Transient Bigg’s Killer Whales known as the T010s and one known as T077A with some very unique marks on the trailing edge of his big dorsal have been travelling and hunting around together from mid Georgia Strait continuing all the way out West of Johnstone Strait. While the T002Cs are hanging around Desolation Sound again.
Humpback Whales have been spotted together with Grey Whales, a bit unusual, but with Grey’s being smaller than some of the Humpbacks in the area and Bigg’s Orca around, they may be looking for a bit of protection.
The Pacific White Sided Dolphins have once again broken off into smaller groups while we have more reports of Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise coming in as well.
Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society
Pacific White Sided Dolphin (LAG)
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Society News & Events
Summer 2016 Raffle: This year our draw will be on Canada Day, July 1st. Great prizes include Pacific Coastal Flight, Eagle Eye Adventure Tour, Stubbs Island Whale Watching Tour, BC Ferries Pass, Campbell River Whale Watching Tour, I’Hos Cultural Tour, Discovery Marine Safaris Tour, and Beyond the Road Desolation Sound Cruise. Tickets are $5. each and can be ordered through our Add To Cart button or at our information tables.
Our 2016 Raffle Tickets available at our information tables at:
May 26: Sechelt at the Heritage Mall by Clayton’s – Stop by and say hello
May 28 and 29: Lund Shellfish Festival in Lund Harbour
Vancouver Island and other Locations are being worked on and we will post as we confirm.
July 1st: Canada Day Celebrations have been moved to Willingdon Beach, Powell River and we will be drawing the raffle winners there.
Full Raffle Details available Here
Web Sites are back: Our web sites are now clean from a malware attack that caused us a few days of grief. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and please rest assured that our sites are totally safe with extra security in place.
Are you the type of volunteer interested in Cetacea and mapping, who would be willing to spend some time with our growing Society network?
Review our current Volunteer Job Postings
Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776
T101,T102 and T077A near Mitlenatch Island, May 17th
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
T101,T102 and T077A near Mitlenatch Island, May 17th
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Tue May 24 2016
15:36 • Bigg`s Orca heading South approaching Major Rock Islet off Lund, Malaspina Strait. ◦T002Cs◦
15:36 • Bigg`s Orca heading South slowly approaching Lund, Malaspina Strait. ◦T002Cs◦
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
15:01 • Bigg`s Orca heading South off Bliss Landing near the North end of the Copeland Islands, Malaspina Strait. ◦T002Cs◦
Mon May 23 2016
20:03 • Bigg`s Orca heading West off Thurlow Point on East Thurlow Island, Nodales Channel. ▫ Leaving the Scene
14:50 • Bigg`s Orca heading out of Okeover Inlet. ◦T002Cs◦
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Bigg’ s Killer Whales
A wonderful afternoon with the T002C’s in Okeover Inlet
Mon May 23 2016 – 7 Images / Media Files
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Transient Bigg’ s Killer Whales
A wonderful afternoon with the T002C’s in Okeover Inlet
Mon May 23 2016 – 7 Images / Media Files
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
12:53 • Bigg`s Orca right in Okeover Inlet. ▫ Second Hand
12:30 • Bigg`s Orca passed Jimmy Judd Island, Yuculta Rapids.
12:01 • Bigg`s Orca in Big Bay, Yuculta Rapids. At least one male in the group.
??:?? • Bigg`s Orca heading West top of Johnstone Strait. ◦T10s, T077A◦
Jared Towers, Dept. Fisheries and Oceans
Sun May 22 2016
21:19 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading North off Cape Lazo in Comox, Georgia Strait.
17:00 • 2 Bigg`s Orca heading North off Powell River, Malaspina Strait. One fin smaller than the other, possibly a juvenile. ▫ Second Hand
Judy Brant, Powell River, BC
15:15 • 4-5 Bigg`s Orca moving slowly, heading North-West between Myrtle Rocks and Black (Albion) Point, Malaspina Strait. They were travelling towards Westview (Powell River). Sometimes, they dove for long periods of time. One male and three females in the group.
Liz Kennedy, Powell River, BC
10:46 • 5 Bigg`s Orca, Mayne Passage. ◦T10, T10B, T10C, T11A, T77A◦ ▫ Leaving the Scene
Transient Bigg’ s Killer Whales
T10, T10B, T10C, T11A, T77A at Mayne Passage
Sun May 22 2016 – 3 Images / Media Files
Transient Bigg’ s Killer Whales
T10, T10B, T10C, T11A, T77A at Mayne Passage
Sun May 22 2016 – 3 Images / Media Files
10:39 • 5 Bigg`s Orca just North of Walkem Islands, Johnstone Strait. ◦T10, T10B, T10C, T11A, T77A◦ ▫ On Scene
09:19 • Bigg`s Orca heading West off Chatham Point, Johnstone Strait.
