Latest Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

New Baby Transient Orca !

Very busy Orca day! But the biggest news is that of a new Orca birth. A brand new Transient Orca calf which was possibly mere hours old. The Transient Orca population is certainly doing well. Nature is taking her course in keeping the number of seals and sealions down by increasing these meat eating Killer…
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Orca, Dolphins and More

The majority of the large group Transient Orca continued their way up Johnstone Strait and into Knight Inlet while a few of the usuals stayed down in our area. Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been scattered throughout the inlets and popping up in groups of 24 up to 200. The Northern Resident Orca were reported…
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Sightings: Transients, Dolphins and Porpoise

Transient Orca, Bigg’s Killer Whales in abundance. They decided to group up for a bit of socializing then split up again. The Pacific White Sided Dolphins also seem to have re-grouped, possibly safety in numbers reasoning; as did some Harbour Porpoise. A few Dall’s Porpoise sightings round out this report. Word has it that the…
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Dolphins, Orca and Harbour Porpoise

Pacific White Sided Dolphins top the list today! At the bottom of all the Sightings reports there are some links together with a request from Erin Ashe, one of the Dolphin Researchers…take a look. The Transient Orca (Bigg’s Killer Whales) have done their highly tuned disappearing act, but there are sightings reports below! Only Harbour…
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Many Local Sightings Reports

Many local Sightings – Long report covering a few days with some late reports too. The Northern Resident Killer Whales came down Johnstone Strait for a short visit, but our ‘Resident’ Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales are popping up all over. The Humpback Whales seem to have left our area, but the Pacific White Sided Dolphins…
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Sightings Spread Out

Northern Resident (fish eating) Killer Whales finally made their way into the upper Johnstone Strait today. There’s hopes of seeing them come down the Strait into our area. Transient (meat eating) Orca also now called Bigg’s Killer Whales appear to have spread out – somewhere, but some have shown up in and near the US…
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Orca Orca Everywhere Then Poof They’re Gone

Long, catch-up sightings report! Orca, Orca Everywhere the other day, today was one of those "and poof they’re gone" days. Until late in the day, there were tour boats enjoying the beautiful weather, and very few Cetacean sightings. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Transient Orca – Bigg’s Killer Whales Transient Orca July 6, 2012…
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Sightings, Photos and Links

Very brief summary, and some photos, I’m afraid. I’ve run out of time to do a full report again, but will make sure the details are all in the next report. Below you’ll find a couple of links that I received with Transient Orca with a large group of Pacific White Sided Dolphins in Hyacinth…
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Brown Pelican (Photo too) and lots of Cetacean Sightings

Wow! Another great, unusual sighting for this area! A Brown Pelican and photo for proof! There have also been a lot of Cetacean sightings. We have a very active area what with Sea Otters, Pelican, Orca, Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise, what’s next, a penguin? There have been turtles around,…
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Sunshine Coast Orca Sightings

Transient Orca (Bigg’s Killer Whales) are popping up everywhere, even in English Bay. The 6 Orca in English Bay, Vancouver on July 2nd were identified as the T49’s. All over the inside waters of the Georgia Strait, there are reports of Transient Orca from English Bay, Sechelt, Powell River, Campbell River and all the channels…
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Rare Sea Otter Sighting and Photos plus Cetaceans

Big Excitement! A Sea Otter – we haven’t seen one in this part of the Georgia Strait since before my time; and says a lot in a very few words! I realize that it may not be a Whale, Dolphin or Porpoise, but it’s a very important sighting in our ocean. Perhaps we should call…
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Many Cetacean Sightings

Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales or Orca, Humpback Whales, Dall’s and Harbour Porpoise. What’s missing? Well, Resident Orca, Grey Whales, Minke Whales, and a few other cetaceans that we don’t normally see in our immediate area. So, we’re seeing our usual species of Cetaceans. It’s nice to get reports of the smaller…
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Bigg’s Killer Whales (Transient Orca) all over the place

Bigg’s Killer Whales (Transient Orca) all over the place, Humpback Whales, some Dall’s Porpoise and our ever friendly and active Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Even I managed to be on the water with some Orca. I managed to get a few photos for ID’s which I will eventually get to, but I’m getting such great…
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Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales, and more Dolphins

Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales, and more Dolphins. Rumour has it, from talking to boaters arriving in Powell River harbour, that the Orca had been hiding out in Desolation Sound! The Dolphins too. Other reports from boaters coming up from the South said they saw absolutely nothing moving! Looks like the rumours…
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Bigg’s Killer Whales, Humpback, Dolphins & Dall’s Porpoise

Of Course! The Bigg’s (Transient) Orca had to contradict what had just become the norm. They showed themselves two days in a row, then disappeared. Some Dall’s porpoise were mistaken for Orca, an easy mistake for people unfamiliar with the miniature ‘black and whites’. Humpback Whale and Pacific White Sided Dolphins complete the sightings. The…
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Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales Every Second Day!

