More Orca by Powell River

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

More Orca by Powell River

Surprise sighting of some Orca by Powell River and a very late report of a December sighting when we thought there were none. Reports follow. Also below are a couple of interesting links from Lisa Spaven of the Marine Mammal Response Network.
Unidentified Orca – Killer Whales
January 17:
9:42 am While talking on the phone, I was surprised to notice a blow a short distance off the Westview ferry teminal in Powell River. Quickly looking through binoculars, a few Orca appeared briefly. Doing long dives and surfacing very briefly, there were only a few chances to really look at them. There were approximately 7 Orca counted, but there may have been more. They including at least one large male and one, possibly two juveniles. After a couple of quick breaths they disappeared for quite a while and popped up again quite a distance off before the next breath. By 9:50 am they were Southboundwell past the viewpoint and almost to Grief Point and out of sight.
December 9, 2011:
Very late report, but interesting in that there were no other sightings of Orca at or around that time. There was a distant photo taken, so yes, it was Orca.
3 Orca surfaced quite close to the Texada Ferry just out from Blubber Bay and headed Northward towards Atrevida Reef and Lund.
Southern Resident Orca J27 off Willingdon Beach,
Powell River, BC January 11, 2012
photo taken off video clip by Susan MacKay, SG Images
Of Interest
Go where few have dared…inside a sperm whale! Think of this as an opportunity to experience the awe and gore of a large whale necropsy but without the mess and the everlasting smell (trust me, sperm whale stink is in a class of it’s own!). It’s just too bad that the necropsy wasn’t filmed here.
Inside Nature’s Giants – The Sperm Whale Necropsy
Wed, Jan 18, 10pm on KCTS-PBS
PREVIEW: how a voice over and suspense-full music can make a necropsy seems action packed!)
Also, if you’ve ever wondered how BCMMRN fits into the national marine mammal response picture, here’s the link to the national Marine Mammal Response Program website.
Lisa Spaven, BCMMRN
Hummingbird Update:
Still have two male and two female hummingbirds battling over the feeder in the cold and snowy conditions. This afternoon, when the winds picked up and the feeder swung back and forth, one of the males was blown off his perch but made a safe landing onto an alternate perch. With the forecast snows, I hope to get a few photos of the birds in the snow.
2012 Charter Cruises
Enjoy a personalized week long Charter Cruise in the pristine wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest. Information can be found on the 2012 Charter Cruises pages of Whales and Dolphins BC.