Sat May 21 2016
12:59 • Bigg`s Orca at Mink Island, Desolation Sound. ▫ Second Hand
Fri May 20 2016
12:55 • Bigg`s Orca heading South Campbell River Fishing Pier, Discovery Passage.
Humpbacks, Unidentified Location, May 22
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Humpbacks, Unidentified Location, May 22
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
Sun May 22 2016
17:54 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South in front of Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
15:34 • 2 Humpback Whales heading South, Discovery Passage.
Sat May 21 2016
13:14 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North off Cape Mudge Lighthouse, Georgia Strait.
12:45 • 1 Humpback Whales off Cape Mudge at the South end of Quadra Island, Georgia Strait. ▫ Radio Report
Fri May 20 2016
17:40 • 1 Humpback Whales 1/2 mile South of Cape Mudge Red Can Buoy off Wilby Shoals, Georgia Strait. No real direction. ▫ Leaving the Scene
15:13 • 1 Humpback Whales Denham Islet, Dent Rapids.
14:27 • 1 Humpback Whales heading South Salmon Point, Georgia Strait.
Humpback Whales
Fri May 20 2016 – 4 Images / Media Files
Humpback Whales
Fri May 20 2016 – 4 Images / Media Files
11:44 • 1 Humpback Whales heading East Chatham Point, Discovery Passage. Not sure if it’s going to go to Nodales Channel or Discovery Passage.
10:54 • 1 Humpback Whales Little Bear Bay, Johnstone Strait.
09:40 • 2 Humpback Whales bucking tide, heading South just North of the Seymour Narrows, Discovery Passage. ◦BCY0291 KC◦ They hit the tide and turned back North.
Thu May 19 2016
17:00 • 2 Humpback Whales off Cracroft Point, West Cracroft Island, Blackfish Sound.
15:50 • 1 Humpback Whales heading West Brougham Point, Nodales Channel.
14:55 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North past Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
14:55 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North 2 past Eagle Cove, Malaspina Strait.
14:55 • 2 Humpback Whales heading North tight to the beach South of McMullen Point, Discovery Passage. ◦BCY0291 KC◦
14:55 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North just North of McMullen Point.
Wed May 18 2016
17:49 • 1 Humpback Whales heading North in front of the Powell River Viewpoint, Malaspina Strait. The whale was first travelling Northbound and then travelled Southbound.
09:58 • 2 Humpback Whales North of Browns Bay, Discovery Passage.
Fri May 20 2016
15:18 • 2 Grey Whale foraging, Salmon Point, Georgia Strait. 100 meters off shore.
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours
14:36 • 1 Grey Whale heading South Salmon Point.
Grey Whale
Fri May 20 2016 – 1 Images / Media Files
Grey Whale
Fri May 20 2016 – 1 Images / Media Files
Thu May 12 2016
??:?? • 1 Grey Whale off Point Holmes near Comox, Georgia Strait.
Kurt Stushnoff
Thu May 19 2016
12:48 • Unable to Identify Whales Greensea Bay, Discovery Passage. It could have been a grey whale or a humpback whale.
Radio, overheard or call out
Tue May 24 2016
18:55 • 20+ PWS Dolphins heading South between Trail Islands and Halfmoon Bay, Georgia Strait. Observed from Davis Bay.
11:59 • 20 PWS Dolphins milling, off the Sonora Fish Farm, Nodales Channel. First seen this season.
Sat May 21 2016
14:09 • 40 PWS Dolphins between Hall Point and Owen Point, Nodales Channel.
Fri May 20 2016
16:36 • 20 PWS Dolphins 1/2 mile South on East side of Chatham Point, Discovery Passage.
13:30 • 50 PWS Dolphins Denham Bay, Dent Rapids.
Wed May 18 2016
12:26 • 100 PWS Dolphins off Brougham Point, Nodales Channel.
12:16 • 100 PWS Dolphins, Nodales Channel.
Radio, overheard or call out
Tue May 24 2016
13:20 • 3-4 Dall`s Porpoise heading East 1.75 nm West of Powell River Westview Harbour traveling towards Powell River, Malaspina Strait.
