A23 and A24’s, Transient Orca, Humpbacks, Minke, Dolphins, Porpoises

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

A23 and A24’s, Transient Orca, Humpbacks, Minke, Dolphins, Porpoises

Northern Resident Orcas of the A23 and A24 Matrilines in Johnstone Strait, with reports of more Orca coming in from the top of Vancouver Island. A few Humpback Whale reports and some Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoises. Transient Orca are still in the wind, or should I say big ocean. HOT OFF THE PRESS – A REPORT FROM TEXADA HAS ME MODIFYING THIS POST…read on
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC

Transient Orca

August 7:

Hi Susan,
Had a very close encounter with four orcas close to Texada Island on the opposite side to Blubber Bay. They were slowly heading south, diving for long periods.
A wonderful sight and a great boat trip! I have attached a good photo from today.
Pebble Beach, Powell River

August 7, 2011
Photo: Holly Roy, Powell River
Northern Resident Orca
August 7:
8:15 am Orca showed up around Telegraph Cove and headed East down Johnstone Strait. They weren’t identified till a bit later as the A23’s and A24’s.
9:30 am the Orca had made their way down between Izumi Rock and Kaicache Creek and towards the Western boundary of the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve.
(time not noted) The Orca (A23’s & A24’s) made their way to the Eastern boundary of the Reserve and turned back West, up Johnstone Strait along the Cracroft Island side.
10:50 am 8+ Orca were reported by Numas Island, Queen Charlotte Strait heading South-East towards Malcolm Island. It was expected that around 2:30 pm they would be close to Lizard Point, Malcolm Island and would continue East to meet up with the A23’s and A24’s.
Bill MacKay, MacKay Whale Watching
2:40 pm The same A23’s and A24’s had made their way along the Hanson Island shore then spread out across the Strait to the Wastell Islands, just outside Telegraph Cove. They were back and forth chasing and feeding on fish till 3:15 pm when they turned back East and started slowly to return towards the Bight.
6 pm The A23’s and A24’s were inside the Reserve, but came out and once again headed West across to Boat Bay, then slowly towards the Sophia Islands and Cracroft Point around 7 pm.
Humpback Whales
August 7:
9 am A large Humpback blow and tail flukes were spotted heading East by the Pearse Islands. It was too far away to identify.
Dave on the SV Tuan, Seasmoke Whale Watching
10:50 am ‘Chunky’ a well known Humpback Whale is back around the Stubbs Island area. (She has been seen regularly over many years as far down the coast as Savary Island, and even over wintered down that way in 2005. – SM)
(no time noted, but approx. 12 pm) 2 Humpbacks were in Blackfish Sound, one being identified as ‘Twister’ and the other as ‘Freckles’
not sure who was on the radio – SM
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
August 7:
11 am 5 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were seen in Blackfish Sound.
3 pm Just 2 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were surfing in the 4 foot waves by Yorke Island, across from Kelsey Bay on the return run back to Campbell River after coming up to see the Orca.
Nick Templeman, Eagle Eye Adventures
Dall’s Porpoises
August 7:
From 2 pm till around 3:20 pm Numerous smaller groups of 2 to 8 Dall’s Porpoise were foraging in Johnstone Strait and around the Resident Orca, then by the Stephenson Islets and Weynton Pass.
Bow Riding Dall’s Porpoises
Photo: Susan MacKay, SG Images
7:30 pm Some Dall’s Porpoise showed up around the Resident Orca close to Cracroft Point.
Minke Whale
August 7:
11:50 am One large Minke Whale was making it’s way from the Pearse Reefs towards Maynell Point, Malcolm Island.