Latest Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

NEW Sightings Report with Maps – Humpback Whales and Transient Bigg’s Orca Everywhere

We are pleased to announce and present this launch of our new and improved Sightings Report with Maps. The map will be included in every report showing the locations of the sightings in the report. If you wish to jump to one specific report location, you can click on the icon directly following that report…
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Many Groups of Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales and More Humpback Whales Arriving

Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales have been all around in the Georgia Strait and Desolation Sound, while the Northern Resident pods still appear to be foraging up in Alaska. Humpback Whales also are being spotted more frequently in our inside waters now and we have a returning Humpback off Powell River again. The Pacific White Sided…
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Entangled Humpback Whale, Orca, Dolphins, and Other Whale Sightings plus Early Bird Draw Winners

Entangled Humpback Whale in Powell River is a huge newsmaker. The whale was basically tethered to one spot for seventeen or so hours before the disentanglement team from DFO arrived and managed to free it. We have no confirmed sightings of the whale since then. We’ve had a few Humpbacks in the area and only…
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Humpback Whale ‘KC’ Loves the Northern Georgia Strait, Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales Everywhere

Time’s running out to enter our Early Bird Draw! Remember, the names stay in the barrel for the final draw giving you 7 chances to win our great prizes. Please use our Donate button. Every $5 worth will be considered a ticket entry request unless you specify otherwise. Good Luck! Humpback Whales have been slowly…
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Transient Bigg’s and Southern Resident Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise

Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales T002C’s have been hanging around the area from somewhere down near the bottom of Texada to the bottom of Johnstone Strait. Another pod, possibly the T049A’s again, have gone into Desolation Sound. Southern Resident Orca reports are mostly from the lower Georgia Strait with a teaser of J-Pod coming closer to…
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Returning Humpbacks, Southern Resident and Transient Bigg’s Orca, Dolphins and Porpoise

Whales have made many appearances including J-Pod, the Southern Resident Killer Whales who seldom come up this far in Georgia Strait. The Transient Bigg’s Orca, meat eaters, have been popping up and making quite a splash – literally. While looking at/for Killer Whales, amazingly two Humpback Whales appeared. Quite a surprise. We also have Pacific…
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Busy Times with Cetaceans and Society Workings

It’s been very busy all round, but the Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales that were in the upper Georgia Strait in numbers up to 15 whales, have once again shed from our area. The Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Humpback Whales are coming back, and Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise are making a bit more of an…
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Killer Whales Popping Up Everywhere, Humpbacks, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, and Porpoise

A timely reminder as Summer boating season kicks in of the need to be cautious and slow down around any type of marine life. We are great advocates of courteous behaviour on the water and off. Remember NEWS when you are in the vicinity of whales: N=Neutral E=Enjoy W=Wait S=Slow. Slow is the operative word.…
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Spy Hopping Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback ‘KC’, Dolphins and Porpoise

Yet another large Fin Whale has been struck by a cruise ship and carried into Burrard Inlet. This is the third in just the past few years and it’s not understood why these, second largest of the whales, seem to be struck in this manner. Perhaps others are as well, but since they tend to…
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Grey Whales, Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback ‘KC’, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a few Porpoise

Grey Whales are not a common sight in Georgia Strait and even rarer near the mainland side of the Strait, but we can confirm the brief sighting. This means that they are actually returning through the inside waters as well as the West Coast of Vancouver Island. There have been a number of Transient Bigg’s…
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Killer Whales, Dolphins, Porpoise and even Grey Whales and Photos Galore

Transient Bigg’s Orca everywhere! And so many photos. We have reports of Killer Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoise as well as Harbour Porpoise, and even a Grey Whale report from Tofino, but still no Humpback Whales. Is it due to the seismic activity? It’s been a question for years that has yet to…
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Killer Whales put on a Show by Campbell River and Savary, Pacific White Sided Dolphins but no Humpback Reports

Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales put on quite a show right in front of Campbell River! Lots of photos below. At the time of working on this report there is another show of leaping Transient Bigg’s Orca going on just between Lund and Savary Island. Howe Sound was not to be outdone and also had an…
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Killer Whales, Humpbacks, Pacific White Sided Dolphins & Entangled Sea Lion

It’s wonderful to have Humpback Whales back in the upper Georgia Strait area. We are expecting more reports, as they should be coming back and travelling to their summer feeding grounds. A number of them have been using the inside waters rather than the West Coast of Vancouver Island over the past number of years.…
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Orca News! Another calf spotted for the Southern Resident Killer Whales

Orca News! Another calf spotted for the Southern Resident Killer Whales J-Pod! The population was in desperate need of a boost and we welcome J-052! This is incredibly good news for their population. Farther up the coast, we have Transient Bigg’s Orca making appearances with Pacific White Sided Dolphins near by, plus a few other…
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Special Update and Short Sightings Report: Killer Whales, Humpback Whales and Dall’s Porpoise

