Whales Can Be Seen, Even from Shore

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Whales Can Be Seen, Even from Shore

Cover Image:
Humpback and kayakers!
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC

Autumn has arrived with cooler temperatures. Changes will occur on land and in the sea as time progresses towards the winter months. However, the presence of Cetaceans has not changed over the first few weeks of September. Cetaceans have been observed and reported in upper Georgia Strait, along the Sunshine Coast, and in Howe Sound. We also received reports from the north-east side of Vancouver Island, from East Sooke, and from Alberin Inlet. Note that whales, dolphins, and porpoises can sometimes be observed from shore. One needs to be patient when trying to see Cetaceans from shore and the use of binoculars would help in locating them. For example, the blows of Humpback whales can be seen with the use of binoculars if the whales are a few kilometers away. There are many Humpback whales in many coastal areas and waterways that can be observed still. In addition, many Transient Orca are present and some of the Northern Resident Orca have been seen regularly in upper Georgia Strait and adjacent waterways.

As a reminder that if you are boating and out on the water, please be aware of the presence of whales and dolphins. Signs of their presence may include blows of the Cetaceans and other boats stopped or moving slowly in an area. Boats and other water craft (e.g. kayaks) must remain at least 400-meters away from Orca and at least 100-m away from other species. See the full government regulation in the paragraph below.

The Federal Government (DFO) issued the following statement about watching Orca in the wild: “Vessels must stay 400-m away and may not position a vessel in the path of killer whales in southern BC coastal waters between Campbell River and just north of Ucluelet until May 31, 2025.” For all other areas of B.C. outside of the area indicated above, a minimum distance of 200-m must be maintained when viewing Orca OR while viewing any Cetaceans that are resting or with a calf. When viewing whales, dolphins, and porpoises under other circumstances not described above, a minimum distance of 100-m must be kept. A great resource for up to date Canadian or US regulations: Be Whale Wise Guidelines

WOWs works throughout the year, so please continue to keep your eyes open, and report your sightings to us.

Society News & Events
Thank you all for your kind and continuing donations. Your support is greatly appreciated to keep us going. 
Whales and Dolphins BC is our educational website where these reports are also published and our Wild Ocean Whale site is our Society website. Information on our Feral Cat Initiative will be updated again soon.
Instagram and Twitter: Instagram at Wildoceanwhalesociety and Twitter (on hold for now) at WhalesDolphins 

Real Time Monitoring Station Live Update
Our Live Web Camera YouTube Channel streams from Powell River 24/7 with views towards Texada – Vancouver Island – Savary and up towards Cortez. Hope you've been seeing some of the many whales and the Aurora Borealis.
Thank You to our Volunteers and Contributors!
Our team of online Volunteers continue to do a great job in making sure all your sightings reports are mapped and published regularly. Would you like to join us? Updates on current availabilities and revised links will be posted here.
Review our previous Volunteer Job Postings Job Postings are slowly being revamped (we're volunteers too, so sorry for the delays) and not yet on our web sites. 

Data For Research:
For research access to 33,000+ sightings in our database in a downloadable csv file for use in a spreadsheet, please Click Here. to fill in your request.
Sightings Update
Sat Aug 31 2024
17:10 • Biggs Orca ◦T023s,T123s◦ heading north around McMullen Point, Discovery Passage.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
17:19 • Biggs Orca around McMullen Point. Possibly T060s and hoping to confirm ids.
Radio, overheard or call out
20:00 • Biggs Orca heading north, west of Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait. ▫ Second Hand
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Sun Sep 01 2024
10:25 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading south, Lewis Channel.
13:42 • 5 Biggs Orca off Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
13:50 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading west, Baker Passage.
Robin Pears, Campbell River Whale Watching
16:30 • Biggs Orca heading south-east off Cabin Point, East Sooke, Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Kristina Mangligot, Victoria, BC
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca heading south-east off Cabin Point, East Sooke, Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sun, 1 Sep 2024 – 1 items
Kristina Mangligot, Victoria, BC

Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Biggs Orca heading south-east off Cabin Point, East Sooke, Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sun, 1 Sep 2024 – 1 items
Kristina Mangligot, Victoria, BC
Mon Sep 02 2024
13:18 • Biggs Orca off Chatham Point, Discovery Passage.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:52 • 5 Biggs Orca heading south by Eagles Cove, Discovery Passage.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Fri Sep 06 2024
11:43 • 4 Biggs Orca heading south by Chatham Point, Discovery Passage.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:10 • 4 Biggs Orca heading south by Maud Island in Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage. One big fin. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Sun Sep 08 2024
08:20 • Biggs Orca heading south in Lewis Channel.
09:14 • Biggs Orca in Lewis Channel.
10:40 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading south in front of Squirrel Cove, Lewis Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:10 • Biggs Orca ◦T101s◦ heading south, east side of Twin Islands, Malaspina Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
16:10 • Biggs Orca ◦T060s◦ heading south by Buckley Bay, VI Ferry Terminal, Baynes Sound.
Radio, overheard or call out
Mon Sep 09 2024
11:44 • Biggs Orca heading south near Squirrel Cove, Lewis Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:45 • Biggs Orca ◦T002Cs◦ moving slowly, heading south, to the south of Squirrel Cove.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:45 • Biggs Orca heading west, Baker Passage.
19:41 • Biggs Orca heading north by Big Rock, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Wed Sep 11 2024
08:38 • 3 Biggs Orca heading south out from Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait. ▫ From Ferry
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Fri Sep 13 2024
08:03 • 3 Biggs Orca by Campbell River, Discovery Passage.
Radio, overheard or call out
Sat Sep 14 2024
10:29 • Biggs Orca by Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
11:17 • 7 Biggs Orca by Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
11:41 • 5 Biggs Orca heading north towards the other group at Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:43 • 12 Biggs Orca just south of the Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
17:51 • Biggs Orca some still by Menzies Bay, Discovery Passage.
19:13 • Biggs Orca in Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage.
Radio, overheard or call out
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Thu, 5 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Thu, 5 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Sat, 14 Sep 2024 – 2 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Sat, 14 Sep 2024 – 2 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Sun, 8 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Killer Whales travelling!
Sun, 8 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Sun Sep 01 2024
08:42 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s, A94 Mystery◦ heading south at the north end of Lewis Channel.
10:25 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s, A94 Mystery◦ foraging, south of Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:28 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ south-west of the Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Robin Pears, Campbell River Whale Watching
Thu Sep 05 2024
13:01 • NRKW Orca by North Rendezvous Island, Calm Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:35 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ between South Rendezvous Island and Read Island, Drew Passage. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
18:25 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ heading south by the Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Sat Sep 07 2024
08:51 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ on Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
13:55 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ heading north, north of Quartz Bay, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Sun Sep 08 2024
08:48 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s, A94 Mystery◦ heading south off Wilby Shoals swimming towards Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
09:14 • NRKW Orca ◦A42s◦ off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Thu Sep 12 2024
10:02 • est. 3-8 NRKW Orca below Telegraph Cove, Johnstone Strait. Dolphins were mobbing this big orca who changed directions to get away from more of them. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
AL, Telegraph Cove, BC / Prince of Whales
Northern Resident Killer Whales
Northern Resident Killer Whales below Telegraph Cove, Johnstone Strait
Thu, 12 Sep 2024 – 1 items
AL, Telegraph Cove, BC / Prince of Whales
Northern Resident Killer Whales
Northern Resident Killer Whales below Telegraph Cove, Johnstone Strait
Thu, 12 Sep 2024 – 1 items
AL, Telegraph Cove, BC / Prince of Whales
Tue Aug 20 2024
09:00 • 3 Orca heading north-east heading in and out of Port Alberni, Alberni Inlet. Viewed from Lady Rose heading towards Port Alberni and on return from Bamfield seen heading back down inlet towards the Pacific. Three whales seen in both sightings. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
MB, Port Alberni, BC
Tue Jul 23 2024
