Tag: blackfish

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Transient Orca Hunting

Cover Image: Bigg’s spyhopping off of Coho Point Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC There were many Transient Orca last week in various waterways and channels. Some pods of Transients were observed hunting and feeding on their prey. Transients feed on marine mammals, such as seals, sea lions, dolphins, and porpoises. When hunting, these Orca do…
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Transient Orca Do Travel

Cover Image: Bigg’s passing by in Seymour Narrows Jos Krynen, Eagle Eye Adventures Many Transient Orca have appeared earlier in the week in various inland waters. One pod, the T002C group, was off West Redonda Island on Sunday and on Monday was observed in the Desolation Sound area. Many Transient Orca were also observed in…
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Many Whales Around for the Start of Autumn

Cover Image: Humpback fluking near Harwood Island Candi Little, Texada Island, BC Humpback whales continue to remain in the area and the number of reported sightings of them have not decreased. Many Humpbacks have been active at the surface by breaching, feeding, and tail slapping. When Humpbacks dive for longer periods of time, their flukes…
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Humpbacks Foraging in Many Waterways

Cover Image: Humpback fluking near Pinnacles in Georgia Strait Andrew Rice, Campbell River Whale Watching Humpback whales have spread further southward from their usual locations of Calm Channel, Sutil Channel, and Discovery Passage as many Humpbacks whales were observed in Malaspina Strait and around Powell River. A one-day tally yielded a count of about 25…
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The A42 Orca Pod and Pacific White-Sided Dolphins

Cover Image: Bigg’s travelling together during the summer Stan Novotny, Eagle Eye Adventures The A42 pod from the Northern Resident Orca population was again observed in the area as they travelled past Powell River last Thursday. They continue to remain in the area as they were seen over the weekend. Transient Orca were observed in…
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Resident Orca have Come and Gone

Cover Image: Southern Resident Killer Whales off of Kitty Coleman Beach Shea Majbroda, Campbell River Whale Watching Some of the Southern Resident Orca forayed into upper Georgia Strait last Wednesday (Sept. 5th), travelling past Powell River and Comox before heading south back to their usual hunting areas in lower Georgia Strait and Puget Sound. One…
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Humpbacks, Northern Resident Orca, and Southern Resident Orca

Cover Image: Humpback fluking off of the Green Can Buoy at Cape Mudge Andrew Rice, Campbell River Whale Watching Many Humpback whales continue to be in the area from Sutil Channel down to Jervis Inlet and around Texada Island. They are easy to observe especially when they perform a number of different surface behaviours, such…
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Northern Resident Orca in Sutil Channel

Cover Image: Two Northern Resident Killer Whales up close off of Marina Reef David Gauci, Campbell River Whale Watching Northern Resident Orca -specifically, the A42 pod- have been up and down Sutil Channel and upper Georgia Strait for over a week now. Other members of the Northern Resident Orca have been sighted at the north…
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Northern Resident Orca Roaming Around

Cover Image: Northern Resident Killer Whales passing by Atrevida Reef Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC Members of the Northern Resident Orca population have remained in the upper Georgia Strait area and many inland waters. Some of these Orca travelled as far south as Powell River this week before turning around and heading northward. Other members…
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Northern Resident Orca in Upper Georgia Strait

Cover Image: Bigg’s heading south off of the ferry line off Comox Ferry Terminal Jos Krynen, Eagle Eye Adventures Some members of the Northern Resident Orca have made their way into inland waters such as Nodales Channel, Discovery Passage, and the upper Georgia Strait area. Over the weekend, some of these Orca travelled further south…
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The Size of Whales

Cover Image: Humpback fluking near Quadra Island Kurt Staples, Eagle Eye Adventures The size of whales is truly amazing and one can only find out when viewing one out on the sea. Humpback whales can be up to 16 meters in length. When Humpbacks surface, they can be seen from well over a few kilometers…
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Humpback Whales Breaching

Cover Image: Humpback breaching! Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours Similar to the previous publication, Humpback whales continue to be sighted with high frequency in the upper Georgia Strait and lower Sutil Channel areas. Many have had the opportunity to view Humpbacks breaching in the area as it is a common behaviour…
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Many Humpbacks and Few Orca

Cover Image: Northern Residents, A42s, fluking near Hickey Point Garry Henkel, Aboriginal Journeys Whale and Grizzly Bear Tours Many Humpback whales are still around in the upper Georgia Strait and lower Sutil Channel areas. Observers have been able to witness a variety of behaviours such as foraging and full-body breaches. Humpback whales can be identified…
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More NRKWs, Breaching Humpbacks, Bigg’s and More

Cover Image: Humpback putting on an amazing show! Kurt Staples, Eagle Eye Adventures Some more of the Northern Resident Orca population have made their way into the top of Johnstone Strait They still have not ventured very far down the Strait. While the Southern Resident pods are staying well to the south in Puget Sound…
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Cetaceans Spreading Out

Cover Image: Humpback breaching off of Steep Island Jos Krynen, Eagle Eye Adventures The Northern Resident Orca are still staying up at the top end of Johnstone Strait, but the Transient Bigg’s are certainly on the move through various channels and into inlets.Humpback Whales are still frequenting Mitlenatch Island and the inlets just up from…
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Comox Orca Moves On, Humpbacks in Numbers, Plus …

Cover Image: Bigg’s heading north towards the Powell River Mill Michelle Pennell, Powell River, BC T073B the lone male Bigg’s Orca that had stayed in Comox Harbour for a couple of weeks has finally moved out with a bit of help by playing Orca sounds outside the harbour to coax him out. While he was…
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Concern Over Bigg’s T073B in Comox, Active Humpbacks and More

Cover Image: Humpback in front of Powell River with trap line in mouth may still be entangled Susan MacKay, Wild Ocean Whale Society Concern rises over Transient Bigg’s T073B’s behaviour and the number of boats and other vessels in the Comox Harbour. Although he appears healthy, this is highly unusual to have an Orca stay…
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Bigg’s Orca in Comox, Whales Finally Along Mainland Side

Cover Image: Humpback fluking off of Bullock Bluff Kurt Staples, Eagle Eye Adventures Bigg’s Orca in Comox, Whales Finally Along Mainland SideUnusual to have T073B alone and inside Comox Harbour hunting for days on end. He arrived with his siblings, who then left him to hunt seals off the river. The fact he stayed in…
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