Delayed Sightings Posting

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Delayed Sightings Posting

First a correction in the last posting: the Humpback Whale Flukes photo was taken at Ripple Shoal this year August 29, 2012 not as stated, and may be a new whale to the area.
Due to lack of internet connection, reports were delayed. The August 30th Orca reports follow the separated Resident Orca and Transient Orca sightings reports to September 1, 2012.
August 30, 2012 was another very busy day, mostly with Orca. Where these Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales were hiding is anyone’s guess, but late Powell River reports give some indication. Humpback Whales have appeared again in the Savary Island – Campbell River area, with the start of their migration to their breeding grounds in Mexico and Hawaii. Pacific White Sided Dolphins appear to have moved their larger numbers up to the top of Johnstone Strait but a few smaller groups are still around.
Northern Resident Killer Whales
NRKW the A23’s Nodales Channel
August 31, 2012
Susan MacKay, SG Images
September 1:
8:47 am Orca at Hall Point Nodales Channel report from sports fisherman.
September 1:
9:29 am As I rounded Davis Point, I came across 4 Orca foraging very tight into shore headed into Nodales Channel. I cruised very slowly watching them right against the shore inside of over twenty sports fishing boats trolling up to Sonora Point. There were 3 smaller splashes around them, in particular around the lead male. I couldn’t tell which species of Dolphin or Porpoise was harassing him. At one point the A23’s stopped to rub against the rocks with a bit of spy hop slowly settling back into the water as they had a good scratch. Once they made it up to Sonora Point around 10:30 am I noticed a Steller Sea Lion foraging with them. The Orca continued up towards Hall Point foraging all the while. They crossed over to Frederick Arm where they met up with the A36 brothers and contined to forage a short distance up the Arm turning back down towards Nodales at 1 pm.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
September 1:
10 am Watching the 4 Resident Orca just below Sonora Point with 3 Harbour Porpoise harassing them.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
September 1:
10:53 am 2 Orca by Hall Point confirmed as A36’s and crossed to Gomer Island at the entrance to Frederick Arm.
2 pm A36’s together with the A23’s had continued down Nodales and were by Davis Point.
September 1:
4:10 pm Orca headed West passing Chatham Point.
Joss, Eagle Eye Adventures
September 1:
5:20 pm The two A36’s were at Hall Point, nodales aiming for Denham Bay, but instead started back up Frederick Arm.
Pacific Yellowfin Tender
August 31:
9 am 4 Resident, for sure, Orca Eastbound by Humpback Bay, Johnstone Strait.
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
August 31:
10 am the Resident I15’s were at the bottom of Hanson Island, top of Johnstone Strait foraging and resting.
10 am Some Orca Eastbound by Eve River Johnstone Strait.
10:15 am 4 Orca in Bear Bight tight to shore, slowly Eastbound making it to Rock Pt. by Chatham Point Lightstation by 11:53 am. Someone reported them as the A25’s and left them angling towards Nodales Channel.
August 31:
3:31 pm Orca by Gomer Island, Frederick Arm. They turned back down Nodales and were at Hall Point at 4:30 pm
Elvis, Eagle Eye
August 31:
4 pm 4 Resident Orca now Westbound down Nodales Channel with some Dall’s Porpoise.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
August 31:
Around 5 pm I picked up on the Orca just below Sonora Point and managed to hear a few calls on the hydrophone and later confirmed ID’s as the A23’s from a few photos. They foraged as they slowly Wested down Nodales Past Davis Point and Thurston Bay. I last saw their blows by Howe Island at the entrance to Johnstone Strait.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales
August 31:
8:30 am 6 Orca Southbound by Marina Island heading towards Mitlenatch Island.
10:33 am Orca by Blind Bay – broken radio call.
August 29:
there were a few whales in front of the concrete break water at the mill, yesterday?? August 28th3 or 4??
Marion Blank, Powell River
August 29:
Late to post this Susan but we have had 2 sightings this week. Friday Aug 24th mid morning 5 orcas heading south at Grief Point very close to shore. They hit the point and disappeared. It is a very heavy boat traffic area. Tuesday August 28th 2 groups heading south at Grief Point about 7 PM. Traveling about 150 m apart. Again very close to shore. One group with 5 or 6 individuals and the other with 3, maybe 4 (one very small possibly a calf).
Heather Dickson, Powell River
Orca – August 30th
with simultaneous sightings this is all Orca reports in time order
Northern Resident and Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales
Transient (Bigg’s) Orca
August 30, 2012
Susan MacKay, SG Images
August 30:
8:45 am 4 Transient Orca Northbound heading towards Chatham Point from Elk Bay. As they worked their way past Turn Island they spread out with one male and a smaller fin in the center, one on the Vancouver Island side and one by Turn Island still heading West. (these later became known as Group #2)
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
9:15 am Orca reported from fisherman between Mitlenatch and the fishing hump off the red can buoy at Cape Mudge.
Aaron Webber, Campbell River Whale Watching
9:45 am Just found another group of 5 Orca 2 big fins 2 small at Palmer Bay, Westbound also. (these became Group #1) Unsure if Transient’s or not. They crossed over to Vansitaart Point by 10 am.
