Resident Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke and Dolphins

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Resident Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke and Dolphins

Northern Resident Orca were in Queen Charlotte Strait while the Humpback Whales are slowly coming into the lower inside waters. Transient Orca are seemingly absent, but are probably just in one of the inlets. Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a Minke round out this somewhat windy but sunny day. There are no reports from below Campbell River and the tours from there have been making their way up Johnstone Strait to see Whales.
Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC
Northern Resident Killer Whales
August 6:
6 am A23 and A24 Matriline Pods of Orca were Westbound in Blackfish Sound heading into Queen Charlotte Strait.
8:30 am The A23’s were spotted foraging by Lizard Point, Malcolm Island, Queen Charlotte Strait. A local fisherman reported that one of the whales came to investigate the fish they had on their line. The whale left the fish alone, but gave the boaters a thrill by going right under their stopped boat.
8:30 am Report of some Orca Easting down Johnstone Strait by the East end of Robson Bight Ecological Reserve. (This report was never confirmed and since none of the tours found them, may have been in error or possibly some Transient Orca that slipped up one of the inlets. – SM)
10 am A large group of Orca have been milling about between Scarlett Point and Pine Island Lightstations in upper Queen Charlottle Strait.
Bill MacKay, MacKay Whale Watching
12 pm The A23’s and possibly some of the A24’s had made their way up to the top of Malcolm Island; Bear Point and were continuing Westward.
Dave on the SV Tuan, Seasmoke Whale Watching
5:30 pm A12 and the two A36 brothers suddenly popped up in Blackfish Sound and headed down towards Blackney Pass and East towards the Bight.
Helena, Orca Lab
6 pm An additional surprise of the A24’s showing up center Strait by Blackney Pass slowly Easting making for a nice evening trip.
Humpback Whales
August 6:
9 am a Humpback with some Dolphins were in Weynton Pass.
1 pm 2 or 3 Humpbacks were in Blackfish Sound between the Orca Lab and Parson’s Bay Light.
1 pm A Humpback headed down Johnstone Strait by Kelsey Bay.
Pacific White Sided Dolphins
August 6:
9 am Some Pacific White Sided Dolphins were splashing around a Humpback Whale in Weynton Pass.
Roger, on the Gizmo
5 pm 6 Pacific White Sided Dolphins were slowly making their way South by Cinque Islands, Discovery Pass.
Minke Whale
August 6:
1 pm I spotted one Minke Whale foraging around the Pearse Reefs, but I’m pretty sure there was another between Cormorant Island and the Reefs. They are nicknamed ‘Stinky Minkes’ due to the strong and foul breath they have. Since the wind was coming from behind the boat, the other whale must have been back a bit farther.