory 400-metre vessel approach distance for all killer whales is in effect starting June 1, 2020 in all southern British Columbia coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet. The Marine Mammal Regulations continue to remain in effect year-round, including maintaining a minimum 200 metre approach distance from all killer whales in Canadian Pacific waters other than described above, and 100 metres for other whales, porpoises and dolphins OR 200 metres when the animal is in resting position or with a calf.”
WOWs works throughout the year, so please continue to keep your eyes open, and report your sightings to us.
Society News & Events
Upcoming events:
Our annual Dwight Hall fundraising dinner, instrumental to maintain all of our basic programs and online presence, is now rescheduled for April 2022. We are confident that by then we will be able to hold a successful event.
Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated. We thank you greatly for your support!
Instagram and Twitter: Instagram at Wildoceanwhalesociety and Twitter at WhalesDolphins
For Research:
For research access to 26,000+ sightings in our database in a downloadable csv file for use in a spreadsheet, please
Click Here. to fill in your request.
WOWs Website:
Work has been slowly prgressing to provide better links and information on our programs. It is taking a bit longer than anticipated to upload the fully redesigned website and ensure all internal links will work correctly. With all that we have going on throughout the Summer months, we anticipate that it will be uploaded in October. Please bear with us.
Real Time Monitoring Station Live Update
Our Live Web Camera
YouTube Channel streams from Powell River 24/7 with views towards Texada – Vancouver Island – Savary and up towards Cortez. Hope you've been seeing some of the whales.
Thank You to our Volunteers and Contributors!
Our team of online Volunteers continue to do a great job in making sure all your sightings reports are mapped and published regularly. Would you like to join us? We will not be accepting applications until October when we will have current availabilities posted.
Review our previous
Volunteer Job Postings Job Postings are being revamped in conjunction with our web sites.
Sightings Update
Thu Oct 07 2021
13:43 • 3+ Biggs Orca pointing toward Rebecca Rocks from Coho (Kiddie) Point, Malaspina Strait.
Two big and one small. More Orca seen a few minutes later all spread out.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Fri Oct 08 2021
09:15 • Biggs Orca heading north, Lewis Channel. ▫ Second Hand
09:40 • 7 Biggs Orca heading north, South Rendezvous Island, Calm Channel.
11:00 • Biggs Orca ◦T100s◦
hunting, between Bullock Bluff and South Rendezvous Island, Calm Channel.
Were running tight to shore till after their meal. Other Orca were not seen.
Radio, overheard or call out
13:16 • Biggs Orca ◦T100s◦
hunting, below Bullock Bluff, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
On a sea lion kill.
17:00 • Biggs Orca ◦T100s◦ heading south close to shore off Bonniebrook by Gibsons, Georgia Strait.
Sat Oct 09 2021
10:00 • Biggs Orca by Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Large gathering.
11:10 • 4 Biggs Orca
hunting, off Whitebeach Point, Havannah Channel.
Looks like they’re hunting seals.
12:15 • 2 Biggs Orca
hunting, heading north-east off the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, West Vancouver, Queen Charlotte Channel. ▫ Observed from Shore
CM, North Vancouver, BC
14:10 • Biggs Orca heading north-west off Separation Head, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
Radio, overheard or call out
16:19 • 5 Biggs Orca heading south 200-m off the Vancouver Island shore in front of Painters Lodge, Campbell River, Discovery Passage.
Sun Oct 10 2021
07:49 • 5 Biggs Orca heading south-east off the Cape Mudge Lighthouse towards Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
08:55 • Biggs Orca heading south off Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Wed Oct 13 2021
11:40 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading north just south of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Killer Whales near Mitlenatch Island
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 – 9 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Killer Whales near Mitlenatch Island
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 – 9 items
13:30 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦
milling, off the red can at Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
15:57 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading north-west between Marina Island and Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
First seen spread out and resting near Smelt Bay, Cortes Island. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Thu Oct 14 2021
17:31 • Biggs Orca heading south just south of Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
One big fin (male) so far confirmed.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Tue, 12 Oct 2021 – 9 items
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Tue, 12 Oct 2021 – 9 items
Tue Oct 12 2021
18:50 • 2 Orca heading west of Cracroft Point, West Cracroft Island, Johnstone Strait.
The orca both had big fins.
Mon Oct 04 2021
13:45 • 4 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, heading north-west mid Strait two thirds of the way to Sand Heads from Active Pass, Georgia Strait.