16:00 • 3 Humpback Whales heading west south end of South Texada Island Park, Sabine Channel. Orcas were attacking Humpback whales. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
WP, Sechelt, BC
Mon Aug 12 2024
13:00 • Humpback Whales breaching, heading south between Hornby Island and Texada Island, Georgia Strait. Was a large humpback whale breaching and holding pectoral fin up repeatedly for about 20 minutes. ▫ Observed from Shore
Brenda Lloyd, Denman Island, BC
Sun Sep 01 2024
08:18 • Humpback Whales off Blubber Bay, Texada Island, Malaspina Strait. One whale west of Blubber Bay travelling south. A few other whales beyond Coho Point.
SW, Powell River, BC
09:00 • est. 6 Humpback Whales mid-channel off the Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
11:45 • 2 Humpback Whales heading west to the east of Mystery Reef, Malaspina Strait. Active whales.
Graham Evans, Stowaway Adventures
12:28 • Humpback Whales south-west of the Spoil Grounds south of Cape Mudge, Georgia Strait.
Robin Pears, Campbell River Whale Watching
13:42 • 2 Humpback Whales off Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:46 • 2 Humpback Whales out from Grant Reefs mid Georgia Strait.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
18:31 • est. 15 Humpback Whales north of Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Mon Sep 02 2024
10:15 • 8 Humpback Whales on Wilby Shoals and top of Marina Reef, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
12:55 • 1 Humpback Whales heading south 1/3 of the way to Harwood Island Sandbanks (Bluffs), Malaspina Strait. Seen to be hanging out, not doing much of anything.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
A Humpback Whale heading south to Harwood Island Sandbanks (Bluffs), Malaspina Strait
Mon, 2 Sep 2024 – 1 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
A Humpback Whale heading south to Harwood Island Sandbanks (Bluffs), Malaspina Strait
Mon, 2 Sep 2024 – 1 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
15:15 • 6 Humpback Whales between Marina Island shack and Quadra Island cell tower, Sutil Channel.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
18:17 • Humpback Whales heading south by Texada Island, Malaspina Strait. ▫ Observed from Shore
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
Tue Sep 03 2024
13:00 • Humpback Whales between Francisco Point and Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel. Numerous individuals observed.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Wed Sep 04 2024
13:23 • Humpback Whales between Wilby Shoals and Marina Island, Sutil Channel. Numerous Humpbacks were sighted.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:40 • 1 Humpback Whales heading north, mid channel between Powell River Viewpoint and Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait.
Barry Rice, Powell River, BC
Thu Sep 05 2024
09:10 • Humpback Whales heading west, Dent Rapids.
Jess Cavanagh, Blind Channel Resort
09:42 • 5 Humpback Whales around Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
15:12 • 7 Humpback Whales within three miles of one another between the Quadra Island cell tower and Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:16 • Humpback Whales off the south end of Hill Island, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Fri Sep 06 2024
11:22 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX0565 Nick◦ off Marina Reef, Sutil Channel. Nick with her calf.
Radio, overheard or call out
16:29 • 1 Humpback Whales heading south to the south of Harwood / Ahgykson Island, Malaspina Strait.
16:46 • 2 Humpback Whales between Powell River Viewpoint and Rebecca Rocks mid Malaspina Strait. Very loud, could hear blows from Powell River.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales between Powell River Viewpoint and Rebecca Rocks mid Malaspina Strait
Fri, 6 Sep 2024 – 2 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales between Powell River Viewpoint and Rebecca Rocks mid Malaspina Strait
Fri, 6 Sep 2024 – 2 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
16:58 • Humpback Whales breaching, by Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
16:58 • Humpback Whales breaching, by the Pinnacles, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Sat Sep 07 2024
09:49 • Humpback Whales on the north side of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales on the north side of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 3 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales on the north side of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 3 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
09:49 • Humpback Whales on the south side of Rebecca Rocks, Georgia Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
10:02 • est. 6+ Humpback Whales breaching, around Francisco Point and Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
11:30 • 2 Humpback Whales heading east just south of the Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy on Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
13:14 • Humpback Whales ◦BCY◦ tail lobs, just east of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait. BCYuk2023#16 has no name yet.
15:20 • 3 Humpback Whales ◦BCX1565 Mensa,BCY0995 Smiley◦ just east of Rebecca Rocks.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales – BCX1565 Mensa, BCY0995 Smiley, BCY2023#16 – just east of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales – BCX1565 Mensa, BCY0995 Smiley, BCY2023#16 – just east of Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