Transient Orca every second day!Humpback Whale sightings report. Pacific White Sided Dolphins spreading out a bit, but still have large numbers grouped together in a few areas. A possible Minke Whale sighting, and Harbour Porpoise sightings round out this report. Minke Whales don’t frequent our area very often – or at least aren’t noticed much.…
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Killer Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise

Pacific White Sided Dolphins in the hundreds, a few Harbour Porpoise and the Transient Killer Whales are here one day, gone the next. They’re moving around, but where the Orca get to once they leave our regular reporters is unknown. We’re in need of more updates from all over. The West side of Texada, Comox…
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Transient Killer Whales Take the Spotlight

From one day with no reports, to many Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Transient Orca / Killer Whales, a Humpback Whale and some Dall’s Porpoise. These are the Transient Orca, I’m starting to call our ‘Resident – Transients’ since they have spent all winter in and around this area with very few forays away. With few…
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Humpbacks, Dolphins and Porpoise!

Humpbacks, Dolphins and Porpoise! Once the Southern Resident Orca left the area, there were no other local Orca reports. L-Pod went straight past their home territory and headed back out into the open Pacific! Maybe they’ll do another tour of Vancouver Island. But, it’s nice to know that ‘KC’ and ‘Arial’ are back down this…
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Southern Resident Orca Visit

There was great anticipation to see the Southern Resident Orca from L-Pod coming down our way. Yes, I said down! They circumnavigated Vancouver Island and decided to treat us to a showing in the inside waters on their way "home". Thanks to our expanding network, we knew they were on the way (see previous report).…
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Resident and Transient Orca, Humpbacks and More Sightings

Transient Orca came, Transient Orca went, Transient Orca reappeared – Powell River as I type! Thoughts are that some of the whales have been doing a circumnavigation of Texada Island…sounds reasonable from the reports. Dolphins hiding from the Transients spread to Savary Island, and a couple of new Humpback whales in the area. Late News:…
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Powell River Transient Orca, Dolphins and Porpoise

Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoise Reports. The Transients known as the T02’s with the young calf split off from some of the others and finally made it back in front of Powell River. The Dolphins were keeping their distance from where Orca were reported, and the Dall’s were busy foraging. Susan…
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Transient Orca Ambush Dolphins

Orca Ambush! Transient (meat eating) Orca attacked a large group of Pacific White Sided Dolphins. Other sightings reports include Dall’s Porpoise and some more relaxed Dolphins. Click: Orca Network for sightings reports from our friends in Washington State. Reminder to all boaters, kayakers and anyone on the water to use caution and follow the rules…
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Transient Orca, Dolphins and Porpoise Sightings

After a few days without Orca, the Transients reappeared. Pacific White Sided Dolphins seem to be pretty spread out now, some Dall’s Porpoise sightings and a few late sightings reports. ‘KC’ the Humpback has not been seen again the past few days, but keep your eyes open! Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Transient Orca…
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New Group of Transient Orca, KC the Humpback and More

‘KC’ the Humpback Whale (see photo), Pacific White Sided Dolphins, an unusually large, around here at least, group of Harbour Porpoises, and a new group of Transient Orca(see photos) make an appearance in our area. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Humpback Whale Humpback Whale ‘KC’ Out in front of Campbell River 12 noon May…
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Sightings Reports and More Orca Photos

Sightings and more photos of Transient (meat eating) Orca – Killer Whales, lots of Pacific White Sided Dolphins, a Humpback, some Dall’s Porpoise as well as a few Harbour Porpoise from lower Johnstone Strait, up into Bute Inlet and a few other channels, by Savary Island and down to Myrtle Point, south of Powell River…
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Orca by Savary Photos

The report write-ups are delayed till tomorrow due to lack of time. but thought I would at least post three of the photos of this evening’s Transient Orca – Killer Whales that popped up at 6:15 pm between Savary and Hernando Islands and worked their way to just around Mace Point, Savary Island. I could…
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Transient and Other Cetacean Sightings

Transient (meat eating) Orca still in the area, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, one taken by Transients while others spread out, and a few Dall’s Porpoise spotted. A couple of missed reports as well as a few that arrived late. Lots of activity around so keep your eyes on the water! Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins…
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Many Transient Orca

Huge numbers of Transient Orca in the upper Georgia Strait from the Nanaimo / Sechelt line to the start of Johnstone Strait. Separate groups including T02’s, T101’s, T10’s and T124’s appear to be meeting up to hunt and socialize. Great Photo Contributions Below. They have been spending hours staying in relatively small areas at a…
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Transient Orca Powell River plus Other Sightings

Transient Orca, Humpback Whales and more Transients with a few Dall’s Porpoise and Dolphin sightings. Transient Orca – Killer Whales Breaching Transient Orca, Powell River May 16, 2012 Steve Grover, Powell River May 16: 6 pm 2 Orca Northbound from between Black Point and Myrtle Point just south of Powell River. There was 1 large…
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