Photos of Whales and Dolphins plus Updates May 21

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Photos of Whales and Dolphins plus Updates May 21

Today was incredibly quiet after yesterday’s excitement of Transient Orcas and Pacific White Sided Dolphins within minutes of each other. It was certainly not through lack of looking by all the whale watching boats out there. There was an unconfirmed report that the Orca went into Desolation Sound last night, and the Dolphins were headed up Johnstone Strait.

May 21:
There was one report of briefly seeing 4 to 6 Dalls Porpoises around 4 pm in Calm Channel just outside Hole in the Wall. The report was relayed over the radio from someone operating the tour boat “Tenacious 3” through AJ who was running a tour boat today rather than water taxi. Sorry – don’t have the links for these tour companies for you today. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

May 21: 
Hi Susan, I especially like the Blog today! (20th report) Probably because I saw the Orca and Dolphins too!  I was down to the beach below us this afternoon and only saw 1 harbour seal.  The tide was especially low and I was photographing the pitted First Nations rocks and canoe runs still visible.  A man told me that about 12 dolphins passed by headed north at about 3:00pm.  Maybe trying to catch-up with yesterday’s group.  We do indeed live in a beautiful part of the world!  Have a great weekend. Steve

Photos below of the Pacific White Sided Dolphins really show just how close they ran to the motor with my boat. I need to mention to everyone that one quick movement, and these animals would have been hurt. I am always very careful around any whales or dolphins.

If you have them wake or bow ride, please be careful not to make any sudden movements or quick changes is speed or direction. These dolphins rode with me for around twenty minutes and I believe they did know the boat and that I was not making any sudden movements.

The three photos below are courtesy of John and Joan Treen who came out on the boat with me:

These Dolphins were playing tag with the skiff – I swear they were touching it at times. At one point there were around 20 of them wake riding from tight to the boat and back.
Susan MacKay – Whales and Dolphins BC

From Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network farther South:
J pod was in Active Pass just outside Victoria, BC on May 19th. and  in Friday Harbour today heading NW.
Bigger news is:

May 21
Marie at Washington State Ferries called at 3:36 to say a ferry captain reported he was surrounded by orcas about a mile east of Turn Island. (I’m assuming this Turn Island is the one just in Johnstone Strait by Chatham Point on the Ferry route up coast – Susan)

I hope to resolve the issue with my photos of the Orca before this goes out tonight – for whatever reason, this computer won’t allow me to save them small enough so the blog won’t reject sending them out. Susan


One Response

  1. MACMAN says:

    It is always so cool when you see wild dolphins swimming around. I really enjoy it when I get blessed with this opportunity when I am on the sea.

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