Humpback Whale and Transient Orca
With the sea state a bit lumpy with white caps in many areas, finding the Orca today was tough. A lone Humpback whale stayed mostly in one general area today allowing the tours to have a good look. No Dolphins or Porpoises today.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 7:
5:30 pm Lone Humpback Whale was left still in the same general area. Garry left it close to “Turn Back Point” by Arran Rapids.
Garry, Aboriginal Journeys
July 7:
3 pm Lone Humpback Whale by Sonora Lodge. Aaron, Campbell River Whale Watching
July 7:
11:45 am 5 Orca (assumed to be the group of Transients that from yesterday that didn’t go through Seymour Narrows – SM) They were doing a number of large spy hops close in on the South West side of Savary Island. They headed West towards Vancouver Island between Sentry Shoal and Mitlenatch Island where they were lost in between the white caps.
Dee Ingraham, Savary Island
July 7:
11:30 am A lone Humpback Whale was spotted by Hall (or possibly Hull) Point headed in a southerly direction towards Dent Rapids. Through broken radio transmissions.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island, WA