Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback

Although being able to continue the Sightings reports and Blog while out on the water, being in some anchorages means the reports are delayed due to lack of signal. Many times today I could hear parts of reports yet none of the tours could hear me. It’s amazing what a difference one island between radio and cell sites can make. I will still carry on with the blog as much as possible and pick up your emails as soon as possible to post as well as the radio reports I do hear.
Today’s reports are intermittent radio bits which included a Humpback sighting around Raza Island which, considering I was there and looking specifically for it, makes me think it was a report from yesterday’s sighting, which we missed, but was a definite sighting. See the report below. Also Orca reports, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, and a sudden bit of summer weather.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
July 18:
Today was just perfect. Found the A23’s at about 11am (between St. Vincent Bight and Eve River East bound). Also about 200 pacific white-sided dolphins about 9am – Discovery Passage, south bound – and they were seen through the day, but the last sighting was about 2:30pm at Ripple Point.
Some Dall’s porpoise in front of St. Vincents bight – likely about 5 or 6.

Jen Campbell River Whale Watching

July 18:
12:15 pm Resident Orca were sighted by Stimpson’s Reef, Johnstone Strait. No ID, direction or numbers. Overheard on the radio by
July 18:
9:44 am Around 100 + Pacific White Sided Dolphins reported around Separation Head, Seymour Narrows. No direction.
July 17:
3:45 report of Orca by Windy Point, Johnstone Strait. Around 4 pm out with the tour, caught up with the Resident Orca. The A23’s were westbound by Hickey Point, Johnstone Strait. And right around the same time there were around 200 Pacific White Sided Dolphins in the area, but closer to Helmken Isalnd in the middle of Race and Current Passages.
July 17:
Reports of 3+ Dall’s Porpoises outside of Aran Rapids, by Bute Inlet at 12:25 pm and 3:15 pm Overheard from unknown sources on radio. They were apparently playfully bow riding.
July 17:
11;30 am Reports of both Resident Orca eastbound at Eve River, Johnstone Strait and Transient Orca westbound in close by Sunderland Channel, by Kelsey Bay.
July 17:
10:45 am Humpback Whale in Calm Channel at the South end of the Rendezvous Islands and shortly after right at Raza Point, Raza Island feeding. Another report a bit later on also.
AJ, Oak Bay Hurricane