Transient Orca and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Lots of Transient Orca are in the neighbourhood – interspersed with Pacific White Sided Dolphins today. J and K Pod of Southern Resident Orca are still in Puget Sound and the Humpbacks seem to have gone North West.

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
June26: Transient Orca Reports throughout the day:
4:30 pm 8 of the two groups of Transient Orca including T137 were still headed North West tight along the Vancouver Island Shoreline by Elk Bay, just above Campbell River. (Garry was out with the two groups of whales from around 1 pm – SM) Also, at 9:30 am a group of 6 Orca by Cape Mudge including one large male. IDs included T137 and T137A

11:30 am a second group of around 6 Orca were by Copper Bluffs headed NorthWest
9 am Broken radio transmission of Orca spotted by the Light – Campbell River direction.
8:45 am Around 6 Orca were passing Pebble Beach, south of Powell River with lots of breaching, splashing, lying on their backs doing inverted tail slaps and generally socializing. Two large males and a couple of calves.
Bill T.
A pod of Orca was seen at Myrtle rocks a 8:30 am Sunday heading south.  There was a mother and a baby and about three others.  They gave a beautiful display of tail slapping and flipper flapping.
Hi Susan, 5 to 6 whales went by Grief Point around 7:30 this morning heading south at a leisurely pace. Lots of breaching and tail slapping by one larger individual.
Heather Dickson, Grief Point
sighting at 730 at grief point- 5 orcas,
Orca Network received a call from Tony McGinnis, reporting  ~6 orcas in Malaspina Strait, BC, near Myrtle Pt. at 9 am this morning, heading east.  The pod included some adult males and calves. At this time we aren’t sure whether these were Transients or Residents – did anyone else see them or get photos? (These were the Transients from yesterdays Sightings – SM)
submitted by: Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island, WA
June 26: Pacific White Sided Dolphins Reports:

At 3:45 (as I type this) there is a very large school of dolphins (possibly 100 plus) heading south about ½ mile off shore at Grief Point. Moving at a very leisurely pace. Usually if they have any speed we can hear them from the house but today the are just rolling along.

Heather Dickson
3 pm Around 60 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were slowly cruising Southward by the Westview Ferry Terminal, Powell River. At the same time, I overheard on the radio that there were possibly more Dolphins in Discovery Passage above Campbell River.

1:20 pm Pacific White Sided Dolphins spotted by Mill, in Powell River. At least 20 of them surfaced at the same time with some leaping totally out of the water.
Jasmine and Dave, both working at the Powell River Harbour