Orca in Our Area

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Orca in Our Area

Orca again by Cape Mudge, off Campbell River. Other Sightings are few and far between. There have been a couple of Grey Whales appearing in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. The shrimp draggers are still back and forth in front of Powell River. There are cetaceans out there, but it’s a big ocean – keep looking!
Sad news of this morning’s passing of Spinnaker, the Pacific White Sided Dolphin who has been at the Vancouver Aquarium since being saved from a net in 1991. A necropsy is being done.
Hummingbird update: They are very happy that the winds have eased. They had a terrible time getting to the rocking feeder. My four birds are feeding a lot with the two females actually sitting at the feeder together lately.
Orca – Killer Whales
Hi Susan, Just got a couple recent reports of Orcas in our area the last couple days. The first report was of a couple Orcas southbound past Cape Mudge,Quadra Island around 1 pm March 6th.
The second report was of at least 4 Orcas northbound past Cape Mudge, Quadra Island at 6 pm March 7th. It looks like we are seeing more activity.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
2012 Charter Cruises
Enjoy a personalized week long Charter Cruise in the pristine wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest. Information can be found on the 2012 Charter Cruises pages of Whales and Dolphins BC.