11:55 • 3 Dall`s Porpoise heading South 3.5 km SE of Northeast Point on Texada Island, Malaspina Strait.
10:27 • 2 Dall`s Porpoise heading South by Francis Point near Pender Harbour, Malaspina Strait.
Randy Hodge, Vancouver, BC
Sat May 21 2016
13:20 • 4 Dall`s Porpoise milling, off Bullock Bluff, Cortes Island, Calm Channel.
Fri May 20 2016
10:30 • 10 Dall`s Porpoise off Walkem Islands, Johnstone Strait.
Thu May 19 2016
16:24 • 2 Dall`s Porpoise milling, off Read Point South end of Read Island, Sutil Channel.
Wed May 18 2016
09:46 • 1 Harbour Porpoise just West of Roberts Creek, Georgia Strait.
Geordie Harrower, Sechelt, BC
CBC News
In approving Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion this week, the National Energy Board said it weighed the benefits of the project against its burdens.
Among the “adverse effects” deemed to be most “significant” were those likely to impact a population of about 80 southern resident killer whales found off the coast of Vancouver Island. …
SF Gate
Humpback whales have been swimming into San Francisco Bay in unprecedented numbers over the past two weeks – even leaping out of the water near Alcatraz – in a sight that has thrilled boaters, alarmed marine biologists and harked back to a famous wayward whale three decades ago.
As many as four humpbacks at a time have been spotted flapping their tails and breaching in bay waters, apparently feeding on anchovies and other schooling fish during incoming tides. …
CBC News
A feared viral disease proven deadly in Norwegian fish farms has been confirmed for the first time by federal scientists studying farmed salmon in B.C.
Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI) has been linked to the deaths of up to 20 per cent of stock at some Norwegian farms.
“The concern is that it is a disease that hasn’t previously been detected in B.C. and at the present time we really don’t have sufficient evidence to know if it causes mortality or is a production issue here,” said Kristi Miller, part of a team of federal scientists studying farmed fish samples from sites along the B.C. coast.
Toronto Star, ON
Toronto Star Researchers in Canada and the U.S. are asking for the public’s help as they continue their search for the elusive and endangered population of North Atlantic right whales….
CBC New Newfoundland and Labrador
Whales put on a show in St. John’s harbour and Quidi Vidi Sunday afternoon, spouting and coming to the surface.
One whale in particular caught the eye of many people when it was seen in the narrows, coming into St. John’s harbour.
Comments on Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism’s Facebook page said there were also a lot of seals seen in the area where the whale was swimming.
In February 2016, local communities and dolphin conservation networks in Laem Klat, Trat Province, Thailand, came together for their annual dolphin day celebration in an effort to protect coastal dolphin populations that have come under increasing pressure in recent years. For the local fishing communities, dolphins are a symbol of good luck and are often cited as indicators of a healthy, abundant ecosystem. …
Imagine if, when you wanted to get your kid’s attention, you called them-not by their name-but by your own. It turns out that bottlenose dolphin mothers do just that. They use "signature whistles," high-pitched, individualized calls, which function like human names. Scientists have known about these whistles since the 1990s. But now for the first time, they have confirmed that moms use the whistles to call their babies home.
In 1997, about 570 vaquita porpoises (Phocoena sinus) were estimated to occur in the world.
Now, only about 60 vaquitas remain, in a small 1,500 square-mile area in northern Gulf of California, according to a recent report.
Conservationists say that last year’s emergency two-year ban on gillnet fishing throughout the vaquita range, implemented by the Mexican government, must become permanent for vaquita population to recover. …
Daily Mail, UK
Open the article to view the video captured by a drone showing a pod of 30 pacific white-sided dolphins swimming off the western coast of Japan.
The pod gracefully move through the harbour in a display that looks choreographed.
The footage was captured in the Sea of Japan near the city of Joetsu on the island of Hokkaido.
Seattle PI, WA
The tiny Maui’s dolphin, whose evolutionary path has out-maneuvered that of the brainiest predator in the ocean – the killer whale – now faces near extinction at the hands of man. But while perfectly adapted to an open environment, they run afoul of nets and an indifferent government.
The future of the remaining 43 – 47 Maui’s dolphins left in existence is dependent upon preventing just two types of fishing – gill netting and trawling – in the small region off the coast New Zealand that this species calls home. …
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Have you seen a whale, dolphin or porpoise?
Call 1-877-323-9776