Sightings, Photos and Links

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Sightings, Photos and Links

Very brief summary, and some photos, I’m afraid. I’ve run out of time to do a full report again, but will make sure the details are all in the next report. Below you’ll find a couple of links that I received with Transient Orca with a large group of Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Hyacinth Bay, off Heriot Bay, Quadra Island taken in June and another with Transient Orca, Harbour Seal and a sport fishing boat just off Nanaimo.
Summary Reports
Transient Orca (Bigg’s Killer Whale)
Lying on back in play – July 4, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
July 6:
Very early report of Transient Orca by Pryce Channel, again just above Desolation Sound. They chased some PWS Dolphins. Again, they seem to have split up with some going down Beazley Pass and Hoskyns Channel. No word at the time of writing this as to where the rest of them got to. One Humpback Whale was spotted in Seymour Narrows headed North-West which may be the same one that’s just appeared at the Okisollo side of Hole in the Wall while another Humpback is at the Calm Channel side of Hole in the Wall. Transients are just inside Drew Harbour / Heriot Bay, Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island.
Transient Orca (Bigg’s Killer Whale)
Breach – July 4, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
July 5:
Transient Orca first spotted at the top of Lewis Channel, just above Desolation Sound. A large group of PWS Dolphins took off in a hurry. Some the Orca headed down through Beazley Pass and some were spotted off Bliss Landing, just above Lund in the early evening. There were also Humpback Whales by Squirrel Cove and another off Cape Mudge.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
July 4, 2012
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures
Transient Orca with Pacific White Sided Dolphins – off Quadra Island
Transient Orca with Harbour Seal – off Nanaimo