Killer Whales on the Move

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Killer Whales on the Move

More reports of Orca – Killer Whales in a couple of areas. I believe these may be the same Transient Orca as seen yesterday and in the previous days reports, but have no confirmation to posting time. Looks like some of those Pacific White Sided Dolphins have made their way to Sechelt. Update on the Humpback Whale with confirmation from Jackie Hildering of MERS that it was KC (Kelp Creature) who had been seen with another just above Johnstone Strait a few days before.
Orca – Killer Whales
May 4:
10 am 1 Lone Orca spotted Southbound close to the shoreline near Willow Point, South ofCampbell River.
Laura, Aboriginal Journeys
Transient Orca
May 3, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
May 4:
Hi Susan We have just arrived back up at Savary today. Karsten was thrilled to once again see a pod of Orca, this time from the ferry close to Earls cove, about 10:30 am. We had a good sighting first from the bow and then from the stern as they swam back toward the terminal. We saw about 5 whales in total. What a treat!!!! Cheers
Dulcie Macdonald, Savary Island
May 4:
2:05 pm Left the Orca 2 miles off Shelter Point, Campbell River still slowly headed Southward.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
May 3:
9 pm Approximately 6 Orca were seen from the ferry, Queen of Burnaby just off Rebecca Rockswhile en route to Comox from Powell River. It was getting too dark for some of the crew to see them, but the captain did make an announcement.
Crew members, Queen of Burnaby
Transient Orca
May 3, 2012
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures
May 3:
We left them (11-12 Transients) all grouped up about 2 miles SE of the red can buoy (off Cape Mudge)headed for Mitlenatch Island. Nice gang. Last year’s baby looks good! Nice to see T19B.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures
Humpback Whale
May 3:
We Picked up on (the Humpback Whale ‘KC’) just North of Seymour Narrows hiding along the Vancouver island shoreline watching this Gang of T’s pass by at about 14 knots in the flood tide of Seymour Narrows! We kept an eye on her and once another WW vessel came out we slid back to get some ID shots for you. We picked up on her at approx 1250hrs and left her at approx 1530 hrs 2.5 to 3 miles South of the red can off of Cape mudge. She stayed behind the Gang of T’s the whole time. So exciting to see a HB this time of year!
Nick, Eagle Eye Adventures
Humpback Whale ‘KC’
May 3, 2012
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
May 4:
9:30 am I just spotted at least 2 dozen Dolphin heading east just outside of the Trail Islands. They were racing along low in the water. Sorry correction, those were the Pacific white sided Dolphins spotted just off the Trail Islands. (Sechelt)
Judy Marusiak
May 1:
11:30 am Approx. 10 Pacific White Sided Dolphins frolicking about half mile off the Powell River, Westview ferry terminal heading Southward.
Crew, Queen of Burnaby

2012 Charter Cruises
Enjoy a personalized week long Charter Cruise in the pristine wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest. Information can be found on the 2012 Charter Cruises pages of Whales and Dolphins BC.