Latest Sightings

A publication of Wild Ocean Whale Society (WOWs)

Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Hybrid Porpoise Sightings

Northern Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoise and a Hybrid Dall’s/Harbour Porpoise sightings. Plus a catch up report from the bottom of Georgia Strait and south. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca August 27: 8 am Looking across to the Vancouver Island side of Johnstone Strait…
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Sightings Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises August 24 and 25

Lots of Sightings – this is another long report covering Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Humpbacks, Minkes, Dolphins and Porpoises. It’s really great to know which Minke Whales are being seen. Their ID’s are available in the Second Edition Catalogue through Jared Towers, This is not something everyone would want, but for us who try…
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Whales and Dolphins Sightings plus Possible Fur Seal Sighting

Northern Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Humpback Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Minke Whales a possible Northern Fur Seal sighting. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca August 23: 10 am The lone female Orca, A12 together with the two brothers from the A36 Matriline were in Nodales Channel heading West into Johnstone Strait.…
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Sightings Whales and Dolphins

No update on the entangled Humpback Whale today, August 21st, so keep your eyes open. Transient Orca down around Cortez Island and Pacific White Sided Dolphins by Powell River. Resident Orca have been very spread out in the upper Johnstone Strait area and weather today, was not very nice with wind in Johnstone Strait and…
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Orca, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoises and Harbour Popoises.

Humpback Whale Entangled in Georgia Strait. A couple of days ago, a Humpback Whale was spotted close to Gabriola Island dragging crabbing gear behind it heading up the Strait. As of a few hours ago, no-one has spotted the whale. There has been a Humpback seen in the upper Georgia Strait, but no mention or…
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Northern Resident Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Northern Resident Orca all over the lower BC coast! Humpback Whales by Campbell River as well as those in the upper Johnstone Strait and lower Queen Charlotte Strait. Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoises round out the sightings today. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca August 17: 7:30 am Northern Resident…
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Sightings, Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises & California Transients!

Sightings reports catch-up. Reports were delayed due to a computer glitch and lack of internet connectivity. In the past few days, there have been numerous encounters with Orca, Humpback Whales, Minke Whale or Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Read On….and keep reporting! Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC California Killer Whales in BC! Noteworthy Identification of…
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Sightings and Photos Transients, Residents, Humpbacks

Sightings August 13, 2011: Transient Orca around and below Campbell River, Resident Orca just above Campbell River as well as above Johnstone Strait, and Humpback Whales down to Robson Bight. Sightings August 12, 2011: Transient Orca by Savary and Cortez Islands, Northern Resident Orca spread out from the top of Vancouver Island to near the…
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Transient Orca, Resident Orca, Humpbacks, Minkes

Transient Orca continued to be around the Northern parts of Georgia Strait and Lower Johnstone Strait while more Northern Resident Orca entered the Upper Johnstone Strait. Humpbacks, Dall’s Porpoise and Minke Whales round out today’s sightings. Plus a couple more photos of Transient dorsals. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca: August 11:…
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Sightings: Resident, Transients and Humpbacks Together

Resident and Transient Orca were again in close proximity as well as Transients all over a couple of Humpback Whales. And some great photos from yesterday’s Transients by Savary Island. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca August 10: The A23’s were once again in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve this morning, and…
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Transient Orca, Resident Orca, Humpback Whales

Resident and Transient Orca from Savary Island to the top of Vancouver Island. Humpback Whales continue to work their way into the Broughton Archepelego, and since yesterday, very few Pacific White Sided Dolphins have been reported, but Dall’s Porpoise continue to pop up. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident (fish eating) Killer Whales…
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Humpback Whales, Resident and Transient Orca, Dolphins, Minke and Dall’s

Leaping Humpback Whales in Blackfish Sound; Northern Resident, Transient Orca and Pacific White Sided Dolphins in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve at the same time….interesting mix! A Minke Whale and some Dall’s Porpoises. Another busy, wonderful day on the water. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Northern Resident Orca August 8: 8:30 am The SV…
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A23 and A24’s, Transient Orca, Humpbacks, Minke, Dolphins, Porpoises

Northern Resident Orcas of the A23 and A24 Matrilines in Johnstone Strait, with reports of more Orca coming in from the top of Vancouver Island. A few Humpback Whale reports and some Pacific White Sided Dolphins and Dall’s Porpoises. Transient Orca are still in the wind, or should I say big ocean. HOT OFF THE…
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Resident Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke and Dolphins

Northern Resident Orca were in Queen Charlotte Strait while the Humpback Whales are slowly coming into the lower inside waters. Transient Orca are seemingly absent, but are probably just in one of the inlets. Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a Minke round out this somewhat windy but sunny day. There are no reports from below…
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Orca Pods, Humpback ‘Freckles’, Dolphins and Porpoises

