Transient Orca Super Pod Returns

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca Super Pod Returns

The large Super Pod of Transient Killer Whales didn’t stay very long at the top of Johnstone Strait! All 30 + Orca returned early this morning and stayed all day. Keep your eyes on the look out – they are around. I kept looking today, but they never came as far as Powell River….but almost. Read below:
Susan MacKay – Whales and Dolphins BC 
May 17:
5 pm The Orca had spread out a bit withing a triangle from Savary Island, Hernando and Mittlenatch Islands.
4 pm the Whales had made it about two miles South of Sentry Shoal where they let a lone Dalls porpoise get out of their way. They had been zig zagging towards Powell River then towards Miracle Beach on Vancouver Island. The Orca then grouped up with lots of vocalization. Ahh, calm weather, sunshine, whales and listening to them talking too! They slowly started to work their way back towards Mittlenatch.

En route to find the Orca, between the red can buoy and Mittlenatch, 3 Harbour Porpoises were spotted Northbound. Guess the Sea Lions were filling since the whales let them go.
The above three reports from Jack – Campbell River Whale Watching

May 17:
12:30 pm the Orca were spread out in smaller groups from the South end of Quadra Island to Vancouver Island slowly working their way South. By 2:45 pm they had made their way to Mittlenatch Island. The count was back up to the 30 + whales.
from Gary – Aboriginal Journeys
May 17:
Good morning Susan
10 Orca heading south at Seymour narrows at 7:30 am this morning.
Talk to you soon