Pacific White-Sided Dolphins were observed in a few waterways, and they were very active at the surface making leaps out of the water and bow-riding at another location. These dolphins swim very fast and can easily keep pace with a power boat! Eventhough they are called ‘White-Sided’ dolphins, their sides are really a very light grey colour, much lighter than the rest of the body that is in a darker grey.
A few Transient Orca pods were observed in upper Georgia Strait and a few pods of Northern Resident Orca were observed in Johnstone Strait. Many Humpbacks have remained in the inland channels, with many of them breaching. On the West Coast of Vancouver Island, one Humpback whale (possibly 2) were observed deep in Tahsis Inlet and quite far from the open ocean. A couple of Humpbacks were observed to be bubble-net feeding in Sutil Channel. This is when Humpbacks release air from their blowhole when they are swimming in a circle underneath their prey (schooling fish), trapping the fish within the bubbles (“bubble-net”), and then the whales swim up through the bubble-net to consume their prey.
Boaters, please use caution on the water. Effective June 1st, Federal laws require boats to remain at least 400-m away when viewing Orca and for other Cetaceans, laws require boats to remain at least 100-m from the whales/dolphins. Remember N.E.W.S. when you see a whale, meaning put your boat in NEUTRAL, ENJOY the view, WAIT till the whales are at a fair distance, and then SLOWLY leave the scene.
Note that the release of our regular publications will be interrupted over the next few weeks. Your reports of Cetacean sightings will be processed still, but at a slower rate, due to the changes of the availability of our volunteers. We will be working hard to catch up.
We acknowledge that our sightings map and archive map are not fully functional at this time, and we are working to resolve the issue.
WOWs works throught the year, so please continue to keep your eyes open, and report your sightings to us.
Society News & Events
Whales and Dolphins BC Website:
Teaching Resources: We continue to update lessons, activities and resources on our website. Teachers can download information as needed for classes.
Real Time Monitoring Station Live Update
Our Cetacean Web Camera
YouTube Channel is live. We appreciate your patience with the intermittent bouncy images from the Beach Gardens Marina camera. Our backup live stream mounted in Powell River appears when the Beach Gardens camera is down.
Thank You to our Volunteers and Contributors!
Our team of online Volunteers continue to do a great job in making sure all your sightings reports are mapped and published regularly. Would you like to join us?
Review our current
Volunteer Job Postings
Not listed in our job postings is our immediate need for IT support. Please contact Susan@…org for details.
Sightings Update
Sat Aug 10 2019
08:20 • Biggs Orca off Rebecca Rocks, Georgia Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
10:39 • Biggs Orca heading north, Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
10:56 • Biggs Orca heading north-west abeam Pinnacles heading to Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
Information from Trish. ▫ Second Hand
11:43 • Biggs Orca heading north, Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
12:16 • 2 Biggs Orca heading west, Mitlenatch Island, Georgia Strait.
One large fin and one small fin.
12:25 • Biggs Orca ◦T018s◦ heading north, Mitlenatch Island.
12:39 • 2 Biggs Orca heading north approaching Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
13:14 • 2 Biggs Orca heading north-west, Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
One male and one female. ▫ Leaving the Scene
16:50 • Biggs Orca heading south towards Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Orca – T065A2 (Ooxjaa) – travelling through the Strait of Georgia
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Val Watson, Vancouver Island Whale Watch
Transient Biggs Killer Whales
Transient Biggs Orca – T065A2 (Ooxjaa) – travelling through the Strait of Georgia
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Val Watson, Vancouver Island Whale Watch
Fri Aug 09 2019
10:05 • NRKW Orca at Naka Creek, Johnstone Strait. ▫ Second Hand
10:30 • NRKW Orca heading east, east of Naka Creek. ▫ Second Hand
11:55 • NRKW Orca heading east between Adam River and St. Vincent Bight, Johnstone Strait.
Large group.
