Transient Killer Whales April 23

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Killer Whales April 23

April 23:
Reports of Orca Southbound in Lewis Channel just below Teakerne Arm around 11am. They slowly moved down the channel to just above the Copeland Islands, locally known as the Ragged Islands.The weather was almost summer-like, and flat calm water to boot!

The Campbell River Whale Watching tour caught up with them around 12:30;m between Kinghorn and Mink Islands in Desolation Sound. There were 10 or more animals in the group which were probably the Transients that had been working their way down Johnstone Strait April 21st. Later in the afternoon, the whales headed Northward up Waddington Channel and were last seen around Church House on Stuart Island just below the Yuculta Rapids.
Susan MacKay