Transient Orcas, Porpoises, Dolphins and Dusty the Gray Whale

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orcas, Porpoises, Dolphins and Dusty the Gray Whale

As I started typing this there were Transient Orca right out in front with their blows highlighted by the sun as the head towards Grief Point. A great end to a great day on the water with eleven people from the Malaspina Naturalist Group out on a “Whale Seeking” tour that found two groups of Transient Orca, Dall’s Porpoises and some black bears, including one taking a nap on a rocky outcropping above the water. The sun came out and the water was calm. Sightings follow below. No time to post photos today.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

June 11:
8 pm 5 Transient Orca (same ones from earlier in the day) by Atrevida Reef then Harwood Island then Westview, Powell River heading Southward towards Grief Point. Looked like they had a snack when they were closer to Harwood Island.
I received a couple of “can you see them” calls thanks to John & Joan T. and Steve G.

June 11:
6 pm Received an update via Jack, Campbell River Whale Watching that Jen saw Dusty the Gray Whale in Seymout Narrows heading Northward. Earlier in the day, around 2 pm, someone over the radio said there was a Gray Whale out in front of the Rona Store in Campbell River. Sounds funny, but that the landmark close to shore – SM

June 11:
5:30 pm 30+ Pacific White Sided Dolphins were just outside of Okisollo Channel into Discovery Channel bow and wake riding.
Garry, Aboriginal Journeys

June 11:
2:30 pm and 3 pm reports of Orca by Savary Island, Mace Point then closer to the Iron Mines on the mainland side. Looked like they were heading in a Northerly direction. (These were the same Transient whales that were seen earlier in the day as well as the ones that headed South this evening. – SM)

June 11:
Lots of Dall’s Porpoises: Between 2:20 pm and 3 pm we had various small groups of Dall’s Porpoise. Some came by to bow ride for a short run close to Hole in the Wall, Calm Channel, then another two were spotted by Rendezvous Islands and another 5 zipped about as we started to head down Whale Channel (or is that Whale Passage? – SM).

June 11:
Two Transient Orca Encounters with the same group: After entering Bute Inlet, 1 pm we saw the second group of 5 Transient Orca headed against the tidal rapids at Arran Rapids. As Jack put it “an Orca Jacuzzi” with the whirlpools running. They were taking their time going through, when a little Harbour Seal drifted in, never noticing that he was headed straight into these meat hunters. The orca had their snack. The whales made it through the narrows, down past Sonora Lodge then turned back up into Bute Inlet to do it again. Around 2:45 pm they took, in spectacular fashion, I’m told, a Harbour Porpoise, again in Arran Rapids. These Orca were left still up in that area when Garry left them.
Reports from Susan MacKay out on Campbell River Whale Watching boat and Garry from Aboriginal Journeys

June 11:
9:30 am 5 Transient Orca just South of Twin Islands and Baker Pass between Cortez and Hernando Islands. We watched as they breached, tail lobbed and rested. There were a few vocals in between boat noise. They were between Powell Islets and Bliss Landing, by the Copeland (Ragged – local name) Islands when we left then still slowly working towards Sarah Point around 11:30 am.

June 11:
9:20 am a Harbour Porpoise was spotted by Squirrel Cove, Cortez Island just before we heard the Orca were behind us and we turned back to locate them.

June 10:
Late Report that around 12 Orca were Southbound down by Black Point, south of Powell River late in the day. (This is unconfirmed, but looking at the photos of yesterday’s whales, they are different Transients than the ones from today – SM)