Sea Fair Reminder and Cetacean Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Sea Fair Reminder and Cetacean Sightings

Reminder this is the last chance till midnight July 25 to take part in our fundraising draw for the two Whale Watching trips through our on line link at: Click Here for more information and Enter to WIN!
If you can, please join us at Powell River’s 50th Sea Fair. We will have a table for the three days as well as being part of the parade on Saturday.
Draw entries will be available through the weekend till closing Sunday, July 28, 2013 when the winner will be drawn.
A huge thank you to those who have contributed so far.
You are making a difference!
There is not one penny going to anything other than direct costs of Wild Ocean Whale Society – WOWs. We are all volunteers and do not receive any remuneration or compensation for fuel etc. Thank you again!
Below is a brief summary of sightings for the past two days. There is not enough time to compile the complete list due to Sea Fair preparations.
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776or Email your report.
Every sighting report is valuable!
Cetacean Sightings:
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales:reappeared July 24 around 3:30 pm between Cortez and Kinghorn Islands and headed up Lewis Channel.
Northern Resident Orca: had gone West out Queen Charlotte Strait on the 22nd, and also returned East to the upper Johnstone Strait area July 24. They were heading back towards Robson Bight.
Humpback Whales: Every day there are sightings of at least one, but one report had more, Humpbacks between Grief Point, Powell River down Malaspina Strait to almost Lang Bay. The last report was again July 24 off of Beach Gardens Resort, Powell River. There is at least the one very large Humpback, but personally, I know I had ‘Houdini’ one day and the other whale was not one that I could identify for certain, but now believe it to be a different whale.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins:still in larger numbers then breaking into smaller groups spread out from Campbell River up into Nodales Channel and just above the Yuculta Rapids, where the main numbers seem to stay.
Harbour Porpoise: A few have shown up including July 24, close to where the Transient Orca were assumed to be on the hunt for them July 24.
Again, apologies for this summarized version of the report. The full report will be posted after Sea Fair with the name of the winner from the draw and photos from Sea Fair.
Powell River’s Sea Fair is our first official outreach program as Wild Ocean Whale Society – WOWs.
Powell River Sea Fair July 26 to July 28, 2013:
WIN Two 6 hour whale watching tours donated by one of our regular reporters, Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Tickets are available on line until July 25th
and throughout Sea Fair – come visit our table
Winner will be drawn at the closing ceremonies July 28th.
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776or Email your report.
Every sighting report is valuable!