More Orca by Powell River and Ribbon Seal

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

More Orca by Powell River and Ribbon Seal

Some unidentified Orca today in front of Powell River – possibly the same J and L-pod Southern Residents that were around here the other day, but may be Transient Orca. See reports below. Of the Powell River Orca photos posted yesterday, the male Orcas were confirmed to be J27, born in 1991, near Powell River, BC. Mother is J11 (deceased), siblings are J25 (deceased), J31 & J39 and L87, born in 1992. Mother is L32 (deceased), siblings, L44, L56, L63 (all deceased). Probable sibling to L22. Now associated with J8. The female was J31, a female born in 1995 near Powell River, BC. Mother is J11 (deceased), siblings are J25 (deceased), J27 & J39. There has also been an unusual (and very cool) sighting of a Ribbon Seal – see information and photo below.
Orca – Killer Whales
January 14:
3:50 pm A call came in of at least 3 Orca back and forth between the Blubber Bay, Texada Islandshoal marker light and the Texada shore. Thanks to the keen eyes and call from Ted Douglas
4 pm till 4:40 pm I watched, from my home in Powell River, what I counted as 7 to 9 Orca in two groups mid strait between Texada and Powell River slowly working their way Southward towards Grief Point. There was one large male, one possibly sprouter (juvenile male) and one or two juveniles with the rest being females. It was difficult to establish whether they were Transients or the Southern Residents of January 11thworking their way back down the coast. With the bird activity above together with lots of tail slaps and a few spy hops and half-hearted breaches, I do believe that these were probably Transient Orcaon a seal or sea lion kill. I also called a couple of regular contributors to help get a count. Steve Grover estimated between 8 or 9 Orca and John Treen also figured either 8 or 9 Orca. Both could only confirm one male and a couple of juveniles. John lost sight of them around 5 pm after they picked up the pace rounding Grief Point heading South.
January 13:
I just was notified by my father in law that 7 to 9 Orcas were northbound past the Quadra Island ferry this morning (January 13th) . The ferry workers told him. (It was around 9 am the Campbell River to Quadra Island Ferry)
Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys
Ribbon Seal – Puget Sound
January 11
Matthew Cleland with APHIS submitted the photo below of a ribbon seal to NOAA Fisheries, photo taken by LDA. It was sighted on a dock in the Duwamish river January 11th. NOAA Fisheries NW Region Marine Mammal Stranding Specialist Kristin Wilkinson asks that any sightings of this seal be reported to her at kristin.wilkinson@noaa.govor 206-526-4747.
Ribbon seals inhabit the North Pacific Ocean, specifically the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, and parts of the Arctic Ocean, including the Chukchi, eastern Siberian, and western Beaufort Seas. NOAA lists them as a “Species of Concern” – more can be learned about their life history, habitat, distribution,threats, conservation efforts and regulatory review HERE.
Submitted by; Susan Berta & Howard Garrett, Orca Network, Whidbey Island, WA
Photo by LDA, January 11, 2012.