New Year Dolphins – Sighting Jan 1 and 2

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

New Year Dolphins – Sighting Jan 1 and 2

Welcome to 2011

Bringing in the New Year with calm sunny days is a real bonus. Although cold outside, the sunshine bolsters spirits. By the way, for those interested, I still have 5 Hummingbirds feeding regularly at the feeder.

Jan 2: I received information about 40 to 50 Pacific White Sided Dolphins headed towards Desolation Sound from right in front of Bliss Landing, just above Lund, at around 8:30am  Another 10 Dolphins were spotted on the other side of Thulin Passage about 5 minutes later, also heading in the same direction.

Jan 1: Once yesterday’s Transient (meat eating) Orca left the area, the sea lions felt safe enough to return and play in the waters. No whales or dolphins sighted today.