This is a Special Update with a short Sightings Report Update below. There has been so much happening! Society Workings Updates: Our Web Site – We have made a huge update to our web site. We are now completely ‘mobile friendly’! Google informed us that we were not mobile friendly and we had to make…
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Vancouver Killer Whales, Dall’s Porpoise and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Orca have been popping up her and there as have a few of the smaller species. There is so much going on behind the scenes we are working on here at Whales and Dolphins BC that we need to do a much more complete update on its own to keep you informed. We have been…
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Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Orca, Dolphins and Porpoise

Orca have been making short appearances in the Powell River – Campbell River and Comox areas. We only know for certain that some of them were actually Transient Bigg’s (meat eating) Killer Whales. We have heard that our usual Northern Resident pod known as the A42’s – the ones that were in the viral video…
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Killer Whales, Dolphins and Burger and Beer Night info

Reports of Orca that seem to appear in numbers then disappear. With the calm waters, you’d think it would be difficult to lose track of them, but it happens. In the meantime, Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been having some good feeding runs in the Georgia Strait while putting on a show for some lucky…
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New SRKW Calf in Time for Heart Warming Valentine’s Day

A Very Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Another great bit of news for the Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale population. There’s another birth reported in J-Pod, making it the second in 2015! J50, born in December, 2014 is doing well, and this one, born in February, 2015 who’s mother is presumed to be J19, has…
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Video of NRKW Pod A42’s Rubbing on a Pebble Beach

Killer Whales are all over the place! The viral video of the Northern Resident (fish eating) Killer Whales, the A42’s rubbing on a beach were easily identified by Susan MacKay as soon as the higher resolution clip was posted last Wednesday. See the clips below. It’s some of the best rubbing of Orca on a…
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Both Fish Eating and Meat Eating Killer Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise are Around

The Northern Resident (fish eating) Killer Whales known as the A42’s may have headed down towards Sechelt as they we last seen in Malaspina Strait. The Orca noted under the Unidentified Killer Whales heading may very well be Transient Bigg’s, but it’s difficult to be sure as we do not have photos or known specific…
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Northern Resident Killer Whales, Southern Resident Killer Whales and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

What a pleasure to finally see the Northern Resident Orca known as the A42’s back in the area where the calf A103 ‘Albion’ was born, Powell River. Since we had so much tidal debris such as logs in the area of Malaspina Strait, any whales that passed were out on the Georgia Strait side of…
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Southern Resident New Orca Calf, Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Good News for the Southern Resident Orca population and a great way to end 2014 and start 2015. A new calf known as J50 was first spotted December 30th. There is a bit of question as to who the mother is since the calf was seen beside 42 year old J16, Slick. Slick is most…
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Wishing You a Whale of a Time During the Holidays!

All of us at Whales and Dolphins BC / Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs) would like to wish you and yours the very best for the Holidays. An extra huge thank you to all who report sightings and help support our efforts. We couldn’t do it without you! There have been few reports and even…
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Southern Resident Orca J-Pod, Unidentified Killer Whales, Humpback Whale and Dead Dall’s Porpoise

The majority of activity since our last update has been surrounding J32 ‘Rhapsody’ the pregnant Southern Resident Orca and her calf found dead by Bates Beach, just above Comox on Dec. 4th. Unfortunately we are not sure if the Unidentified Killer Whales by Powell River were some of the Southern Resident population or Transient Bigg’s…
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Dead Orca in the News and Cetacean Report Update

Hot off the presses (and in our Links below): A dead Orca was slowly drifting Northward and has been pulled up on the Bates Beach area just north of the Comox ferry terminal. There may be a connection to the November 28th sighting report of some Orca actually inside the Comox bar, although unconfirmed. In…
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Humpback Whale by Powell River, Lund and into Desolation Sound

At least one Humpback Whale is in the Powell River to Lund and Desolation Sound area still. We had been hoping to receive further reports, but most have been vague second hand sightings with only one video clip of the whale being submitted, although at least one other clip and photos were to have come…
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Cetacean Sightings Update to November 14, 2014

Few reports have come in since our last report. This leaves huge gaps in knowing where the whales, dolphins and porpoise are. Or where they went to. It is a big ocean out there and we rely mostly on your land based reports. We track and monitor all year round and land based sightings reports…
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Southern Resident Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Humpback Whales and Dall’s Porpoise

Southern Resident Killer Whales and Pacific White Sided Dolphins put on a show around the Powell River area. It’s nice to see them return. With all the rough weather we’ve been having, sightings have been few and far between. November 1st was incredibly calm and sunny making it a serious treat to see the ever…
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Short Sightings Report! Orca, Humpback, Dolphins and Porpoise

Where are the Whales and Dolphins? Possibly one of the shortest reports we’ve had in a very long time! It is a big ocean out there, and with some of the rough weather, it’s quite difficult to spot them, but keep your eyes open. We KNOW they are around and would love to hear about…
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