Orca Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Orca Sightings

Large number of Orca are passing through on the inside waters again, but no word on the Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Sightings reports are few, but at least there are sightings. Some more information from NOAA below on the satellite tagging of Southern Resident Orca.
Orca – Killer Whales
March 4:
20+ Transient Orca, possibly the same ones from yesterday’s report by Seymour Narrows, were at the top of Johnstone Strait this morning. If they are the same ones, they must have turned and were headed Southward past Orca Lab in Blackney Pass around 7am.
Reported by Marie on Orca Live
March 3:
Hi Susan, Just got a report from my friend Josh Duncan on the Western King (commercial fishing vessel) that he saw 13 Orca heading just north of Seymour Narrows (Campbell River area) in a northerly direction. He said there were 3 large fins in the pod. I asked if he took photos and if he noticed any notches in the dorsals but no reply yet. 130 pm (He didn’t take any photos, and didn’t notice any notches. No additional information to this posting time. Susan)
Have a nice weekend, Cheers
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Wildlife and Adventure Tours
February 29
A J pod (Southern Resident Orca) sighting from yesterday, sent by John Ford of DFO’s Pacific Biological Station: We observed J pod southbound off Nanaimo at 1800 (2/29). They were heading (south) towards Dodd Narrows when we left them at dark. John
submitted by Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, WA
February 29
3:45 pm – Sounds like T20 & T21 4.4 Nautical N.E of Race Rocks 1445
Ron Bates
submitted by Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network, WA
Southern Resident Killer Whale Satellite Tagging

March 2, 2012, update – The researchers continue their survey, with the primary goal of re-sighting J26. Although they have heard J pod members on the hydrophone several times during the night, they have not yet encountered them during daylight hours. Other researchers from Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans have reported an encounter with J pod in the Strait of Georgia late in the day on February 29. The Canadian researchers confirmed that the tag was missing from J26. The NWFSC is currently searching for J pod in that general area and will continue to do so over the next several days in order to re-sight J26 and collect information on SKRW winter feeding activities. See the NOAA Ship Tracker website for the current location of the Bell M Shimada and where it has been searching over the last several days.

2012 Charter Cruises
Enjoy a personalized week long Charter Cruise in the pristine wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest. Information can be found on the 2012 Charter Cruises pages of Whales and Dolphins BC.