Latest Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Lots of Dolphins, Intermittent Killer Whale and Humpback Whale Sightings

Intermittent sightings of Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales and, although there are Humpback Whales transiting the area, they too have been spotted only intermittently. Pacific White Sided Dolphins are in larger groups and seem to be the most noticed, perhaps because of their numbers and wonderful leaping antics. Dall’s Porpoise are regulars around Bute Inlet and…
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Happy Thanksgiving Cetacean Sightings Update

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to everyone! Our Cetacean sightings report is a bit smaller. There are fewer people on the water, but the whales are still out there. Our work and reports continue all year round. We realize it’s a big ocean which is why we need your reports please, and thank those who do report.…
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Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and a Minke Whale

Transient Bigg’s Orca are around, but behaving quite stealthy then suddenly pop up in numbers. Humpback Whales are working their way down the coast. Pacific White Sided Dolphins are back into the inlets North of Powell River and Campbell River. We have no reports of Dall’s or Harbour Porpoise this time, but have one report…
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Stealthy Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpbacks, Dolphins and Porpoise

Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales have gone into hiding it seems, while we are seeing some of the Humpback Whales continuing down the coast. Humpback known as ‘Yogi’ was even spotted in the San Juan Islands. Pacific White Sided Dolphins are spread out and making recurring appearances in wide spread areas once again. They have been…
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Whale and Dolphin Activity is Everywhere – SRKW calf L120 Plus many other Photos

A few of the Northern Resident Orca, the A30’s and A42’s, have been spending their time travelling from Robson Bight Ecological Reserve out into Queen Charlotte Strait and back again. Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales have been on the hunt, it seems everywhere. They are good at surprise attacks causing Pacific White Sided Dolphins to scatter…
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Cetaceans Everywhere! Many Species, Many Photos

So much Cetacean activity everywhere along the inside coast from Sechelt to Blackfish Sound and even a couple of reports from the West coast of Vancouver Island to attempt to summarize. We’ll let the report speak for itself. Susan MacKay & Lynne Cracknell, Whales and Dolphins BC Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?…
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Humpback Whales Fattening up, NRKW, SRKW and T Orca, Minke Whale, Dolphins and Porpoise

Northern Resident Orca took a short foray far out to the West but have returned to the inside waters of Johnstone Strait heading down. Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales have popped up, as they do, in numbers again and are working their way up Johnstone Strait. Should be interesting to see if they pass each other…
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Whales and Dolphins Galore!

We have a plethora of whales all over the inside waters. Humpback Whales that don’t usually stay in Georgia Strait and Desolation Sound seem to enjoy the food they’re finding. Southern Resident Killer Whales also decided to venture farther North of their usual foraging area to feast on some salmon by Campbell River. The Northern…
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Long Cetacean Sightings Update

Northern Resident Killer Whales are in the Straits in numbers with some working their way back and forth from Nodales Channel to the upper Johnstone Strait. Transient Bigg’s appear to have been staying farther South, but have been quite stealthy for most part. Humpback Whales, on the other hand have been popping up in all…
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NRKWs, Transient Bigg’s, Killer Whales Everywhere, Humpback Hanging around Desolation Sound

The Northern Resident Orca have arrived into the inside waters in numbers. The majority are staying at or above the top of Johnstone Strait, but we have been fortunate to have some continue to come down the strait and go into Nodales Channel. In the meantime, the Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales are still down near…
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Cetacean Sightings Update

Northern Resident Orca are running into Nodales and back to the West up Johnstone Strait while the Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales seem to be everywhere, including close to the Residents. Humpback Whales have been spotted again in Desolation Sound and slowly working their way up the straits. A few Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been…
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Bigg’s and Northern Residents crossing paths, Breaching Humpback Whale and so much more!

Transient Bigg’s and Northern Resident Orca passing each other in channels helps create a bit of confusion in sorting some the reports when they come in as ‘Orca’. We hope we have organized them correctly from piecing their travels together. There is also some excitement in the posibility that our Powell River baby A103, ‘Albion’…
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Transient Bigg’s, Northern Residents, Humpbacks, Dolphins and Porpoise – Another Long Report – Lots of Photos

Another long report of Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales back in our area, Northern Resident Orca back into our inside waters in numbers, Humpback Whales joining us through Sea Fair in Powell River and moving North-West. Pacific White Sided Dolphins spending time harassing the Resident Orca and avoiding the Transient Bigg’s and a few Dall’s Porpoise.…
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Sea Fair 2014 – Fundraising Raffle Winners – Special Report

Sea Fair 2014 – Fundraising Raffle Winners – Special Report Sea Fair 2014 was a great success. Our booth was busy handing out information and raising awareness of the Cetaceans we regularly see in our waters. Boating awareness and care around these beautiful animals was our focus. The delay in this posting is only due…
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Northern Residents Top the List in Another Long Sightings Report and Update

Excitement over the Northern Resident Killer Whales finally coming back into our inside waters in numbers. The Transient Bigg’s Orca have all but disappeared somewhere. In this report, as promised there is some other information on the Orca with the damaged dorsal the Dept. of Fisheries had numbered U135. He is actually known as CA217…see…
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Elusive Transient Bigg’s Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins, Porpoise and Links in the News