11:55 • NRKW Orca at Forward Bay, Johnstone Strait.
13:00 • NRKW Orca
moving slowly, heading east at Windy Point, Johnstone Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
14:20 • NRKW Orca
milling, at St. Vincent Bight, Johnstone Strait. ▫ Leaving the Scene
Sun Aug 11 2019
12:30 • est. 20+ NRKW Orca heading west at Forward Bay, West Cracroft Island, Johnstone Strait.
In four different groups.
Sun Aug 04 2019
09:00 • 1 Humpback Whales
resting, heading south off Ceepeecee, Tahsis Inlet.
Sleeping at surface in Tahsis Inlet at Ceepeecee junction. Water was like glass. Originally we thought it might be in distress i.e. trapped in net/lines as was at the surface unmoving – breathing once a minute. After observing for ten minutes it slowly seemed to wake and then casually sounded. Saw it the next day, same place, same time, same behaviour. ▫ From Power or Sail Boat
Craig Smith, Victoria, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback resting at Ceepeecee Junction
Sun, 4 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Craig Smith, Victoria, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback resting at Ceepeecee Junction
Sun, 4 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Craig Smith, Victoria, BC
Fri Aug 09 2019
07:20 • 2 Humpback Whales between Plunger Passage and Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
09:30 • Humpback Whales heading north between Gibsons Beach and Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
09:30 • 1 Humpback Whales between Hill Island and Carrington Bay, Sutil Channel.
09:47 • 3 Humpback Whales between Carrington Bay and Von Donop Inlet, Sutil Channel.
10:38 • 2 Humpback Whales between Mitlenatch Island and Hernando Island, Georgia Strait.
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks having fun in the Strait of Georgia
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 7 items
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks having fun in the Strait of Georgia
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 7 items
10:43 • est. 3-4 Humpback Whales ◦BCZ Hourglass◦ heading north, south tip of Raza Island, Calm Channel.
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks travelling by Raza Island, Calm Channel
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 8 items
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks travelling by Raza Island, Calm Channel
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 8 items
10:57 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north between Mitlenatch Island and Cortez Reef, Georgia Strait.
At 11:06, they changed direction and headed west toward Quadra Island.
11:20 • 2 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, heading south between Powell River Mill (Pulp & Paper) and Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
Mother and calf.
12:24 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north at Marina Reef, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
12:25 • Humpback Whales off Compton Island, Blackfish Sound.
12:38 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south close to Harwood Island Bluffs, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback breahcing mid-channel by Harwood Sandbanks, captured from shore.
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 4 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Humpback Whales
Humpback breahcing mid-channel by Harwood Sandbanks, captured from shore.
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 4 items
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
12:53 • 4 Humpback Whales
breaching, south of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
Two of the four whales were breaching.
13:00 • 3 Humpback Whales heading north in Sutil Channel.
Mom and calf pair included.
13:15 • Humpback Whales in Blackney Passage, Blackfish Sound.
13:29 • 1 Humpback Whales in Big Bay, Stuart Island, Yuculta Rapids.
13:36 • Humpback Whales heading north passed Jimmy Judd Island, Dent Rapids.
14:02 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCZ Hourglass◦ heading into Raza Passage.
14:10 • 2 Humpback Whales ◦BCX0837 Tempest◦ heading north between Cortes Island and Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
Tempest and calf.
14:35 • 2 Humpback Whales
moving quickly, between Toba Mountain and Rendezvous Islands, Calm Channel.
14:35 • est. 2+ Humpback Whales in Raza Passage.
15:21 • 2 Humpback Whales south of Bullock Bluff, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
15:32 • Humpback Whales approaching Denham Islet, Dent Rapids.
