Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Whale Updates

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Whale Updates

May 25:
Hi.  I am not sure how to report a sighting.
I saw a group of 6 to 8 dolphins in front of Beach Gardens at 6:05 pm today.  They were slowly heading south along the mainland coast.  They were swimming in various directions as if they were feeding.
May 25:
4:45 pm around 12 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were very playful as they worked their way North-West in Discovery Passage, by Separation Head.
May 24:
2 pm approximately 30 Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Frederick Arm playing and doing some high speed foraging. The small herring were flying out of the water as the Dolphins picked them off.
May 24:
Some early morning unconfirmed reports of Pacific White Sided Dolphins by Cape Mudge Southbound and by Jimmy Judd Island Northbound as well as some Dalls Porpoises in Bute Inlet.
It was interesting that there were Tufted Puffins in Haro Strait, WA on May 20th. I’m not sure if that is something unusual, I’m used to them being up around the Queen Charlotte Islands. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

The following four submissions are from Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network in the US:
May 23
May 23 around  10:00am, a single gray whale was heading north, leisurely feeding just off Tulalip Shores. Then about 5:00 pm the whale seemed to return, heading south, again leisurely feeding along the shore.  Picnic at Spee-be-dah?

 Jim and Vicki Mattson, Tulalip Shores, WA

 May 22
At 12:52 pm Victoria Clipper III just left 4 transients, 2 mom and calf pairs, heading west-ish at Middle Bank, Haro Strait. 
Stephanie Raymond, Victoria Clipper

May 22   
On the late afternoon trip on Maya’s Westside Charters we encountered T10, T10B, T10C, T26 and T26A as they traveled south in Haro Strait.  We left them west of Kelp Reef traveling southwest
Jeanne Hyde, San Juan Island, WA 
May 20
May 20th, the 12.15pm Ocean Magic out of Victoria was able to locate two elusive Minke Whales at Hein Bank (Haro Strait) around 1.30pm. They were creating fun for the surface feeding gulls and Alcids. Certainly they were taking long dives and surfacing in different directions all the time. Quite the challenge, but it was nice to see possibly a mother and a youngster.Wonderful to see the sun for a change in these parts and enjoy the wildlife once again.

Marie, Orca-Magic. ‘Prince of Whales’. Victoria BC
The above four reports submitted by Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network