Sunshine Coast Sightings Report to Mar 17

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Sunshine Coast Sightings Report to Mar 17

Sightings anyone?
There is a distinct lack of activity all along the Sunshine Coast. Even to the point of lack of birds. This Non-Reporting is incredibly unusual for this area and time of year. All I can say is that I hope it will change soon.

Our weather has been rather poor, making sightings difficult, but Spring is on the way. If anyone out there has seen any whale, dolphin or porpoise activity, I’d love to hear about it.

I did however, find the Sealions that had disappeared so quickly a while ago. Once the seas settled, the log booms resumed being towed southward and the Sealions were hitching a ride March 16 and 17. Each raft of logs held hundreds of them. On one boom alone, I counted approximately 300 Sealions. The majority of them looked like California Sealions, but there were also some Stellers in the mix.

The Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been around the Vancouver, Howe Sound area intermittently over the past couple of weeks, and I heard a rumour of a possible Gray Whale sighting near Nanaimo, but there’s been no confirmation.

The areas around the bottom end of Vancouver Island have just recently seen some activity with Southern Resident Orca, a few Transient Orca and Gray Whales slowly moving up from Baja, stopping in Washington State.


2 Responses

  1. AJ says:

    Hey Susan, I was out on the water today and saw a Steller Sea Lion behind Raza Island and 2 more between Stewart Island and Senora! I'm keeping my eyes peeled as I'm on the water more and more now! Start turning on the radio again! I tried you today but obviously no answer. What a great day to be on the water, FLAT! Lots of sea birds and eagles around (even after the reports of the eagles dying this winter)
    Talk soon!
    See you on 07A

  2. Anonymous says:

    HI, we just saw 3 Dall's Porpoises heading north into Thulin Passage, at the beginning of the Copeland Is Marine Park, just north of Lund. It was a positive id as there are no other Whales or Porpoises with their distinct white tipped dorsal fin. Exciting!!

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