The Transient Bigg’s Orca are keeping a very low profile lately, but the word is that the Northern Resident Killer Whales known as the A5’s finally showed up around the Blackfish Sound area after having been seen a while ago much farther up the coast. The Humpback Whales are showing up with a couple travelling…
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Rare Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise

Rare Transient Bigg’s Whales make an appearance in BC’s inside waters creating much excitement. This is only the second time they’ve been spotted in BC waters, and the first inside of Vancouver Island. There was also sadness to see that the big male had only half a dorsal fin from an apparent boat strike. We…
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Happy Canada Day! Cetacean Sightings Update

Happy Canada Day to Everyone!Transient Bigg’s (meat eating) Orca in front of Powell River delayed this Sightings update by a number of hours. The T002C’s seem to love this area and have become our "Resident" Transients, a term I coined over a year ago indicating that they remain in this area and the surrounding inlets…
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Quite a Show – Transient Bigg’s Orca & Pacific White Sided Dolphins Leaping

Transient Bigg’s Orca have grouped up and have been putting on quite a show. Great photos below! The Pacific White Sided Dolphins, the acrobatic show-offs, have appeared in numbers up to 150 while Humpback Whale reports have been few. Dall’s Porpoise have been spotted in a large group of 50-100 animals and Harbour Porpoise are…
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Orca, Humpback Whale, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Many Harbour Porpoise

Sneaky Transient Bigg’s Orca were popping up all over the place then disappeared, as did most of the animals during the windy Friday the 13th, but they all made a sudden reappearance today. Lone Humpback Whales were spotted as were a huge group of Harbour Porpoise and Pacific White Sided Dolphins. The Porpoise are of…
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Cetacean Sightings: Transient Bigg’s & Resident Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise

Many Transient Bigg’s Orca reports; T87 and T60’s are staying in the central part Georgia Strait appearing to circumnavigate a number of islands. Southern Residents have been hanging around the San Juan Islands, their favourite spots. A few Humpback Whales have been transiting our areas with a few even going in the ‘wrong’ direction. ‘KC’…
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Very Active Few Days – Both Transient & Resident Orca, Humpbacks, Dolphins and Porpoise

Very active few days with both Southern Resident Orca, Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and both Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise showing up. Transient Bigg’s were seen in close proximity to both Dolphins and Humpbacks in Discovery Passage. Wonder if the Dolphins used the larger Humpbacks as shields…interesting. Susan MacKay &…
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Transient Bigg’s Orca, Grey Whale, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise

End of May ALREADY?! The Transient Bigg’s Orca popped up and disappeared from the central Georgia Strait but some of the ones seen recently have snuck up the coast, or circumnavigated Vancouver Island, to show up at the top of Johnstone Strait with a few back in our area again. Some of these Orca Susan…
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Transient Bigg’s Orca all over the place! Long delayed report. Updated Fundraising Info

So much activity to report! And, there is also so much going on behind the scenes that this report was delayed twice. We now have a total of 6 Tours donated to us to raffle as fundraisers! We’ve gone through the Gaming Commission hoops for our fundraising licence requirements and have been put in a…
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Humpback Whales, Transient Orca, a few Dolphins and Porpoise

Orca and Humpback Whales travelling back and forth in the strait. While the Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales have been covering a great deal more territory and managing to disappear regularly, there have been a couple of Humpback Whales travelling back and forth through Seymour Narrows up to Brown’s Bay and down to just below Campbell…
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Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoise

Happy Mother’s Day! Transient Bigg’s Orca have been popping up all over the place and in numbers too. They appear to have all taken to doing long dives and manage to sneak around. Humpback Whales are working their way up to their summer feeding grounds with a sudden influx of sightings in our inside waters.…
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Transient Bigg’s Orca, Humpback Whale, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoise

Transient Bigg’s Orca, Humpback Whale, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoise reappearing after the earthquake which was felt throughout the Georgia Strait and even inland. Things have been hectic with much organizing and preparation happening behind the scenes for us and our governing WOWsociety. We are working on scheduling a brief Powell River meeting…
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Transient Bigg’s Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise

Appearing / disappearing Transient Bigg’s Orca on the hunt. They have been doing such long dives that finding them after a dive can be difficult. They seem to pop up where neither people scanning the water, nor their prey, expect. They’ve been hunting Pacific White Sided Dolphins, seals, sea lions and Harbour Porpoise. No word…
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Transient Bigg’s Orca back and forth in Georgia Strait

A major increase in Cetacean sightings from a slow start to April. Most of the sightings reported are Transient Bigg’s Orca, but it appears they have finally moved back into our areas. It does help that more people are on the water. The Orca have been around, but they have passed a few times in…
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Orca and Porpoise – Cetacean Sightings

Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales and Harbour Porpoise. The Pacific White Sided Dolphins must have scattered, but where? A water taxi reported through Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whales and Grizzly Bear Tours. that in the past week he’s seen Orca in Toba Inlet, Rendezvous Islands and Hole in the Wall. They may be following the Dolphins,…
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