16:45 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCY0057 Niagara,BCY1220 Holey Moley◦ heading north-west, east of Blubber Bay, Malaspina Strait.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales – BCY0057 Niagara, BCY1220 Holey Moley – heading north-west, east of Blubber Bay, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 3 items
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales – BCY0057 Niagara, BCY1220 Holey Moley – heading north-west, east of Blubber Bay, Malaspina Strait
Sat, 7 Sep 2024 – 3 items
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Sun Sep 08 2024
09:14 • 3 Humpback Whales off Shelter Point south of Campbell River, Georgia Strait.
11:48 • 4 Humpback Whales close to Marina Island shack, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
13:45 • 4 Humpback Whales northwest of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
16:34 • Humpback Whales breaching, between Rebecca Rocks and Harwood / Ahgykson Island, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Mon Sep 09 2024
15:45 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCX1852 Raza◦ bubble netting, on the south side of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
17:04 • est. 4+ Humpback Whales out from the Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
17:24 • est. 2+ Humpback Whales spread out, heading north off the south end of Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
18:46 • est. 4-6 Humpback Whales off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Tue Sep 10 2024
10:18 • Humpback Whales breaching, between Francisco Point and Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
13:32 • est. 6+ Humpback Whales off Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:00 • 4 Humpback Whales milling, near the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
19:30 • est. 6 Humpback Whales spread out, between Point Cowan and Passage Island, Queen Charlotte Channel. Three pairs of Humpback whales. ▫ Observed from Shore
19:30 • 2 Humpback Whales heading west towards Cates Bay, Bowen Island, Queen Charlotte Channel. ▫ Observed from Shore
Ivan Ng, North Vancouver, BC
Wed Sep 11 2024
08:38 • 3+ Humpback Whales closer to Rebecca Rocks, Malaspina Strait. ▫ From Ferry
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
14:53 • 5 Humpback Whales tail slaps, near Sutil Point, Georgia Strait. Pec slapping and tail thrashing together.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
16:49 • 3 Humpback Whales south side of Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
Thu Sep 12 2024
12:18 • Humpback Whales by the west side of Harwood / Ahgykson Island, Malaspina Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
14:23 • 16 Humpback Whales between Mitlenatch Island, Little River and Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
16:39 • 7 Humpback Whales between Mitlenatch Island, Hernando Island and Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
Terry Brown, Otter Be Good Productions
Sat Sep 14 2024
10:18 • est. 4-6 Humpback Whales around Cape Mudge and on Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
11:48 • est. 1-2 Humpback Whales heading south by Myrtle Point, Malaspina Strait.
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
13:50 • 8 Humpback Whales between Mitlenatch Island and Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait. in groups of two.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales pec slapping and fluking!
Sun, 8 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales pec slapping and fluking!
Sun, 8 Sep 2024 – 4 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales pec slapping and fluking!
Thu, 5 Sep 2024 – 6 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales pec slapping and fluking!
Thu, 5 Sep 2024 – 6 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales breaching and pooping!
Sat, 14 Sep 2024 – 8 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales breaching and pooping!
Sat, 14 Sep 2024 – 8 items
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Sat Aug 31 2024
15:10 • Minke Whales off Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island, Georgia Strait. Blew 3 or 4 times, then took a deep dive, tail flies out of water. ▫ Observed from Shore
TA, Bowen Island, BC
Thu Sep 12 2024
10:12 • PWS Dolphins, Okisollo Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Mon Aug 26 2024
09:20 • 2 Common Dolphins milling, Waddington Bay, Retreat Passage. Short dives, explored Waddington Bay. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
Dave Smith, University of Minnesota
Thu Sep 05 2024
15:16 • est. 1+ Dalls Porpoise close to the A42s by Read Island and Bullock Bluff, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Sun Aug 11 2024
06:35 • 5 Harbour Porpoise heading south-east, Boundary Pass. Seen from the rocks on Brooks Point. ▫ Observed from Shore
BB, Prince George, BC
Thu Aug 15 2024
07:40 • 3 Harbour Porpoise heading south-east by Powell River Ferry Terminal, Malaspina Strait. observed from ferry terminal, appeared to be moving slowly away from harbour and boats. ▫ Observed from Shore
SY, Powell River, BC
Sun Sep 15 2024
20:35 • est. 2+ Species Unsure heading south, Ole’s Cove, Malaspina Strait. ▫ Observed from Shore
TW, Sechelt, BC