Here’s another catch up report, so it’s a long one. There’s been a great deal of Whale, Dolphin and Porpoise activity mostly in the upper Johnstone Strait area. There must be some whales in the South, along the Sunshine Coast, but reports are not reaching me. You can email your sightings to me at:…
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Whales Dolphins and Porpoises Sightings

Being just above Johnstone Strait has hampered the up to date Blog posts. I apologize for the delay. There are so many Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in and around this area right now that it’s difficult to keep accurate records without stopping every few minutes, which I have not been able to do as often…
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July 28, 2011 – Corrections to Sightings

Corrections to Garry’s July 28, 2011 reports and my apologies to him and everyone for getting it wrong. As I mentioned my memory is definitely shorter than was necessary to remember the information till I could get to pen and paper. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphin BC Hi Susan. You made a few errors on…
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Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoises, Minke Whales, and Humpback Whales

Reports for the past two days include Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoises, Minke Whales, and Humpback Whales. My apologies for omissions in the reports. I was caught without pen and paper or too busy on numerous occasions and although my memory is good, it seems too short. Susan MacKay, Whales…
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Northern Resident Orca, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Sightings today include Northern Resident Orca, Humpback Whales and Pacific White Sided Dolphins as well as a couple of Dall’s Porpoises. Most of the activity mid to the top of Johnstone Strait since the Transient Orca have done their disappearing act again. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC Humpback Whales: July 26: 10:15 am 3…
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Sightings, Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises

It never rains, but it pours. For a while it was difficult to know which way to look from all the Whale and Dolphin activity. In a period of ten minutes on the water in Blackfish Sound, as we headed to check out some Northern Resident Orca, we had seen a Minke Whale, a Humpback…
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Orca, Dolphins and More

Another busy day with Whales spread out along the coast. Glad to have Orca Network reports again after an unscheduled hiatus. The Southern Residents are in and around Puget Sound. The Northern Resident Orca quietly made their way up from Nodales Channel and into Blackfish Sound. All the Northern Resident Orca remained in or above…
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More Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback and a Minke

More Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback and a Minke today. Although I understand the winds had picked up down around Campbell River today, it was wonderfully calm and sunny today at the top of Johnstone Strait. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC July 21: Northern Resident Orcas 11:40 am 3 Orcas identified as A12 and…
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Northern Resident Orca, Transient Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises and Humpback Whales

Northern Resident Orca finally coming into the inside waters of the upper Johnstone Strait area as well as some around Campbell River. The Transient Orca are still around the upper Georgia Strait and Campbell River area too. Some Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Dall’s Porpoises and Humpback Whales reports as well. Things are picking up in…
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Resident Orca, Dolphins, Porpoises, Humpback

Although being able to continue the Sightings reports and Blog while out on the water, being in some anchorages means the reports are delayed due to lack of signal. Many times today I could hear parts of reports yet none of the tours could hear me. It’s amazing what a difference one island between radio…
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Transient Orca to Resident Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a Dall’s Porpoise

From Transient Orca to Resident Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a Dall’s Porpoise. Quite the full day with the various tours having long runs and lots of sightings! Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC July 19: Transient Orca: 8:20 am First report of Orca at Cape Mudge light, passed through Garry, Aboriginal Journeys sent…
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Transient Orca, Humpback Whale

Transient Orca still around the area, as well as a Humpback Whale report. Although it was raining pretty hard at times, the seas were calm. Still doesn’t feel like summer though. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC July 16: 11:30 am Report of Transient Orca by Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island. Relayed by Garry, Aboriginal Journeys…
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Harbour Porpoises, Dall’s Porpoises, Transient Orca

Great to have reports coming in while being out on the water as well as being able to keep up the Blog from the boat. Today’s report includes a small pod of Transient Orca and more Harbour and Dall’s Porpoises than have been reported for a while. There’s a large, 100+, group of Pacific White…
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Pacific White Sided Dolphins, Transient Orca and Photo Contest

Reports of Transient Orca still around, some Harbour Porpoises, Pacific White Sided Dolphins and a couple of photos of a Humpback and Orca – not together. Quite the Dolphin / Orca story below that needs follow up. There’s a great photo contest put on by the Living Oceans Society, a non-profit dedicated to ocean conservation…
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Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, a Humpback Whale and a couple of Dalls Porpoises

Transient Orca, Pacific White Sided Dolphins, a Humpback Whale and a couple of Dalls Porpoises in our area while Southern Resident Orca still making appearances in the San Juans and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Susan MacKay, Whales and Dolphins BC July 12: Around 1:30 pm 10 Transient Orca were found in Hoskyn Channel…
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Two Groups of Orcas and Pacific White Sided Dolphins

A couple of groups of Transient (meat eating) Orca have been hanging around in the Powell River to Campbell River area often using Baker Passage and the shoals around Savary Island. The occasional group of Pacific White Sided Dolphins manage to move quickly through the area, but there seem to be fewer than usual pods.Susan…
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