More Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback and a Minke

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

More Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback and a Minke

More Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback and a Minke today. Although I understand the winds had picked up down around Campbell River today, it was wonderfully calm and sunny today at the top of Johnstone Strait.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 21: Northern Resident Orcas
11:40 am 3 Orcas identified as A12 and the two remaining A36 brothers reported in Nodales Channel by Davis Point heading into Frederick Arm. (This is all between Johnstone Strait and Desolation Sound in the inside waters – SM) At 5:30 pm these whales were still in Nodales Channel foraging.
The Northern Resident (B10’s and A30’s) Orca were still in the upper Johnstone Strait area. We managed to get out into Queen Charlotte Strait to see them in flat calm water and sunny, summery skies around 12 pm-ish just off Lizard Point, Malcolm Island. We left them, or should I say, they left us heading North towards Wells Passage past Foster Island around 1:35 pm There were a few great vocal calls as they chatted, but a few passing boats made recording them difficult.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Around 2:45 pm we met up with the Resident A24 Pod of Orca by Beaver Cove, Johnstone Strait/Broughton Strait. They were being harrassed by around 6 Pacific White Sided Dolphins who seem to love tormenting the Resident Orca as part of their play. We left them by the Pearse Islands around 5 pm.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
 T020 July 20, 2011
Photo by Garry, Aboriginal Journeys
 One of the A36 Brothers (A37) July 21, 2011
Photo by Garry, Aboriginal Journeys
A12 July 21, 2011
Photo by Garry, Aboriginal Journeys
July 21: Dall’s Porpoises
The afternoon was spotted with sightings of Dall’s Porpoises in two’s mostly from Weynton Pass up and around Donagle Head, Malcolm Island between the 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 21: Humpback Whales
Around 2:15 pm Although there were reports from around the area of a few more Humpback Whales, we only saw one small, non-tail fluking, unidentified one heading into a bay around the North side of Donagal Head, Malcolm Island to rest.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 21: Minke Whale
2:30 pm One medium sized Minke Whale, (we thought we saw another at a different time, but couldn’t confirm) was headed West past the bay that the Humpback went into to rest. The Minke didn’t stop at all, but perhaps that was due to the feed the birds were picking off farther in the direction he/she was headed.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Late Reports from July 20:
Hi Susan – not sure if Jack sent you a report, but here is a brief synopsis.
The latest – from me. We had Transient Orca, about 7 – T20 and T21 were in the mix. They were first sighted off the south end of Quadra North Bound. They made it to Seymour Narrows, and it was an amazing show. Breaching, spy hopping, lots of action. We think there was some Orca ‘love’ going on 😉
They turned to the south again, at about 12pm and bucked the tide in the Narrows until the flood kicked in. By about 4pm they were in front of Campbell River, heading into the rough seas brought in by the southeast wind. These Orca were very active the entire time, and we were all in awe.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins, about 40 were at Hall Point – reported at about 1pm, and were making their way to the West – I didn’t get up to see them, but I am sure that you got the report from Garry.
Also heard that the A23’s (Northern Resident Orca – SM) were possibly at Camp Point East bound late this afternoon.
Late Report from July 20:
0820 6-8 T’s (Transient Orca – SM) traveling mid Discovery Pass in front of Cape Mudge Village
1030 I left the Orca spread out coming up to Maud Isl.
1130 – 30ish LAGS (Pacific White Sided Dolphins – SM) off Hall Pt
1405 – same T’s heading south at north bluff in Seymour Narrows (they eventually went south off Cape Mudge into the 4ft chop, Hurricane Jack 1700ish)
No fog for me tomorrow please! 🙂 talk to ya then
Thanks Susan
AJ, Oak Bay Hurricane