Surfaced swimming fast on intercept course. Slowed boat down to 2k and confirmed sounder off. Instead of passing ahead they too slowed right down and edged closer and closer till fairly close along side (20 meters). One larger (30’), one mid sized (20′), and two very small young. Stayed half on surface and half just below (disturbed water showing). Deep loud breathing. After languidly drifting parallel, the largest began snorting louder and acting agitated and puffy. Then eventually falling just behind, adopted a torpedo stance rapidly charging towards rear of boat, pushing up a dramatic "bow wave" with its large rounded head. Took as shooing and obediently increased throttle to maintain distance and show leaving. Pursued briefly without attempting to catch up then circled back to others in apparent triumph. They stayed on surface awhile longer in the distance resuming their course NW. Mid sized whale had white patch ahead of fin, looked like could alternately be a raw wound. Sun was creating gleam of wake at waterline and wet body, further making markings hard to confirm. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
DM, Richmond, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Active Pass, Georgia Strait
Mon, 4 Oct 2021 – 5 items
DM, Richmond, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales near Active Pass, Georgia Strait
Mon, 4 Oct 2021 – 5 items
DM, Richmond, BC
Thu Oct 07 2021
08:00 • 3 Humpback Whales
foraging, off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
09:00 • est. 9 Humpback Whales between Montgomery Bank and Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
09:45 • est. 2-3 Humpback Whales Marina Reef, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
10:18 • Humpback Whales, Drew Harbour.
Saw blows. ▫ Second Hand
10:40 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Raza,BCY0057 Niagara◦ right inside Drew Harbour.
10:40 • 2 Humpback Whales above Quadra Island Scallop Farm south of Heriot Bay, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:30 • Humpback Whales at Viner Point, Read Island, Sutil Channel.
13:00 • 2 Humpback Whales at Dogfish Bay at the southeast end of Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
14:00 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Raza,BCY0057 Niagara◦ outside Von Donop Inlet, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:02 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north at Dogfish Bay at the southeast end of Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
14:23 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south at Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
15:29 • 2 Humpback Whales close to shore of Von Donop Inlet, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
16:20 • 1 Humpback Whales heading north in front of Turn Island, Johnstone Strait.
16:31 • 2 Humpback Whales south of Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
Fri Oct 08 2021
–:– • 1 Humpback Whales off Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island, Georgia Strait.
Circled and dived around our boat about 6 times before heading out into the Strait. Pretty exciting! We just watched. We were not fishing, just a slow cruise, in the beautiful afternoon. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
Janetty, Lions Bay, BC
08:30 • 3 Humpback Whales off Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
10:48 • 3 Humpback Whales ◦BCY Pepper◦
foraging, off Dogfish Bay at the southeast end of Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
11:57 • est. 4-5 Humpback Whales
foraging, south of Rebecca Rocks quite a way over toward Vancouver Island, Georgia Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
17:35 • 3 Humpback Whales between the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy and Francisco Point, Georgia Strait.
Sun Oct 10 2021
08:02 • est. 2+ Humpback Whales between Francisco Point and Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
08:35 • 4 Humpback Whales heading south-east off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
10:30 • Humpback Whales at Rock Point, Johnstone Strait.
10:49 • est. 5+ Humpback Whales
foraging, west of Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait. ▫ From Ferry
Ron Johnston, Savary Island, BC
11:30 • 3 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Raza◦ at the Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Being harassed by sea lions.
11:41 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south, south of Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
12:01 • est. 2-3 Humpback Whales south of Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy at Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
14:48 • 2 Humpback Whales
resting, between Penn Islands and Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
Angled southward.
15:03 • 3 Humpback Whales east of Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy on Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
15:20 • 2 Humpback Whales between Marina Island and Francisco Point, Sutil Channel.
15:28 • 1 Humpback Whales
milling, off Francisco Point on Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
17:30 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north off Myrtle Point, Powell River, Malaspina Strait.
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
Mon Oct 11 2021
07:30 • 2 Humpback Whales
feeding, off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
08:35 • 1 Humpback Whales in Von Donop Inlet, Sutil Channel.
09:18 • est. 2-3 Humpback Whales west side of Rebecca Rocks, Georgia Strait.
09:52 • 3 Humpback Whales south of the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
12:24 • 2 Humpback Whales between Rebecca Rocks and Vivian Island, Malaspina Strait.
