Transient Orca, Porpoises – April 22

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca, Porpoises – April 22

Transient Orcas this morning at 8:20am by Powell River, only two were visible at any time with the big male being either T054 or T093. It was difficult to tell for sure – they were not staying on the surface very long. They did cruise by some sea lions, and were on a head on course for the porpoises reported by Myrtle Rocks. I kept hoping for a turn back up this way, but nothing. 
Susan MacKay Whales and Dolphins BC

April 22:
Two Orca reported just south of Powell River at 10:40am. Some resting and continuing slowly southward. by Bill T. and
That was really awesome watching those two orcas slowly cruise by.  Then, two or three deep blows and out of sight.  Awesome. by William D.

April 22:
Good morning.  I’m here to report that there is a small  (6 or 7) group of porpoises just off Myrtle Point close to shore traveling north towards Powell River.  Quite dark in color, not the light grey like others, but small and rounded dorsal fins. They would be at or about Myrtle Rocks right now.  8:45 Friday.
From William D.

April 22:
2 or more Transient Orca spotted right out in front of the Powell River Ferry terminal at 8:20 am. Thanks to a call from Gladys who was lucky to see one breach. I picked them up continuing on a slow roll towards Grief Point. Since they were close to shore, I couldn’t get a definitive count on them, but one large male and one, possibly two females.
Susan MacKay Whales and Dolphins BC

Other reports: Grays by Whidbey Island, a Minke, and, of course Transient Orca, also in US waters
from Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network and
Yesterday, April 21st T23’s (more Transient Orca) heading down (south-east) Johnstone Strait.