16:00 • Humpback Whales heading north at Hall Point on Sonora Island, Nodales Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
17:25 • Humpback Whales heading south off Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
Just took a dive. ▫ Observed from Shore
19:21 • Humpback Whales ◦BCY Apollo◦
doing circles, between Harwood Island and Grief Point, Malaspina Strait. ▫ Observed from Shore
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
Sat Aug 10 2019
07:44 • 1 Humpback Whales off the Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
08:26 • 1 Humpback Whales off Whiskey Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
08:30 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south, Myrtle Point, Malaspina Strait.
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
08:56 • 1 Humpback Whales off the Powell River Mill (Pulp & Paper), Malaspina Strait.
Radio, overheard or call out
09:02 • 1 Humpback Whales by April Point, Quadra Island, Discovery Passage.
09:09 • 3 Humpback Whales near Montgomery Bank, Georgia Strait.
09:09 • 3 Humpback Whales heading north abeam the north side of Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
09:21 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south, Coho (Kiddie) Point NW tip Texada Island, Georgia Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
09:33 • 1 Humpback Whales
doing circles, Whaletown, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
09:45 • 5 Humpback Whales around Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
10:10 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north, Penn Islands.
10:15 • 3 Humpback Whales heading south, Crescent Bay, Texada Island, Georgia Strait.
10:20 • 1 Humpback Whales
doing circles, Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
10:22 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north, Bullock Bluff, Cortes Island, Calm Channel.
10:26 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCX0380 Zed / Zorro◦ heading south, Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
10:28 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCX0380 Zed / Zorro◦ heading south between Wilby Shoals and Shelter Point, Georgia Strait.
10:35 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCY Checkmate◦
doing circles, south of the ferry line near Marina Island, Sutil Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
10:47 • 1 Humpback Whales ◦BCX0380 Zed / Zorro◦ heading south between Wilby Shoals and Shelter Point, Georgia Strait.
11:08 • 2 Humpback Whales off Savary Island, Georgia Strait.
11:13 • 5 Humpback Whales between Bullock Bluff and Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
11:40 • 2 Humpback Whales
bubble netting, east of Penn Islands, Sutil Channel.
12:00 • 1 Humpback Whales
breaching, heading north-west off the marina at Tahsis, Tahsis Inlet.
Blow air, splash tail. ▫ Observed from Shore
MS, Tahsis, BC
14:36 • 2 Humpback Whales between Read Point and submarine cables off Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
Mom and calf pair.
14:40 • 1 Humpback Whales in Plunger Passage, Sutil Channel.
14:43 • 1 Humpback Whales off Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait.
The whale just dove.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
14:55 • 2 Humpback Whales between Sentry Shoal and Hernando Island, Georgia Strait.
14:55 • 2 Humpback Whales off Montgomery Bank, Georgia Strait.
14:59 • 1 Humpback Whales heading south off Powell River Westview Harbour, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
15:08 • 2 Humpback Whales close to Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
15:21 • 2 Humpback Whales heading north, Harwood Island Bluffs, Malaspina Strait.
Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC
16:22 • 2 Humpback Whales close to Center Islet north-west of Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
Mother and calf pair. ▫ Leaving the Scene
16:30 • 2 Humpback Whales
frolicking, heading south-east, Harwood Island, Malaspina Strait. ▫ Observed from Shore
Sherri Wretham, Powell River, BC
17:37 • 2 Humpback Whales
breaching, off Harwood Island.
Rolling around. ▫ Observed from Shore
17:38 • 1 Humpback Whales
breaching, off the Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait. ▫ Observed from Shore
20:22 • 4 Humpback Whales off Viner Point, Read Island, Sutil Channel.
Lots of flukes and some breaches.
Sun Aug 11 2019
07:55 • 2 Humpback Whales by Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
09:44 • Humpback Whales by the Quadra Island Scallop Farm south of Heriot Bay, Sutil Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
09:52 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south, south of the Quadra Island Scallop Farm south of Heriot Bay.
10:19 • 2 Humpback Whales near Marina Reef, Sutil Channel.
10:19 • 2 Humpback Whales
resting, off the shore of Marina Island, Sutil Channel.