12:54 • 2 Humpback Whales just north of Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
13:26 • 10 Humpback Whales near Grant Reefs, Vivian Island, Georgia Strait.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales in Georgia Strait
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 – 5 items
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales in Georgia Strait
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 – 5 items
13:31 • est. 1-2 Humpback Whales off Vivian Island, Georgia Strait.
16:06 • 2 Humpback Whales off the ferry line and Viner Point, Read Island, Sutil Channel.
16:10 • est. 1-2 Humpback Whales just west of Rebecca Rocks, Georgia Strait.
16:34 • est. 4+ Humpback Whales
feeding, off Crescent Bay, Texada Island, Georgia Strait.
16:42 • 2 Humpback Whales heading toward Vivian Island, Georgia Strait.
Possibly the same 2 seen at Rebecca Rocks that dove when the ferry passed.
Wed Oct 13 2021
07:30 • 6 Humpback Whales between Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy and Francisco Point, Georgia Strait.
13:30 • 1 Humpback Whales 1 mile off the Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
Humpback Whales
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 – 8 items
Humpback Whales
Wed, 13 Oct 2021 – 8 items
14:36 • 2 Humpback Whales just south of red can at Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
Thu Oct 14 2021
10:30 • 1 Humpback Whales by Kellsey Point, Stuart Island, Yuculta Rapids.
11:30 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCY0291 KC◦ heading south off Church House, Calm Channel.
12:42 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Harlequin,BCY0291 KC◦ for the last hour, off Hole in the Wall.
12:45 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Harlequin,BCY0291 KC◦ at the east end of Hole in the Wall. ▫ Leaving the Scene
13:20 • 2 Humpback Whales
tail lobs, just south of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
14:28 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX Harlequin,BCY0057 Niagara◦
foraging, off Bartlett Islet, Calm Channel.
14:28 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCY0291 KC◦ a couple of miles away from Bartlett Islet.
Fri Oct 15 2021
07:42 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south at Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
Sun Oct 17 2021
10:13 • 3 Humpback Whales
milling, south of Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy at Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
11:24 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south between Mitlenatch Island and Hernando Island, Georgia Strait.
12:53 • 2 Humpback Whales between Wilby Shoals and Shelter Point, Georgia Strait.
16:00 • 1 Humpback Whales off Francisco Point on Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
16:18 • 1 Humpback Whales heading west between Coho (Kiddie) Point and Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait.
Just dove down.
Barry Rice, Powell River, BC
Thu Oct 07 2021
11:05 • est. 10-15 PWS Dolphins by Breton Islands, Sutil Channel.
14:30 • PWS Dolphins Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
small group.
Radio, overheard or call out
15:12 • est. 20 PWS Dolphins
milling, at the south tip of the bigger of the Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
Sun Oct 10 2021
10:35 • PWS Dolphins
moving quickly, heading east in Baker Passage. ▫ Second Hand
11:00 • est. 100 PWS Dolphins at Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
14:11 • est. 100 PWS Dolphins heading south, south of Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Mon Oct 11 2021
11:20 • PWS Dolphins between Sentry Shoal and Savary Island, Georgia Strait.
Large group.
12:20 • est. 100 PWS Dolphins heading north between Sentry Shoal and Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Georgia Strait
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 – 5 items
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Georgia Strait
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 – 5 items
12:38 • PWS Dolphins
circling prey, 1 nm east of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
16:06 • est. 100+ PWS Dolphins off the ferry line and Viner Point, Read Island, Sutil Channel.
16:38 • 100+ PWS Dolphins off Crescent Bay, Texada Island, Georgia Strait.
Wed Oct 13 2021
09:13 • PWS Dolphins south of Marina Reef, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
09:50 • est. 150 PWS Dolphins heading south off Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Thu Oct 14 2021
17:20 • PWS Dolphins in Granite Bay, Quadra Island, Kanish Bay.
Thu Oct 07 2021
08:46 • Dalls Porpoise on the east side of Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
14:00 • Dalls Porpoise heading south in Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage.
A large pod. Information heard over VHF radio. ▫ Second Hand
Sun Oct 10 2021
10:30 • Dalls Porpoise at Rock Point, Johnstone Strait.
Many porpoises.
Mon Oct 11 2021
12:10 • Dalls Porpoise near Spilsbury Point, Baker Passage.
Just a handful.
Thu Oct 14 2021
13:17 • est. 15 Dalls Porpoise
playing, at Horn Point, Dent Rapids.
Sun Oct 17 2021
13:03 • 12 Dalls Porpoise between Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy and Willow Point, Georgia Strait.
Archive Explorer
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