Sightings Jan 3 to Jan 8

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Sightings Jan 3 to Jan 8

Good news this morning (Jan 8)! There are around 20 Pacific White Sided Dolphins out in front of Powell River. I last saw them at 9am heading towards Willingdon Beach on the North side of the ferry terminal.

With limited time to watch for any animals and no other reports about sightings, things have been pretty slow. Many sea lions have been spotted cavorting and playing in the area. Guess they’re happy the Transient Orca have gone for now.

I did receive a late report on the 4th of around 20 Dolphins that were seen out in front of Powell River Townsite area northbound on Jan 2nd at around noon. These numbers added to the other sightings of Jan 2nd would indicate that the group that was in the Sechelt Inlet area have moved back up this way.

Unfortunately no other sightings to report of whales, dolphins or porpoises for Jan 4 to Jan 7th. If you see anything, I would love to hear from you: Email to Susan