Storms and Orca Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Storms and Orca Sightings

Whales are almost impossible to spot when there’s a storm, but in a few places the seas weren’t quite as bad as out in front here. The indication was that the Orca were headed towards Powell River, but no-one managed to spot any from Saltrey Bay to Powell River and across towards Campbell River. Seas were high enough that no ferries were running and the salt spray is all over my windows. The Whales are out there though, so with things settled down, keep your eyes open.
Orca – Killer Whales
January 23:
Hi Susan –
We got this report tonight that you might be interested in:
Jan 23 @ 5pm Alan and Jennifer Fletcher here, north side of Hornby Island. We Just had a pod of approximately 7 orcas ,no confirmed ID ,but probably group of Resident as sea lions swimming happily nearby! Animals moving east about one km off shoreline
Cheers Alan

It could be J pod, who went by SJI (San Juan Island) yesterday – so just a heads up in case they show up in your neighborhood again, whoever they are!
Susan Berta, Orca Network

January 22:
9:10 am Call came in 2 Orca (at least) were Southbound towards Powell River from between Savary Island and Lund. One Male, one Female.
Al Wood, Lund Water Taxi
Al couldn’t stay long with them, but was certain about two Orca at least. There was no sign of them down to Powell River, but the seas were full of whitecaps. SM
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