Transient Orca, Porpoises and a Minke Whale

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca, Porpoises and a Minke Whale

Due to the Stanley cup Hockey game and minimal sightings yesterday, today’s sightings report includes both June 15 and 16, 2011. Transient (meat eating) Orca are making themselves visible again. They seem to be running a pattern of alternating days of being visible and disappearing up one of the many inlets.

Also, if you’d like to learn more about the Salmon Fish Farms / Feedlots, here’s a link to Voices for Wild Salmon – Alexandra Morton’s Blog She has been fighting on behalf of our Wild Salmon for some time now.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

June 16:
Hi Susan. We first saw the Orca T19B and 6 others. Steep Island 1pm and last I heard was southbound by Shelter Point at 3 pm. Never saw any dolphins or porpoise today. Cheers. 
June 16:
Report at 730 this morning – circa 6-8 Orca North Bound in front of Campbell river. No one is out there yet, maybe they will turn with the flood tide.
Transient Orca arrived here at 6:30 am at the Lighthouse, (Cape Mudge – SM) traveled passed Campbell River and up to Eagles Cove and then turned and are now heading south at the moment (1:25 pm) 7 Orca
June 16
Orca Network received a call from Alexia at 12:40 pm – she was watching 2 orcas, a Mom and calf, off the north side of Sucia Island, WA heading east. She said there were hundreds of Harbor seals in the area, and with J pod out west, (open Pacific – SM)  it sounds like a pair of Transient orcas.
Submitted by: Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island, WA
June 15:
Hi. Quiet for me. A few Harbour Porpoise near Yuculta Rrapids. 330 pm. Cheers. 

June 15:
Caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye at 10:35 am so quickly grabbed the binoculars just in time to see another blow and the half body porpoising move that’s quite typical of a Minke Whale on the move. And then it was gone…me standing there scanning like mad. I’d like to say that I saw the back again to confirm 100%, but I’m only 90% sure of the sighting. Minke’s are quite notorious for a few quick breaths then disappear for long periods to pop up quite a distance off. This one seemed to be on the move Northward just off Westview, Powell River.

Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC