Calm Ocean but Whales?

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Calm Ocean but Whales?

I got all excited when in the very flat calm waters I saw something dark surface….it was disappointingly a log bobbing around in the tide line. Then I noticed something that looked like a dorsal….it was sea lion doing a sideways porpoise showing it’s flipper and looking like an Orca. I fully expected to get some Orca reports, but I may have taught the locals to realize that sea lions can truly look like Orca from a distance when they porpoise sideways slowly.
I do have some photos of the last Orcas to be spotted close by, see below. I wish they’d get back to the Sunshine Coast area. Please note that there may have been some confusion that the whales last seen up here where spotted in the UK, but, in fact, the report only was from the UK film crew I consulted with. They were filming a reality program for the Discovery Channel. The sightings they were lucky enough to see were by Hardwicke Island in Johnstone Strait (not the UK). There have been no other local (Sunshine Coast – Johnstone Strait area) sighting reports since that last sighting posted. I do hear of people keeping a lookout along the Davis Bay walk in Sechelt and other areas (thank you)….where did they go?? Keep looking, they are out there somewhere, it’s a big ocean.
Northern Resident Orca
February 11. 2012
Photo by Ed Jordan
Northern Resident Orca
February 11. 2012
Photo by Ed Jordan
Northern Resident Orca
February 11. 2012
Photo by Ed Jordan
2012 Charter Cruises
Enjoy a personalized week long Charter Cruise in the pristine wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest. Information can be found on the 2012 Charter Cruises pages of Whales and Dolphins BC.


3 Responses

  1. Lenya says:


    thank you very much for sharing these photos. I was impressed, when I recognized Surf (A66). He is getting really big! That is amazing! What a beautiful boy 🙂 and his mom is a beautiful lady!

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,

  2. Whale Tails says:

    Oops, I had intended on noting that the whales were from the A5 Pod including the big male A66. Susan

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much 🙂
    i adopted sonora two years ago.
    😉 she is beautyful and her son grow up so much.
    photos are seldom.
    thanks again.

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