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
9:50 am 4 Transient Orca (Group #2) were just coming up to Ripple Pt. running tight to shore when we noticed some other Orca (Group #1) just across the Strait hugging the other shore close to Vansitaart Point. The 4 were moving quickly and made it to Palmer Bay, just above Humpback Bay in Johnstone Strait by 10 am.
10:30 am on the way back to go into Bute for our Grizzly bear tour, we came across some more Orca! There were blows by Bear Point (these became Group #3) and at least 2 male Orca were across the Strait by Knox Bay. (these were not seen specifically again, so no Group # was given – may have been the Resident A36’s and possibly turned, but unconfirmed – SM)
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
10:35 am I picked up on 5 Transients (Group #1) later ID’d as including T93 and T97, just below Ripple Shoal off Vansitaart Point. It took them quite a while to get across to Camp Point where they had a quick rub on the beach before continuing past a lone Harbour Porpoise and a very small seal which quickly porpoised away. They continued pushing against the large ebb tide up Race Pass to Petersen Island by Kelsey Bay where they rested and had another beach rub. I left them there at 12 pm to head back to look for Group #2.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
11:30 am One side of the Strait had Transients (Group #2) the other side had a group that looked like Residents (Group #3). The Resident Orca (uncertain of numbers) stalled at Palmer Bay while Group #2 Transients were almost to Vansitaart Point looking at their blows.
Aaron Webber, Campbell River Whale Watching
12:30 pm Waiting patiently, the 4 Transient (Group #2) Orca, later ID’d as the T69’s were finally visible at the Vansitaart light. They were fighting a large tidal current and when a container ship passed, they surfed a bit in it’s wake then worked their way across to the range light below Camp Point to have a quick rub and a look in the kelp beds. This short distance took them one hour against the 5 knot flood tide. Surprisingly, they crossed back over to Ripple Shoal and ran up the center of the shoal angling to known seal covered rocks. I watched as they passed the rocks and entered into Billygoat Bay on Helmken Island then rounded one of the islets and headed right towards Salt Wash, anchored in the bay. They swiftly took at least one Harbour Seal and shared the meal. I wonder what my cat on board thought about it all. I returned to Salt Wash while the Orca hugged the shore out of the bay into Current Pass at 2:20 pm still Westbound. I did not make it to see who Group #3 was.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
3:15 pm 5 Transients (Group #1) Westbound by Windy Point.
Sean, Tenacious 3
3:30 pm 3 Orca (assumed to be the last of Group #3) made it to Camp Point and stalled till left them at 4 pm.
Elvis, Eagle Eye
5:10 pm Orca (no numbers and unknown who possibly Group #2) at St Vincent Bight then
5:30 pm 6 to 8 Resident Orca including 1 large fin headed West right in front of Kelsey Bay. (probably Group #3)
Sean, Tenacious 3
Transient (Bigg’s) Orca take a seal
August 30, 2012
Susan MacKay, SG Images
Humpback Whales
September 1:
8:20 am Humpback Northbound past Campbell River and now in Brown’s Bay.
September 1:
9:29 am Small Humpback by McMullen Point Westbound.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
September 1:
10:26 am Small Humpback by Little Elk Bay Northbound.
10:49 am Large Humpback in Otter Cove below Chatham Point Lightstation.
3:06 pm Humpback by Tyee Point, Ripple Shoal area – no direction.
August 31:
8:35 am Small Humpback Northbound by Campbell River McMullen Point.
10:15 am Humpback, but not the same small one, by Rock Point light Westbound.
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
August 30:
9:45 am Humpback just off Seymour Bluffs.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
reports with NRKW’s not duplicated here
September 1:
9:53 am 80+ PWS Dolphins foraging by Brown’s Bay.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
September 1:
Morning sometime: Around 400 PWS Dolphins were spread out from Escape Reef to Cracroft Point.
3:14 pm Small group of around 12 PWS Dolphins Southbound by Kanish Bay.
August 31:
9 am 50 PWS Dolphins foraging from Sonora Point into Frederick Arm.
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
August 31:
6:30 pm 40 or so PWS Dolphins by Kelsey Point in the Dent Rapids area. They’re foraging with some Sea Lions.
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise
reports with NRKW’s not duplicated here
September 1:
8:45 am 3 Harbour Porpoise foraging in Thurston Bay.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
August 31:
10:30 am 20 playful Dall’s Porpoise by Shoal Bay.
Scotty, Painter’s Lodge
August 31:
11:40 am 10 Dall’s Porpoise at the entrance to Phillips Arm.
August 31:
2:30 pm 10 Dall’s Porpoise right by Thurston Bay, Nodales Channel. I heard some thumping under the boat, which is always disconcerting, and didn’t see any splashes of animals beside till suddenly the thumping stopped. The Dall’s have done this before, riding the push from Salt Wash’s hull but from underneath instead of in front till they need to take a breath.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
August 30:
2 pm Some Dall’s Porpoise at Horn Point, Dent Rapids area.