Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Orca and Humpback Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Orca and Humpback Sightings

Today’s Sightings include Pacific White Sided Dolphins (see photos below) in front of Powell River, J and K Pods of Resident Orca in the San Juans, and Transient Orca and a Humpback Whale off Tofino. Good start to the Summer!
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

June 21:
6 pm During a quick scan of the waters in front of Powell River, the distinctive dorsals and splashes of around 60 Pacific White Sided Dolphins foraging back and forth in front of the Mill got me to grab gear and head down to the skiff. The sun shining and calm waters was an extra bonus. The Dolphins were only interested in feeding, chasing fish close in to the Willingdon Beach shore. I stayed with them till around 9:20 pm when they suddenly exploded out of the water and made a B-line back towards the Mill then continued towards Lund. It was interesting to also see some terns picking off some of the excess feed.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Photos below by Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Photos Above by Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Below Four Reports submitted by Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island, WA
June 21
Heading south out of Friday Harbor we headed further south towards Smith Island we encountered a pod of fast traveling orcas. This pod of killer whales (believed to be a mix of J and K pod) had everyone’s attention as they displayed an array of exciting behaviors! A rambunctious younger member of the group was the first to breach! As the pod spread further apart they became even more active with several members of the group breaching, spyhopping, and kicking.  At one point we even had a simultaneous breach from two of the pod members! The whales kept us awing for as long as we could handle and as if the whales did not entertain us enough, we were lucky to have a bald eagle sighting and lots of lazy harbor seals hauled out on Whale Rocks as we made our way back to Friday Harbor!
Alex – Naturalist, San Juan Safaris
June 21
Barbara Bennett of the Island Co./WSU Beach Watchers reporting seeing whale spouts & several boats with the whales, near Ebey’s Landing, West Whidbey Island, at around 12:40 pm. It appeared the whales were moving closer to the Pt. Townsend side of the inlet a bit later. 
June 21
6 transient orcas ( 1 adult bull, 1 calf and 4 females/juveniles) off Cow Bay, Flores Island just NW of Tofino at 16:00. No one manged any ID’s as we gave them a very respectful distance. Our evening trip was spent in their company off Whaler Island (!!) closer towards Tofino. We left them at 20:00 as they formed a resting line with their direction set up Miller Channel (Humpback report continued below).
June 21(Continued from report above) Our trip back to Tofino on the offshore discovered a feeding gray whale in Ahous Bay and then a traveling humpback 1 mile offshore Lennard Lighthouse. Hat-trick of whales!
Claire Mosley, Marine Biologist, Jamies Whaling Station, Tofino.