Cetacean Sightings – Humpbacks, Dolphins, Orca, Porpoise

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Cetacean Sightings – Humpbacks, Dolphins, Orca, Porpoise

There are a some Cetacean Sightings reports of Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Harbour Porpoise and a couple of Orca. Fewer tours and a now dead radio, even the few Eco-tour boats out there need to contact me by other means rather than just passing the information over the air waves. The whales and dolphins are out there – Keep Looking!
Apologies for the delayed sightings report….battling computers with updates to the main Whales and Dolphins BC web site and an attempt to get set up on Facebook as well. Any insight into setting up the Facebook page would be helpful! I’m going around in circles with it.
What is new, is the new Support Page which also has information for Volunteers and offers a chance to win a four day, three night cruise for two people.
Humpback Whale Lunge Feeding Lazily
Showing off long strands of Baleen
Nick Templeman
Humpback Whales
October 13:
1:53 pm Watching one small non-fluking Humpback headed from Wedge Island area to Bold Head, Blackfish Sound. I can also see at least 2 more puffing in the distance off Bold! Make that to 3 or 4 More!
By 2:15 pm: I see over 10 whales now with more down by Flower Island, almost to Blackney Pass, too.
Nick Templeman
October 11:
10:30 am Humpback Whale between Chatham Point and Howe Island, momentarily inbound. I think the same beast has been there for three days now.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort
October 11:
11:35 am Humpback Whale off Orange Point – Campbell River / Discovery Pass area.
Transient (Bigg’s) Orca – Killer Whales
October 12:
10:30 am At least two Transient Orca were briefly spotted angling Southbound off the Chatham Point Light.
Cam M.
Transient Orca
October 10, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 13:
9 am Had around 12 PWS Dolphins heading North by Deepwater Bay.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
October 12:
8:28 am 75 – 100 PWS Dolphins at the West end of Okisollo Channel.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort
October 11:
10:30 am Water taxi reported heaps of Pacific White Sided Dolphins Southbound by Separation Head, Seymour Narrows.
Aaron Nagler, Sonora Resort
October 11:
10:45 am 10+ PWS Dolphins were off Hernando Island headed towards Baker Pass.
Cam M.
October 11:
12:24 pm 20+ PWS Dolphins on the Vancouver Island side across from Okisollo Channel.
2 pm These same Dolphins were still foraging, but just at the mouth Okisollo Channel.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
October 10, 2012
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
Harbour Porpoise
October 14:
9:08 am Small herd of 5 – 6 Harbour Porpoise foraging close by in Beware Passage, Harbledown Island.
Nick Templeman
has information for Volunteers and offers a chance to 
WIN a four day, three night cruise for two people.