Humpback Whales, Orca, Grey Whale, NRKWs and Porpoise

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Humpback Whales, Orca, Grey Whale, NRKWs and Porpoise

Humpback Whale by Powell River was also seen in Hotham Sound. Unidentified Orca and Porpoise or Dolphin were reported, and the Northern Resident Orca known as G-Pod were uncharacteristically visiting the Victoria, BC area. A Grey Whale report, Dall’s Porpoise and Links in the News rounds out this Remembrance Day Sightings update.
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776or Email your report.
Every sighting report is valuable
Humpback Whale ‘Crescent’ BCX1258
Grief Point, Powell River November 11, 2013
Susan MacKay, SG Images
Unidentified Orca
November 10:
11:46 am Large number 20+ of Orca spread out between Mitlenatch and Shelter Point, on Vancouver Island. Southbound?
Jack Springer, Campbell River Whale Watching
November 10:
1 pm Number of splashes close to the Comox ferry terminal – based on the above report, there is a chance that it’s the whales, but too far away to tell for sure.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
November 10:
1:26 pm There’s a number of Orca blows at Shelter Point….heading towards the fishing hump.
Northern Resident Killer Whales
November 8:
No time given: Northern Resident Killer Whales were seen by Sooke off Vancouver Island. They were later identified as G-Pod. Information forwarded by;
Alison Barratt, Victoria
Humpback Whale ‘Crescent’ BCX1258
by the Hulks, Powell River November 11, 2013
Susan MacKay, SG Images
Humpback Whales
November 11:
8:30-ish (rec’d 9:48 am) Breaching Humpback Whale at Sonora Point, Nodales Channel approximately an hour ago from a tugboat.
Nick Templeman, Campbell River Whale and Bear Excursions

November 11:
10:30 am A very big Humpback Whale is heading towards Westview from Myrtle Rocks area of Powell River. It’s quite close to the mainland shore, surfacing for three breaths then down for a bit.
10:55 am It just rounded the Grief Point breakwater and may be moving out into Malaspina Strait a bit or more towards Texada Island.
Jim Southern, Powell River
November 11:
10:51 am We just saw a Humpback Whale going toward Powell River just past Myrtle Rocks.
Bob Brooks, Powell River
November 11:
11:15 am Easily picked up the Humpback Whale in the flat calm waters by the Grief Point marina shortly after getting out of Westview Harbour. The whale known as ‘Crescent’ or officially BCX1258 was doing the usual, not fluking (lifting the tail so a good ID photo could be taken) as it rounded Grief Point. With the ferry preparing to leave Powell River I tried to notify them to take care departing. They spotted the whale and took a wide, slow 12:15 pm departure. Crescent made his/her way to the Powell River Mill where a Sea Lion joined up around 1:30 pm as they worked some food. They travelled close together and maybe even a bit of play as they foraged Southbound close to the hulk breakwater and in towards Willingdon Beach. A number of people watched from shore. Once the Sea Lion was around, Crescent fluked a few times permitting the confirmation of identification.
2:40 pm Humpback ‘Crescent’ was angling towards Rebecca Rocks or the NW tip of Texada as we, my friend and member of Wild Ocean Whale Society, Judy and I, headed back to the harbour.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
November 11:
10:25 am (rec’d call 12 pm) A Humpback Whale was tight into shore by Myrtle Rocks. Took a few breaths then disappeared. It was a big whale heading North.
Liz Kennedy, Powell River
November 11:
12:28 pm Just saw a Humpback Whale surface right out in front of Powell River. There’s a boat out there and it surfaced a ways in front of it. (The boat was us – SM). Unfortunately a tree got in the way of my view, but what a great sight!
Leigha Stewart, Powell River
Humpback Whale ‘Crescent’ BCX1258 with Sea Lion
Powell River November 11, 2013
Susan MacKay, SG Images
November 11:
Approx. 1:30 pm (rec’d call 2:30 pm) We were out walking on the beach and saw what looked like possibly a mom and calf Humpback Whale just off the hulks and the Powell River mill. Definitely one Humpback. We watched from shore – pretty amazing. (The ‘calf’ was the sea lion surfacing which can look like a very small blow, in particular when it’s very calm – SM)
Audrey Sullivan, Powell River
November 7:
4 pm Possible Humpback Whale at Willow Point, the end of Discovery Passage. It’s close to shore. From my brother-in-law again. I may head down to shoot it (photograph it, in case there’s any doubt – SM).
Few minutes later: Humpback for sure, smallish and non-fluker. Just passed the Pier Northbound mid channel.
Nick Templeman, Campbell River Whale and Bear Excursions

November 5: (rec’d Nov. 6)
The MNats ran a trip from Saltery Bay up Jervis to Princess Louisa Inlet yesterday, Nov.5. Almost immediately, we saw a humpback whale at the mouth of Hotham Sound and watched it surface and dive for about an hour. However, we wondered if there were in fact two animals as they seemed to surface in different places. What do you think? (There is a possibility there were two or more, but the photos submitted were all of ‘Crescent’ the whale seen in Powell River November 11th – SM)
Heather Harbord, Powell River
Humpback Whale ‘Crescent’ BCX1258
Hotham Sound November 5, 2013
Heather Harbord, Powell River
Grey Whale
(from description)
November 5: (rec’d Nov. 7)
7:30 – 8 am a large baleen whale surfaced very close to shore. We are one kilometre South of Royston on Vancouver Island. It’s back was light grey with white blotches (this identifying feature is that of a Grey Whale – SM). I didn’t see a dorsal or tail flukes and when it surfaced so slowly, it looked just like a rock. It moved very slowly Southward. Such a treat to look out the window and spot this whale. We regularly see Harbour Porpoise in the area, but not whales.
Julie Andrew, Royston
Unidentified Porpoise
(possibly Pacific White Sided Dolphins from numbers)
Saturday, November 9, 12:30 pm. There was an extraordinary large group of porpoise moving south just north-east (perhaps 1 Km) of Morseby Island. Unfortunately I could not make a count and was too far away (On North Pender) to take any photos. My guess is that there were 50 or more. I have not witness such a large group before although we do occasionally see small groups of 4 – 6 in front of the Magic Lakes estates on North Pender.
Dean Mills, Pender Island
Dall’s Porpoise
1:30 pm 3 Dall’s Porpoise were heading from Atrevida Reef towards the Harwood spit just North of Powell River. I spotted them, and their distinctive white patch on their dorsals, while waiting for the Humpback Whale to resurface.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Links in the News
Transient Bigg’s Killer Whale attacks Dolphin;
Photographers capture rare footage of killer whales in Hawaiian waters;
Humpback dolphins discovered off Australia are new species;
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776or Emailyour report.
Every sighting report is valuable!