10:23 • est. 3-4 Humpback Whales in Deer Passage.
Information from Eaglemaster. ▫ Second Hand
10:23 • Humpback Whales near Penn Islands, Sutil Channel. ▫ Second Hand
10:50 • 2 Humpback Whales north of Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
Splashing. ▫ Leaving the Scene
10:50 • 2 Humpback Whales near Quadra Island Scallop Farm south of Heriot Bay, Sutil Channel.
10:50 • 3 Humpback Whales heading south down Lewis Channel.
10:55 • 1 Humpback Whales
resting, on Sentry Shoal, Georgia Strait.
11:05 • 2 Humpback Whales
resting, half mile off the scallop farm off Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
11:14 • 2 Humpback Whales off Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
11:20 • 2 Humpback Whales
moving slowly, heading north between Raza Island and Rendezvous Islands, Calm Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
11:42 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south two miles off the marker at Grant Reefs, Georgia Strait.
12:21 • Humpback Whales
resting, between Marina Island and Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
12:27 • 3 Humpback Whales
breaching, heading for Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Sutil Channel.
Active for about 25 minutes; continuous breaching.
12:33 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south from the Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
14:58 • 2 Humpback Whales just south of Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
15:10 • 2 Humpback Whales heading south off Raza Point, Calm Channel.
16:13 • 2 Humpback Whales between Hill Island and Subtle Islands, Sutil Channel.
16:48 • Humpback Whales heading south off Beach Gardens Marina below Grief Point, Malaspina Strait.
Jim Southern, Powell River, BC
16:53 • 1 Humpback Whales heading south close to shore at Francisco Point, Quadra Island, Georgia Strait.
17:20 • 3 Humpback Whales just north of Von Donop Inlet, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
17:20 • 2 Humpback Whales along the shore towards Bullock Bluff, Cortes Island, Sutil Channel.
18:34 • 1 Humpback Whales
breaching, off the Cape Mudge Green Can Buoy, Georgia Strait.
19:34 • est. 5-6 Humpback Whales ◦BCY Apollo◦ heading north in front of the Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait.
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks foraging in the Strait of Georgia
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 5 items
Val Watson, Vancouver Island Whale Watch
Humpback Whales
Humpbacks foraging in the Strait of Georgia
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 5 items
Val Watson, Vancouver Island Whale Watch
Fri Aug 09 2019
07:25 • est. 50+ PWS Dolphins at Chatham Point, Discovery Passage.
11:43 • PWS Dolphins heading east off Adam River, Johnstone Strait.
14:50 • est. 20+ PWS Dolphins west of Earl Ledge, Hardwicke Island, Johnstone Strait.
Sat Aug 10 2019
11:34 • PWS Dolphins heading south-east off Coho (Kiddie) Point, Texada Island, Georgia Strait.
Small group.
Barry Rice, Powell River, BC
Sun Aug 11 2019
12:08 • PWS Dolphins
moving slowly, heading east off Vansittart Point, West Thurlow Island, Johnstone Strait.
Small group. Reported by David. ▫ Second Hand
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins putting on a show!
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 9 items
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins putting on a show!
Fri, 9 Aug 2019 – 9 items
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins having fun!
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Garry Henkel, Eagle Eye Adventures
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins having fun!
Sat, 10 Aug 2019 – 1 items
Garry Henkel, Eagle Eye Adventures
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins travelling down the south side of Vancouver Island spotted from the MS Volendaam
Tue, 16 Jul 2019 – 2 items
Lisa Taner, MS Volendaam
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
Pacific White Sided Dolphins travelling down the south side of Vancouver Island spotted from the MS Volendaam
Tue, 16 Jul 2019 – 2 items
Lisa Taner, MS Volendaam
Fri Aug 09 2019
11:50 • 5 Dalls Porpoise
playing, off Horn Point near Sonora Island, Dent Rapids.
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