Sightings June 1st and June 2nd

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Sightings June 1st and June 2nd

 It’s been quiet around these parts. The Transient Orca went South and some North-West. The last ones reported haven’t been found in the various channels and inlets. There have been more sightings of the smaller cetaceans such as, Harbour and Dalls Porpoises, and Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Though I understand that there were quite a few, around 80, of them in the upper Johnstone Strait. Also, more Humpback Whales are making an appearance up there now. They seem to sneaking by us here or making their way in from the top of Vancouver Island.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

June 2:
We had between 20 to 30 dolphins today . Chatham  point heading west.  No sign of that humpback today. On the water tomorrow at 9 and 11.

Aaron, Campbell River Whale Watching

June 2:
11 am Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Seymour Narrows just South of Ripple Rock
Jeff, Fog Horn, Painter’s Lodge

June 2:
Harbour Porpoise off Chatham Point Light at 10:30 am

June 1:
5 pm Around 10 playful Dalls Porpoises were by Maurelle Island – Calm Channel. 
Jack, Campbell River Whale Watching

June 1:
Jack reported a dead Sea Lion floating by Otter Cove in Discovery Pass at aroun 2:10 pm

June 1:

2:10 pm 20 to 30 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were active and plyful in Discovery Passage. first heard over the radio – very broken transmission the later from Warren on Tenacious 3

May 31:
Late report by text message from Jack, Campbell River Whale Watching that Aaron N. had Orca by Sonora Lodge around 8:25 pm. No direction – No numbers.

On Friday 3 June the NWFSC, Cascadia Research Collective, and DFO will begin a 4 week project to deploy suction cup attached acoustic recording tags (Dtags) on killer whales, primarily southern residents, in order to more accurately measure received noise levels by whales. This a continuation of the project we started last September. We will deploy these tags from our research vessel, Phocoena II, using a long pole.  We will conduct focal follows to collect predation event materials from tagged or associated whales.
We thank everyone in advance for providing us with space to work.
Brad Hanson, NOAA, NW Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA 
Submitted by: Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network

May 31
Following up on a sighting of 1 whale in Active Pass, we located 5 transient orcas southbound in Swanson Channel at approximately 1230 today (5/31). The group was ID’ed as T87, T124A1, and the 3 T90’s (see photo below). The group was traveling slowly, against the inbound tide, and were possibly resting. We left them at 1330, still traveling generally south.
Joan Lopez, Naturalist, Vancouver Whale Watch 
Submitted by: Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network