we welcome your sighting reports, photographs, video and audio recordings. please review our
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Archive Explorer

Archive Explorer navigates 25,000+ Cetacean Sightings, images, videos and audio recordings. Please use the the funnel in our Map for access to our huge range of filters. Those wishing Research information in a spreadsheet format, please Click Here

*Recommended for desktop browsers and newer mobile devices

Archive Explorer dives into the Coastal Cetacean world. View Cetacean sighting locations, photos and videos:

  • All species including Orca, Humpback, Grey Whale or Dalls Porpoise
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  • Search for encounters with T002C2 Tumbo
  • Witness a close-up Orca encounter video in Port Alberni harbour
  • Follow the T010s Transients as they hunt and travel the inside passage
  • Track "KC", the ever popular Humpback's movements
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To access 25,000+ sightings in our database in a downloadable csv file for use in a research spreadsheet, please Click Here.

The Magazine
Whale killed, another rescued off B.C.’s North Coast: DFO
CBC News
A dramatic four-day rescue operation has successfully freed a humpback whale entangled in fishing gear in the Hecate Strait off British Columbia’s North Coast….
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Never seen anything like this’: Humpback whale catches unsuspecting seal off Vancouver Island
CTV News
A Vancouver Island nature photographer says he has never seen anything like what his camera captured on a recent whale-watching excursion off Victoria….
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“Such a surprise”: Massive bus-sized grey whale feeds off Spanish Banks beach
Daily Hive News
It’s all about timing sometimes. That’s the lesson learned for a Vancouver father and son lucky enough to be just metres away when a massive grey whale surfaced off the shore near Spanish Banks Beach….
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“Super cool’: Orca double breach, a rare sight, delights onlookers in Comox
Chek News
When Ralf Spodzieja got word that Bigg’s killer whales had been sighted in waters off Comox, he headed to Singing Sands Beach, where a group of people had already gathered in hopes of seeing the transient orcas for themselves….
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Unraveling the evolutionary secrets of how whales and dolphins adapted their backbones for aquatic life
Phys Org
If you’ve ever seen a dolphin swim, you may have wondered why they undulate their bodies up and down when swimming, instead of side to side as fishes do….
read on

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  • letters & articles: 500 words max.
  • you or your organization must be authors of the work and are solely responsible for its content. the magazine gives no assurance material submitted will be published.
  • Review our media submission guidelines
    we welcome your sighting reports, photographs, video and audio recordings. please review our
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